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Aww Shucks, You’re so Corny

Hello  my Foodie Friends!   

The summer brings back many fond memories for me of weekend family gatherings. You see, back in the day, you knew all your cousins, Aunts, Uncles and grandparents very well. Family gatherings were a requirement, not an option. Sometimes friends would be allowed to attend the family gatherings, but not very often. Summer meant finger foods eaten outside and for kids, there was nothing better. We could eat with our hands, and we didn’t have to wash them. Mom was almost always the hostess and that suited Dad just fine as he didn’t want to go anywhere unless it was Vermont. One of the “go to” foods for the outside gatherings was corn on the cob. Mom would purchase baskets full of ears of corn and give the kids the task of shucking. Dad, who grew up on a farm, gave us kids lessons in shucking and then challenged us as to who could shuck the most. Imagine about fifteen little boys lined up with corn in front of them and my dad would instruct us stating, “now take the ear and put the stalk end on your hip, then with two hands grab the silk on either side and pull.  Ready, set, go!”  We would laugh and squeal and rip the corn apart!  Mom loved it as I now know that it kept us occupied and out of trouble. Most of the time my cousin Mike would win as he listened intently to my dad and I think he practiced at home. One cooking vessel my Mom had for the corn included two 20 quart stock pots for boiling corn to meet the corn-on-the cob needs for fifty or so relatives all day. My cousins and I still talk about those days fondly, and worry that families just don’t know each other nowadays as we did. It’s funny but every weekend of those summers we got together, and I can’t remember any rainy days ruining them?

This Labor Day weekend, many of us will continue to celebrate Labor Day with parades, parties, and gathering festivities. Backyard barbeques are a staple activity, with burgers, hot dogs, steaks, and chicken being popular choices. The smoky aromas of grilled meat and vegetables are definitively summer. Don’t forget classic barbeque sides like potato salad, coleslaw, baked beans, corn-on-the-cob, and watermelon. Cool beverages like lemonade, iced tea, and beer complement the fiery flavors from the grill.

There are a number of tools to use when serving corn-on-cob. Remember your corn-on-the cob dishes, holders, and if you don’t like to eat directly off the cob, we have corn-on-the-cob corn strippers to help cut the corn off the cob. We carry a number of different size stock pots to assist with your corn-on-the-cob needs. 

For the holiday weekend, this may be corny, but call your relatives and invite them over for fun, games and good food especially when we make the family traditions that will bring back memories of a time past. Stop by Compliments to the Chef, your Neighborhood Kitchen and Cutlery store located at 33 Railroad Place store to pick up the essential tools you need for your holiday weekend. Remember my Foodie Friends; “Life Happens in the Kitchen”. 

Take Care, John & Paula