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Santa’s Letter to Saratoga

Well hello Boys and Girls both young and old. Greetings from the North Pole!

I will soon be seeing you at your annual Victorian stroll this Thursday to light your Christmas tree. I hear it is over 27 feet tall this year! The biggest one that you have ever had.

I always look forward to this special visit to this lovely little city in the country as the caring and giving season of the year begins. I really like your city which is why I have been coming here in person for more than 30 years.

Some of you sat on my knee when you were just a little child and I’ve watched you grow and now your little ones are sharing in this memory.

And, as we started a new tradition last year and in this time of being safe, I will also again be visiting your neighborhoods on a big King’s fire truck with its big extension tower to say hello to boys and girls young and old throughout your city.

I am so happy that you are still trying to be good little boys and girls and I am looking forward to seeing you on Thursday night, December 2 to once again to light your big city Christmas tree the biggest one you’ve ever had – and then once again visit you throughout your neighborhoods.

Remember children:
Don’t be sad, don’t wear a frown.
Check your streets, look them up, look them down.
Because Santa Claus is still coming to your town!

Merry Christmas and I’ll see you as you wave to me and as I waved back to you you. Think happy thoughts, hug your parents, hug your children, and be nice to each other.

Check the Downtown Business Association website to see where I will be and when: www.saratogaspringsdowntown.com

Merry Christmas! 
– Santa