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Author: Thomas Dimopoulos

Saratoga Springs: Detailing City Revenues, Expenses 

SARATOGA SPRINGS —With one eye on the city’s current annual spending plan of approximately $61.3 million and another on the upcoming sessions to determine financial allocations for 2025, Saratoga Springs Finance Commissioner Minita Sanghvi has initiated a discussion detailing the yearly revenue and expense practice.      

“Since we’re just getting into the start of the budget season, I thought I would explain how some of the finances work for our city,” Commissioner Sanghvi said.   

“One of the main sources of revenue for our city is property tax – a fixed source of income; sales tax – which is variable and goes up and down with the economy; mortgage tax – which is highly variable, and occupancy tax – which is dependent on the number of rooms we have in the city,” she said.  Additional income revenues come from ambulance transport fees, various city fees, and federal and state aid. 

The total annual revenues – anticipated at $61.3 million this year – have increased in recent years, rising from $41.3 million received in 2020 to $56.1 million received in 2023.  

Sales Tax 

“A large part of this increase is sales tax, (increasing) from about $11 million in 2020 to close to $19.5 million today,” Sanghvi said. The 7% sales tax rate is divided in this way: 4% goes to the state, 1.5% goes to Saratoga County, and 1.5% to the city of Saratoga Springs. 

Sales tax revenue in 2004 is anticipated at $19.5 million, up $1.1 million from 2023.  

Real Property Tax and Mortgage Tax

Real property tax is collected quarterly. “We have about 247 parcels (amounting to about $3.1 million) that are delinquent,” the commissioner said. “We’ve been working tirelessly to get those monies back, but overall we have more than 95% rate of the paying of property taxes. We are doing much better than some other places.” 

According to an article published in 2022 by the National Association of Realtors, the average tax delinquency rate in New York State was 9% (or 91% paid), with a handful of states – Mississippi, Delaware, New Jersey and Massachusetts among them, climbing higher than 10% (less than 90% paid).      

Saratoga Springs typically collects just over $17 million annually in real property taxes. 

Mortgage Tax revenue in the city peaked at about $2.1 million in 2021 and 2022, slid down to $1.7 million in 2023 and is anticipated to be $1.5 million this year.  

Hotel Occupancy Tax

“Hotel occupancy has gone up significantly since 2021 from $587,00 to $850,000,” Sanghvi said. “This is 6% occupancy tax of which the City Center gets 2%, Discover Saratoga gets 2%, the county gets 1% and we (the city of Saratoga Springs) get 1%.”

Other Fees

In 2022, the city collected just under $1.8 million in ambulance transport fees. After a second ambulance was added in late 2022, nearly $2.2 million was collected the following year with an estimated $2.3 million budgeted in 2024.  Other city fees vary depending on demand and include items such as licenses, permits and departmental fees, and typically bring in about $2.8 million annually.  

Federal and State Aid varies each year. State Aid has returned roughly $4.5 – $5.5 million each year over the past handful of years; Federal Aid has varied from $4 million each in 2021 and 2022, to $500,000 in 2023 and an anticipated $1.2 million in 2024. This aid includes VLT, CHIPS, and revenue sharing via the state, and Federal FEMA and ARPA funds – the latter of which accounts for the bump in aid in 2021 and 2022. 

Where Does The
Money Go?

“So, we’re making all this money, where does all the money go?” Sanghvi said. “Our expenses have gone up from $44 million (in 2020) to $61 million (currently) – a significant rise in expenses. Most of it is personnel,” she said, pointing to an increase in personnel costs from under $25 million in 2020 to over $33 million in 2024.  “A large chunk of it is in Public Safety, but other departments have also seen increases.”

 Hospitalization rates and benefits, as well as Police and Fire Department retirement costs have also increased. “It’s not just that we have more people, the rates have also gone up, and this is nationwide.”    

The cost of liability insurance has increased from $900,000 in 2020 to $2 million this year, an increase, the commissioner said, largely due to costs related to the attorney general’s investigation, ongoing litigation, and the aftermath renovation of the 2018 City Hall fire. Utility costs are also on the rise nationwide. “There’s an increase in the price of energy but we are working on ways to lower utilities and are constantly looking at Green opportunities and grants to try and lower costs.”  

