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A Word from John Safford

A few days ago I was privileged to announce my campaign to become the next mayor of Saratoga Springs, our beautiful little city in the country.

As I step into this race, it is essential to acknowledge the issues we as a community face under the current mayor’s leadership. However, my focus is not solely on pointing out shortcomings but rather on demonstrating why I will be the right choice to lead our beloved city toward a brighter future.

In stark contrast to the volatility we’ve witnessed, I am committed to maintaining a level of professionalism that fosters respect and collaboration among all commissioners and employees. 

Rather than resorting to reprisals, my approach will be one of thoughtfulness and openness to diverse perspectives. I believe in creating an environment where employees feel heard and valued, even when disagreements arise.

One of my top priorities is to ensure that Council meetings are conducted efficiently and effectively. I will lead with firmness and fairness, ensuring that all participants have a meaningful voice in the decision-making process.

In a world filled with anger, I will strive to bring kindness and empathy to the forefront of my leadership style. Compassion and understanding are crucial in building a strong and united community.

One critical issue that demands our attention is the restoration of effective pre-agenda meetings. Regarding this question, some people wonder if I can work collaboratively with the other commissioners. I want to assure you that I have already established positive relationships with some of them. Commissioner Moran’s dedication to business, Commissioner Sanghvi’s fiscal conservatism, and Commissioner Golub’s professionalism have left a lasting impression on me, and I look forward to working harmoniously with them.

Moreover, I recognize the significance of a strong partnership with the County, especially when addressing homelessness and addiction recovery. While progress has been made, sustaining it requires two vital elements: a solid financial arrangement with the county and a humane yet consistent enforcement of our laws. To achieve this, I am proud to have the support and endorsement of longtime Saratoga County Sheriff, Michael Zurlo, who brings a wealth of experience in effective law enforcement. We will ensure our police department stands on strong and balanced footing to protect the people of Saratoga Springs.

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to every voter who has pulled the lever for me. I am asking you to trust me one more time.  My promise to you is that as your mayor, I will bring experience, professionalism, and competence back to the office. With your support, I am eager to lead our great little city toward a brighter future for all its residents. So, let us look forward to a day in November when, together, we will make history by electing John Safford the 23rd mayor of Saratoga Springs.

– John Safford