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Schuylerville Public Library Director Honored by Library Journal

SCHUYLERVILLE — Caitlin Johnson, the Library Director at Schuylerville Public Library, has been named a 2023 Mover and Shaker by the Library Journal. According to the publication, the award profiles up-and-coming individuals from around the world who are innovative, creative, and making a difference fighting against censorship, and helping improve their workplace. 

Johnson began her role as director in September 2015 and was able to quickly identify some core issues in her community like the lack of preschool opportunities and rural food insecurity. With the amazing group of people who work and volunteer at the Library, Johnson was able to initiate some innovative programs to help meet those needs. 

“Caitlin has developed a reputation for being the first to try something new and continues to bring exciting new programs and opportunities to our library to meet the needs of our community,” said Schuylerville Public Library Board of Trustees President Amy Carpenter. 

Johnson has increased community partnerships, leading to the library being a partner in the nationally award-winning Farm-2-Library fresh food distribution program, helping to get healthy free produce into the hands and bellies of residents. The Library Journal honor details the other efforts made by Johnson and staff to help meet library patrons’ basic needs, such as their annual participation in the Free Summer Meals program for children, elimination of overdue fines, Little Food Pantry open 24/7, and a free wireless internet zone in a nearby park. 

The Schuylerville Public Library is a school district library, established in 2013 to serve the towns and villages of Easton, Fort Edward, Greenwich, Northumberland, Saratoga, Schuylerville, Stillwater, Victory and Wilton. 

The Schuylerville Public Library is located at 52 Ferry St., Schuylerville. Call 518-695-6641, or visit: schuylervillelibrary.sals.edu.