The recent past has seen a growth in both revenues and expenses, as well as the addition of new services Sanghvi said. Among those added services: the city’s new east side fire station (an $8.6 million Capital Expense); Veteran’s Memorial Park (which cost more than $850,000), and addressing the city’s homelessness issue, which counts a combined cost of about $500,000 in funding related to the RISE Adelphi street shelter, Shelters of Saratoga, and the homeless court. 

Sperry’s Restaurant/Apartment Complex Get OK from ZBA

SARATOGA SPRINGS — The city Zoning Board of Appeals last week unanimously approved a SEQRA Negative Declaration as well as area variances to allow a mixed-use development proposal involving Sperry’s Restaurant and new residential units on Caroline Street to move forward. 

Sperry’s Restaurant operated in the Spa City for 91 years before closing in early 2023. It was purchased by Louis Lazzinnaro in January of 2024 with the idea of re-opening the restaurant and combining it with a new mixed-use project.  

Dave Carr of the LA Group represented the applicant in front of the ZBA last week and said both the Sperry’s name and the restaurant’s façade will be maintained. The proposed building will stand about 61 feet tall and include 40 to 45 apartments above Sperry’s. Those apartments are still in the design phase, and it is anticipated a presentation will be forthcoming in the future seeking Design Review Board approval. There will be 8 parking spaces in the back with a handicap spot. 

A five-story building was approved last year to be developed on a vacant space adjacent to Sperry’s. The plan is to tie the building housing Sperry’s and the soon-to-be developed building adjacent to it together.  

Coming Soon: City Adding $76 Million to Assessment Roll

SARATOGA SPRINGS – Aug. 1 marks the official date for the new assessment roll to come into play with the annual list of taxable property in Saratoga Springs. Typically averaging $20 to $25 million in new property additions, this year’s roll will depict more than 600 changes of assessment and is expected to top $70 million tied to new additions.

“We essentially tripled the output of the department and were putting roughly $76 million on the assessment roll year-over-year,” said Accounts Commissioner Dillon Moran.  

“This the work we’ve been able to do to leverage some of the backlog that was existing when I took office, bring us current, and push us forward,” he said. “We owe it to people that everybody is paying their fair taxes.”

The $76 million going on the assessment roll translates to dollars that weren’t getting taxed before that will now be getting taxed moving forward. In specific city revenue, that is expected to translate into hundreds of thousands of dollars.   

“If our rate stays the same in ’25 as it was ’24 we will collect an extra half million dollars in revenue,” said Moran, adding that costs associated with the appraiser, yet to be itemized, will come in at approximately $100,000, netting the city an estimated four to five times in incoming revenue compared to the costs required to process the work. Additionally, the new assessment figures depict an update that will be reported beyond the current year and going forward into the future.

“This is like found money,” Moran said. “We’re capturing the value that’s already out there that hasn’t been connected to the roll. That’s residential home improvements and commercial properties.” 

In all, there are 680 changes of assessment – of which 105 were from splits and mergers, such as the property where the Adelphi Hotel was built, now split into 80 separate units, instead of one parcel. Those with properties affected in the new tax rolls have been notified, Moran said, adding that the city’s updating efforts are part of a multi-year process. 

“We’re doing two things; One is trying to get caught up on all the old files, which we successfully did. Basically, I want to have as accurate a set of records as we possibly can, because that’s what’s going to drive fairness. If someone has a 2,500 square foot home but it’s listed as 2,000 square feet – then they’re not paying their fair share of taxes,” he said. 

“Now, with everything caught up and being up to date on what transpired in the past, we went around and took new photographs and updated the data. We basically did that survey for the entire city.” Those were compared with the values existing in the property record system, with properties indicating a greater than 25% variance in square footage specifically identified. 

“That is our next round,” Moran said. “We’re now going to be sending letters out to those folks so we can get a deeper understanding into what the situation is. I’ve been going through this for two years and this is the last piece to be ironed out. I’m incredibly proud of the work we did. At the end of this go-through we will have the most accurate assessment record we possibly can have for this community.”   

The variances can be a result of many things: human error, fact-figuring, additions to “flipped” houses where building permits weren’t properly secured, among them. 

“If you just went and cleaned up the kitchen or re-painted the wall, we’re not going to see that, nor would we care. Really what we’re talking about is additional square footage, extra out-building, someone built a garage, things like that. There are going to be people who will fall into that category, and we’ll find the right way to rectify those issues.” Moran said.   

