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Author: Thomas Dimopoulos

Congressman Tours Wilton Food Pantry

WILTON — One dozen identical bottles of Italian dressing stand atop the shelves. Each bears a label-faced portrait of green rolling hills and olive and cypress trees on a blue-sky day. It is a lush panorama of a province in some other sunny place, standing in contrast to the landscape of vanilla shelves that run down the aisles inside the room. 

“Everything you see on the shelves here will be gone within the month – easily,” says Paula Schmid, president of the board of directors at the Wilton Food Pantry. 

“These shelves were almost bare, but we had a 1,000-pound food bank delivery yesterday morning after we had a 1,500-pound Hoffman’s Car Wash food drive,” she says, framed by rows of hot sauce and mayonnaise, cold brew coffee and chicken soup, cans filled with chili, pear halves, diced tomatoes, and boxes of pancake mix, corn flakes, and mac ’n’ cheese.

Six volunteers spent a good part of the past two days sorting through the incoming goods, checking expiration dates and ensuring the packaging is intact. “Still, there are some gaps on our shelves,” Schmid says. “We’re getting 1,000 pounds of food from the Food Bank almost every week and going through it in a week.”

On this day, Congressman Paul Tonko is touring the Wilton Food Pantry. He is accompanied by Saratoga County Administrator Steve Bulger, and Wilton Food Pantry Director of Operations Peter Maynard. 

In June, the pantry was awarded $50,000 from Saratoga County’s American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) allocation, helping the pantry to cover most of its operating costs for this year, and allowing the organization to continue to provide critical service to food insecure residents of Northern Saratoga County.

In all, Saratoga County received approximately $44.65 million in ARPA monies since the Federal Government passed the $1.9 trillion economic stimulus package in March 2021. Locally, 20th District Congressman Paul Tonko voted in favor of the economic stimulus package.

Tonko toured the Ballard Road food pantry as part of a series of visits by the congressman this month to sites across the Capital Region to highlight how the ARPA funds he helped deliver are working for families and local communities.

The Wilton Food Pantry began organizing volunteers to provide an emergency food supply to low-income residents a decade ago. It serves residents beyond its geographical town borders and extends to Northern Saratoga County. 

Patron data shows a 35% increase in community need this year over last. 

2021: 281 families, 623 individuals, 1,851 visits and 32,904 meals provided.

2022: 367 families, 868 individuals, 2,448 visits and 44,566 meals provided.

Goods are mainly secured from three sources.  Items are purchased from the Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York in Latham, use-by-that-day items are picked up at Hannaford (for which the market receives a tax credit), and community fund drives. 

“The Northeastern Regional Food Bank is our primary source; we pay for it, but we pay only 16-cents a pound. So for donations, we would actually prefer to have money because we can buy the things we need on our shelves, “Schmid said. “The way the food bank values things is that each pound of food is worth $1.79 that we hand out. What we’re actually paying for that is 16 cents, so it’s like a ten-times factor.”

The food pantry works with approximately 50 volunteers who pick up goods at the market, interact with the public, or work on backroom inventory.  

“The hunger and hurt that’s out there for a lot of families is not easily seen, so I think it’s good for the region to have that. It’s important,” Tonko said.

The annual budget is $75,000 which covers rental of the space and two part-time paid employees. Due to the pandemic, the organization was unable to host its annual fundraising event for two consecutive years. Those events usually raise about $25,000 each year. During 2020 and 2021 an outpouring of donations from the community helped the food pantry stay afloat, the $50,000 COVID non-profit grant is assisting the organization this year. 

“It’s important to have this set up and to be able to serve people. With one in five kids in the congressional district living in food insecurity, there’s a need out there, so you and your volunteers are making a major effort,” said Tonko, adding he was thankful the county Board of Supervisors directed some of federal rescue plan money it received to the food pantry. 

“With the post-COVID response, rebuilding the economy is important – and this is part of it. This is stabilizing households and families,” Tonko said. “There is an all-out effort to conquer hunger. And it’s a great challenge. Thank goodness there are operations like this. By the grace of God anyone can be in this situation, so it serves all of us.”  

For more information about resident registration and more about the Wilton Food Pantry, go to: wiltonfoodpantry.org. 

Under Consideration: 200-Unit Liberty Saratoga Apartments

Rendering of potential 200-unit housing project at Crescent Ave. and Jefferson St.

SARATOGA SPRINGS — Liberty Affordable Housing Inc., of Rome, NY, is applying for a zoning map amendment in its effort to develop approximately 200 apartments in two, four-story structures on a portion of a wooded 30-acre lot on the corner of Jefferson Street and Crescent Avenue. 

The apartments would be geared toward “employees such as teachers, young professionals, nurses, hospitality industry, firefighters and police,” according to documents filed with the city.  

