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Assemblywoman Woerner: Cell Phone Donation Drive Collects over 20 Cell Phones for Domestic Violence Survivors

SARATOGA COUNTY — Assemblywoman Carrie Woerner, D-Round Lake, announced that her cellphone collection drive had collected 23 cellphones for domestic violence survivors. 

Working with the Stillwater Police Department, the domestic violence services resource, Wellspring, and the Domestic Violence Advocacy Program of the Mechanicville Area Community Services Center (MACSC), these cellphones will be reprogramed for emergency 911 calls and will be distributed to domestic violence survivors. 

The phones will allow them to contact authorities in the event and help prevent future acts of violence. 

On a typical day, local domestic violence hotlines receive more than 19,000 calls statewide, which is 13 calls every minute.

“Silence hides violence. Domestic violence crimes happen behind closed doors. If we want to end abuse, we need to break the silence, to speak up and to talk about how prevalent these issues are,” said Maggie Fronk, Executive Director of Wellspring.