“There are other people who perhaps just intentionally avoided doing things the right way. Some people just inherited the situation, and we don’t want to jam anybody up. But if there are people who very clearly did not follow the process – that’s tax cheat and you’re not really acting in the way we would expect a citizen to act.”

A PowerPoint-led presentation is anticipated to be staged during a City Council meeting in August. 

Under Consideration:Mural on Ludlow Street 

Work sample filed with the city by the racing museum to demonstrate the style of Saratoga Springs artist Celeste Susany, whom the museum has proposed create an exterior 75th anniversary mural.     

SARATOGA SPRINGS —The National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame is seeking concept approval from the city Design Review Board for a mural to celebrate its 75th anniversary in 2025. 

The museum board has selected Saratoga Springs-based artist Celeste Susany for the project and the proposed mural will go on a wall on the Ludlow Street side of the museum. Susany and the museum are applying for a Support for Artists Grant from the NYS Council on the Arts to underwrite the project, according to documents filed with the city. 

The proposed mural, in full color scale, would be applied directly upon the museum’s brick wall with paint. The wall’s dimensions are 57 feet, 6 inches in length, by 13 feet, 8 inches in height.    

Developers Seeking Demolition of D’Andrea’s PizzaUnion Coach Works, with New 6-Story Building Construction in Caroline Street Redevelopment

Proposed development plan rendering, looking northwest, as
submitted to city. 

SARATOGA SPRINGS —Developers are seeking approval from the city Design Review Commission for the demolition of two long-standing single-story structures on Caroline Street and proposing to replace them with a new, single, multi-story mixed-use structure likely to house retail and/or restaurant on the ground floor with multi-unit residential use on floors 2 through 6, according to documents filed with the city.    

The current structures to potentially be demolished are 33 Caroline St. – built in the 1950s and home to D’Andrea’s Pizza, and 35 Caroline Street –  constructed in the 1970’s and occupied by Union Coach Works. 

Oldest Lighthouse LLC is currently under contract to purchase the combined near-10,000 square foot property from its two respective owners. 

“The buildings on the property do not contribute to the positive value of real property in the neighborhood (and) are unappealing brick and concrete single-story structures,” according to the applicant’s filing with the city, which also specifies that it is seeking a height bonus for the proposed new structure “based on affordable housing being a component of the redevelopment.” 

The applicant proposes a 100% build out of the property and a height of 63 feet, which is 8 feet higher than the UDO’s maximum height allowance and ultimately to be sought at the city Planning Board.  

Moving Forward with Sperry Restaurant Plans

Image filed with the city by applicant Gm 30 Caroline Street Corp. of Brooklyn, seeking an area variance to permit a mixed-use development involving Sperry’s Restaurant and residential units. 

SARATOGA SPRINGS —A new application filed with the city seeks an area variance to move forward with plans that would restore Sperry’s Restaurant on Caroline Street, build residential units above the restaurant, and combine the project with a recently approved mixed-use project just to its west. 

Sperry’s Restaurant operated in the Spa City for 91 years before closing in early 2023. New owner Louis Lazzinnaro told News 10 Albany earlier this year he was planning to keep the restaurant as Sperry’s with minimum interior redesigning that would match a new hotel proposed atop a lot he owns just west of the restaurant. 

The lot formerly housed a two-story commercial building constructed as a tannery in the late 1800s which was felled in the aftermath of a Thanksgiving Day 2016 blaze. 

The proposal appears as New Business on the Zoning Board of Appeals agenda, with a meeting scheduled to place 6:30 p.m. Monday, July 22 at Saratoga Springs City Hall. 

Saratoga Springs Discussing Processes and Procedures for ObtainingOutside Legal Counsel 

SARATOGA SPRINGS – City officers and employees are entitled to legal defense related to claims  made against them and alleged to have occurred while they were on official business. 

An Article in City Code enacted by the City Council in 1987 provides for the legal defense of city officers and employees should state or federal legal action arise related to an alleged act or omission that took place in the scope of official duty or public employment. 

This week the City Council began discussions aimed at potentially attempting to establish detailed policies for the documentation and processing of future requests made by city officers and employees. 