Regarding residents, the project targets 60-80% of the Average Median Income (that median family income in the region is $106,000). To qualify to apply for an apartment at Liberty Saratoga the tenant/household verified income would range from just over $44,500 to nearly $85,000, and points to $900- $1,120 costs for a studio, $995-$1,200 for one-bedroom, and $1,200-$1,650 for two-bedroom apartments. 

In order for the project to become a reality, an amendment is necessary to modify the current zoning from low density rural residential, or RR, to UR-4 – which accommodates family residential uses. 

The application is one of three under consideration at this week’s meeting of the Saratoga Springs Planning Board. Other applications under consideration include: Excelsior Avenue Apartments – Site plan review of a proposed workforce housing project and associated site work; 131 Excelsior North Spring Run – Special Use Permit, Consideration of coordinated SEQRA review for a proposed 102-unit multi-family residential project.

One possible consent agenda item is an AgroChem Site Plan Extension, with a proposed extension of a previously approved site plan for a 16,000 square foot warehouse expansion in the Industrial general district.

Notebook: Saratoga County Board of Supervisors

BALLSTON SPA —The Saratoga County Board of Supervisors held its monthly meeting on Oct. 18 at the county complex in Ballston Spa. The county board operating budget in 2022 is $381 million. 

The following were among the resolutions approved on Oct. 18: 

•The Saratoga County Board of Supervisors approved the pursuit of an agreement with Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. of Albany for up to $819,000 to provide engineering services for the design, survey work, permitting and rights of way acquisition for the proposed extension of the Zim Smith North Trail from Oak Street in the Town of Ballston to Saratoga Spa State Park. This follows the Board’s acceptance of $500,000 in grant funding in its approval of the Zim Smith North Extension. 

•The Board authorized the payment of just over $88,000 to Saratoga Economic Development Corporation as the third quarter 2022 payment to SEDC, which provides marketing services for the county at an annual cost of up to $225,000. 

•The Board authorized the payment of over $118,000 to 12 municipalities regarding its 2022 Trails Grant Program.
These include: 

City of Saratoga Springs: The amount of $10,000 to be applied towards the Saratoga Springs Blodgett Park Blueway Trail Improvements, including the creation of parallel street parking dedicated to the park, to place fresh stone dust on the trail and to place new signage for the City’s access to the Kayaderosseras Creek-Fish Creek Greenway.

Town of Greenfield: The amount of $10,000 towards the Brookhaven Park Trail. Improvement to include the improvement of a 0.5-mile portion of the Brookhaven Trail by placing asphalt surface.

Town of Malta: The amount of $8,653 towards the Malta Nature Preserve Trail Restoration to include the restoration of approximately 2,500 linear feet of trail by restoring the trail with crusher run. 

Town of Moreau: The amount of $10,000 towards the Scenic Hudson River/Big Bend Trail Phase I Design and Expansion to include the engagement engineering services for site and topographic survey, archaeological services, grant administration services and construction administration services. 

Town of Saratoga: The amount of $10,000 towards the Saratoga Boat Launch Improvements Phase II towards the improvements of the boat launch including a kayak/canoe launch, additional picnic tables, BBQ grills, bike rack, picnic shelter and improved parking and access along with added landscaping and signage.

Town of Wilton: The amount of $10,000 towards Southeast Wilton Trail Restoration and Feasibility Study to include repair of a deteriorated boardwalk and trailhead improvements on Neilmann parcel and a feasibility study to connect trails within Edie Road and Ruggles Road area.

Note each municipality provide matching funds or services in-kind. 

Early Voting Starts Saturday – There Are 5 Sites in Saratoga County

SARATOGA SPRINGS — The Saratoga County Board of Elections and the city of Saratoga Springs announced the Recreation Center at 15 Vanderbilt Ave. will serve as an early voting site for the 2022 General Election. 

The Saratoga County Board of Elections’ other early voting sites include Wilton Gavin Park on Lewis Road; Greenfield Firehouse #1 in Greenfield Center; the Clifton Park-Halfmoon Library on Moe Road in Clifton Park; and the Board of Elections office on West High Street in Ballston Spa. 

All voters may vote at any poll site. 

On the ballot for voters in the Saratoga region: Governor and Lt. Gov; Comptroller; Attorney General; U.S. Senator; State Supreme Court Justice; 20th Congressional District; 44th State Sen. District; 113th Assembly District; District Attorney; Treasurer; Family Court Judge. 

Specific to the city of Saratoga Springs: An election to fill the remainder of the term for DPW Commissioner. That term goes through the calendar year 2023. 

