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Cornell Cooperative Extension Intuitive & Mindful Eating Class

SARATOGA SPRINGS —Julia Hotaling, Dietetic Intern with Sage Colleges, and Cornell Cooperative Extension will be presenting an Intuitive and Mindful Eating class over Zoom on Thursday, Jan. 13, from 12-12:30 pm. The class is to help anyone who wants to reconnect with their bodies in order to find peace and happiness with their diet habits. No fee, register online at cornell.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0ude-qpzgpHdPqlKN ZZAGRNXXEchvKnteh.

Participants will learn how to practice intuitive eating, the barriers, and how to integrate mindful eating into their meal times. This includes learning how to be present when eating, eating without any distractions, avoiding mindless eating, knowing how to listen to your internal hunger cues, and more. Time provided for Q&A. 

For more program details contact Cornell Cooperative Extension Saratoga County at 518-885-8995, or email Diane Whitten at dwhitten@cornell.edu