“We have been challenged to come up, as soon as possible, with a resolution to clarify our policy with regard to these issues” Saratoga Springs Mayor John Safford said this week. “We are working to come up with a resolution that will be acceptable to everyone and give us some guidance as we move into the future.” 

Some of the suggested policies were posted in advance of the July 16 City Council meeting, although it was unclear how many of the council members were involved in crafting the policies suggested.  

The suggested polices would include submitting in writing to the city attorney a statement containing hourly rates proposed by the employee’s legal defense team as well as an estimate of total fees, charges and other expenses. The proposal would then be considered at a public meeting with the council charged with authorizing payment for the services to begin. A Special Public Meeting may be called if a situation requires urgency to address the matter.  Should the amount exceed the estimate as the work progresses, a separate review and approval need to take place prior to those services taking place. 

It is anticipated the council will return to discussion regarding the matter in future meetings.    

Changes Coming To City Council

City Council member and DPW Commissioner
Jason Golub will be leaving the council next month. Saratoga TODAY file photo. 

SARATOGA SPRINGS — This week, the City Council began floating potential options about how they would go about hiring an interim member to fill a vacant governing seat. With elected officials currently holding nearly half the top seats in city government that could be vacated by January, it is a process the remaining members of the council might have to revisit in short order. 

The Saratoga Springs City Council is comprised of five members – the mayor and four commissioners, and two supervisors are additionally elected to represent the city of Saratoga Springs at the county level. Those seven seats are each up for vote every two years, next in November 2025. 

This week, DPW Commissioner Jason Golub announced he will be stepping off the City Council next month to accept a position with the State as General Counsel for the Department of Corrections. 

“It’s a really challenging role that I’m super excited for, but I will obviously miss the work that we’re doing here,” Golub said July 16 during a City Council meeting attended by about 20 people who had made their way inside City Hall shortly after a major summer storm blew through the region.  

“The people who work for DPW are amazing and have really made this job for me something special,” said Golub, adding that his new employment begins Aug. 19. “I will greatly miss the DPW employees, and they should get all the credit for everything we’ve done in Public Works the past few years.”   

In 2022, Golub, a Democrat, became the first black person to serve on the Saratoga Springs City Council. He was initially selected to the seat by unanimous City Council approval shortly following the April 2022 death of longtime Commissioner of Public Works Anthony “Skip” Scirocco. That November, Golub secured victory in an election specifically held for that seat to fill the remainder of the term – through the calendar year 2023. Golub was re-elected during normal council elections in November 2023 to serve through December 2025. 

The Public Works Department is responsible for the repair, replacement, and maintenance of all of the public ways, streets and highways in Saratoga Springs. 

In addition to leading their own respective departments, the five sitting City Council members – one mayor and four commissioners – each have one equal vote to decide city matters under the city’s Commission Form of Government. The seats are all up for vote every two years, next in November 2025 for a position that begins January 2026.  

It is unclear whether approval of an interim DPW Commissioner by the four remaining council members this year would extend for the duration of the term, which is slated through December 2025.  

City Charter states: In case of a vacancy caused by other than expiration of term, the Council shall appoint a person to fill such vacancy until the end of the official year in which said vacancy occurs. If the term of office of the officer vacating the office continues beyond the official year in which said vacancy occurs, a person shall be elected at a special election held after the occurrence of such vacancy to fill such vacancy for the remainder of the unexpired term.

In addition to Golub’s announced departure, two other Democrats – Finance Commissioner Minita Sanghvi and city Supervisor Michele Madigan – have announced their candidacy for new positions to be decided in elections held in November.   

Sanghvi is running against Republican incumbent James Tedisco to represent the 44th Senate District; Madigan is seeking to become Saratoga County Treasurer, a position which Republican Committee endorsed JoAnn Kupferman currently is seated as Acting County Treasurer. 

Should either City Council member Sanghvi or City Supervisor Madigan emerge victorious in their respective election bids, their new terms would not begin until calendar year 2025. As such, it is anticipated members of the Saratoga Springs City Council would vote to fill those potential vacancies on an interim basis for the duration of the term ending December 2025 with no “special” election necessary.  

