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Assemblywoman Woerner: Transparency and Accountability Required of Governor’s Office

SARATOGA — Gov. Andrew Cuomo is facing accusations that he covered up the true death toll of the pandemic on nursing home residents. 

Local Democrat Assembly-woman Carrie Woerner said that the state Legislature must fully investigate the governor’s actions and take immediate steps to protect vulnerable populations.    

In a statement released last week, Woerner, D-Round Lake, said: “like many of my constituents, I’m outraged by the revelations that the Cuomo administration purposefully withheld critical information about nursing home deaths because they were afraid of the Department of Justice.Regardless of whether such an investigation would have been politically motivated, that doesn’t justify what the governor did.  At this moment of crisis, transparency and accountability are absolutely paramount.  Without it, there can be no basis for trusting our government.”

Earlier this month, Woerner was one of only two Democrats who voted against a bill to rename Donald J. Trump State Park. The justification cited by the assembly measure for the renaming of the largely underutilized park on the border of Putnam and Westchester counties expressed that “the park should embody the goals of uplifting and unifying New Yorkers. For these reasons the Donald J.  Trump State Park should be renamed.”  Despite Woerner’s “nay vote,” the state Assembly opted to move forward with the bill in a 14-7 vote.