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Applications Available for The Hawley Foundation For Children Community Grants And Camp Awards

SARATOGA SPRINGS -The Hawley Foundation for Children is accepting funding requests for its Community Grants and Camp Awards. Local organizations that assist youth in our community and best realize the Foundation’s mission of promoting the health, welfare and education of children in Saratoga County are invited to apply no later than March 1, 2022, at www.HawleyFoundation.org

Funding criteria includes but is not limited to:

  • Organizations must serve disadvantaged children in Saratoga County 
  • Organizations must have a 501(c)(3) non-profit status 
  • Programs to be funded must demonstrate the ability and commitment to benefit, enhance and enrich the quality of life and well-being of children.

Applicants will be notified in early April and funds distributed at an Award Ceremony in May.  For more information, please contact info@hawleyfoundation.org. 

In 2021, The Hawley Foundation awarded over $150,000 to the Saratoga County community towards Community Grants, Camp Awards, and College Grants to high school seniors who are college-bound or vocational-oriented, as well as returning college students, and as discretionary funds to assist children on a case-by-case basis who are in financial need and reside in Saratoga County. 

About The Hawley Foundation

The Hawley Foundation for Children has a tradition of assisting the neediest youth in our community.  In 1888, Augusta P. Wiggins began caring for a few children who were orphaned, from families with limited income, or were not well-cared for at home. She enticed several Saratogians to support her project and in 1891, the institution was incorporated, electing Methodist Minister Rev. Bostwick Hawley as their first President. For 16 years, the children lived in different locations throughout Saratoga Springs. In 1904, the Hawley Home opened its doors on Ludlow Street — eventually housing 34 children from Saratoga and Warren Counties. It operated for 61 years until 1965, when increasingly complex state regulations forced its closure.  The home was sold, an endowment was created, and The Hawley Foundation for Children was established. Since then, the mission has been to promote the health, welfare and education of children in Saratoga County. The dedicated Board of Directors carries on this tradition to this day.