Seasonal Parking Program Update: More than 11,000 Permits Issued, $80K in Revenue To Date

SARATOGA SPRINGS – The newly implemented seasonal parking program, which charges non-city residents up to $2 per hour to park in city owned parking garages and lots has thus far generated approximately $82,000 in new revenue. 

“We are still ramping up,” DPW Commissioner Jason Golub said this week. “We’ve only had one week into the track season, and I hope to see revenues continue to increase.”

The installation of pay stations as part of the seasonal parking program got underway in mid-June and will run through Labor Day. The pay plan is in effect in three city-owned parking garages – Walton/Woodlawn Parking Garage, Woodlawn Ave. Parking Garage, and Putnam St. Parking Garage, and three city surface parking lots – specifically located at Woodlawn Ave., Spring Street, and High Rock. 

“The launch was a bit chaotic, but I don’t have an issue with it and it was bound to happen,” says Dave Barker of Impressions of Saratoga – which is celebrating its 45th year in the Spa City.  

City residents, as well as downtown businesses and their employees, are allowed to park in the pay station areas without cost, via a permitting process. 

“As an employee, I don’t have to pay for parking and I appreciate they’re doing that for the employees downtown,” said Jericha Harriman, store lead at Northshire Bookstore on Broadway.   

The city has issued 11, 256 parking permits – and of those are 3,300 business permits, Golub said. A total of 266 businesses have registered for permits. The Saratoga Springs Public Library has also recently gone to a paid parking plan as well regarding its 75-or-so available spaces in its lot just off Henry Street.  

Not everyone is pleased with the seasonal paid parking plan. John Nemjo, owner of Broadway’s Saratoga Outdoors – formerly Mountainman Outdoor Supply Company, and its sister store Life is Good Saratoga, has been in Saratoga Springs for more than 15 years. Nemjo was opposed to the seasonal parking plan since its conception and says he hasn’t seen anything to change his opinion. 

“A lot of people in Saratoga have avoided downtown for years during track season and this is just another incentive for people to not come downtown,” says Nemjo, adding that sales are down since June and attributing that downtick, at least in part, to the paid parking format implemented in city owned lots and garages. He also expressed displeasure with the lack of a clarity indicating that the program is operational only during the summer months.  

“All people know is: there’s paid parking in Saratoga Springs. We have a year-round customer base of locals who live in Saratoga Springs and locals who live beyond the city limits, the core and the bread-and-butter of this city’s retail community. All these people in surrounding communities – they don’t get free parking passes,” Nemjo says. “We’re locally supported 12 months a year, and you’re chasing those people away.”   

The City Council unanimously approved the plan in April, and the city anticipates nearly $1.6 million as first-year estimated revenue, with about $450,000 in expenses.

“We will continue to monitor the program through the summer and work with the DBA (Downtown Business Association), the City Council and residents on making sure that we understand where we’ve done a good job, and where we’ve done not such a good job and can make improvements,” Commissioner Golub said, crediting the city’s Public Works and Public Safety departments for getting the plan up and running in short order.   

When the seasonal parking program concludes in September, the pay machines will be removed.  

Residents or downtown businesses seeking a parking permit are directed to go to the city’s website – at saratoga-springs.org – or physically visit the Department of Public Works office at City Hall. Library patrons are directed to visit sspl.org to review the library’s permit process.   

Creative Arts Festival Stages in Saratoga Springs

Ryan Miller and Nick Blaemire perform on July 11, 2024 at the Tang Teaching Museum’s Upbeat on the Roof free, outdoor concert series, as part of the Orchard Project’s 2024 Summer Arts Festival.
Photo by Thomas Dimopoulos. 

SARATOGA SPRINGS —A gathering of approximately 150 people enjoyed a night of creativity titled “The Future of Broadway: A Musical Showcase of Contemporary Composers,” on the campus lawn at Skidmore College July 11. 

The event was part of The Orchard Project’s 2024 Arts Festival presented July 11-13 in Saratoga Springs. The artistic development laboratory and accelerator for creators of performance and dramatic stories presents programs in New York City and in Saratoga Springs 

The event featured Ryan Miller (founding member of Guster), Nick Blaemire, Jesse J. Sanchez, Zack Zadek, Anna Denoia & Joshua Villa. 

Miller performed songs from his upcoming musical “Safety Not Guaranteed,” that will see its premiere in a five-week run at the Brooklyn Academy of Music beginning Sept 17.