There are just over 168,000 active registered voters in Saratoga County, according to the New York State Board of Elections. That party affiliation includes: just under 50,000 registered Democrats, just over 61,000 Republicans, and nearly 45,000 “blank” voters. 

Voters who cast a ballot during the early voting period will not be allowed to vote on Election Day, Nov.  8. Voters who have been issued an absentee ballot are not permitted to vote on the voting machines, but may be issued an affidavit ballot. 

Hours for voting:

Saturday, Oct. 29: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. 

Sunday, Oct. 30: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. 

Monday, Oct. 31: 12 p.m. – 8 p.m. 

Tuesday, Nov. 1: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. 

Wednesday, Nov. 2: 12 – 8 p.m. 

Thursday, Nov. 3: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.  

Friday, Nov. 4: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.  

Saturday, Nov. 5: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. 

Sunday, Nov. 6: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. 

For more information, call the Saratoga County Board of Elections at 518-885-2249, or Stacy Connors, Deputy Commissioner of Accounts, City of Saratoga Springs at 518-587-3550 x2543.

City Tries Again: Seeking a Permanent Homeless Shelter on East Side  

SARATOGA SPRINGS — City Mayor Ron Kim announced a comprehensive initiative this week to address the city’s homelessness. The plan would site a permanent 24/7 year-round shelter at the soon-to-be-vacated Senior Center on Williams Street and may potentially add a second building to house people transitioning through a continuum of care.     

It is a plan city and county officials began discussing earlier this year. The search for a permanent shelter site has been ongoing for nearly a decade. 

Plans call for the development of a permanent low barrier shelter and navigation center in early 2023. The location is the longtime home of the Senior Center, a structure developed by the city on city-owned property in the 1970s. The Senior Center is relocating to 290 West Ave. 

The hope is that when it becomes fully operational, that permanently sited “Code Blue” shelter could extend its operations to 24/7 year-round. The city expressed interest in also pursuing the possibility of adding about 40 affordable housing apartments in an adjacent space on the parcel that would assist residents in their transitioning process – a continuum of care with the ultimate goal of helping people move from homelessness to sustained housing on their own.        

The specific definition of a “low barrier shelter” and of a “navigation center” vary from state-to-state. 

Recent legislation in California details “navigation centers” as providing temporary room and board while case managers work to connect homeless individuals and families to income, public benefits, health services and permanent housing or other shelter. 

Meanwhile, having a “low barrier” points to things such as eliminating curfews and not requiring background checks, sobriety or mandatory treatment. It is not clear at this time whether any of these points would be put in effect in Saratoga Springs. 

Rules and restrictions common to shelters – such as those barriers to entry – can make shelter services inaccessible to those in need by keeping vulnerable individuals and families from accessing the shelters, according to a 45-page report published by Seattle University School of Law in 2016 entitled “Shut Out: How Barriers Often Prevent Meaningful Access to Emergency Shelter.” 

“In small communities or communities with few shelter options, no tolerance policies effectively keep those struggling with substance abuse outside,” according to the report. 

On the financing side, Ed and Lisa Mitzen have pledged to pay the costs to revamp 5 Williams St. so that it can serve the needs of the homeless population; William Dake of Stewart’s Stores donated $3 million dollars to support the construction of the senior citizens’ new home in conjunction with the rehabilitation and expansion of the Saratoga YMCA. That relocation is anticipated to take place in early 2023, freeing up the current Senior Center space. 

“Code Blue” shelter and shelter services are provided to the homeless community whenever inclement winter weather temperatures are at or below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, inclusive of National Weather Service calculations for windchill. The current lease for the temporary Code Blue shelter on Adelphi Street runs through April 30, 2023 at a cost of $8,000 per month. The city is looking to work with the county to come up with about $65,000 to extend the current emergency shelter hours and season on Adelphi Street. 

Motivated to action in the wake of the death of a city woman exposed to a winter’s elements on a December night in 2013, a temporary homeless emergency shelter was launched in Saratoga Springs that Christmas Eve at St. Peter’s Parish Center. A series of temporary winter shelters sited at a variety of venues across town followed: the Salvation Army building west of Broadway, Soul Saving Station Church east of Broadway, and the building at 4 Adelphi St., among them. 

A permanent shelter site was thought to be secured in 2017 after local business owner Ed Mitzen offered to pay the costs of a new Code Blue homeless shelter to be built on Shelters of Saratoga property on Walworth Street. Initial plans call for a two-story building with a large kitchen, laundry room, men’s and women’s sleeping rooms, multiple showers and bathrooms, a large storage area for donated food and clothing, and a small Code Blue office. Local firms Bonacio Construction and the LA Group were to be involved in the development of the building and both agreed to forego any profits to keep the costs as low as possible.

Those plans were scrapped, however, following a lawsuit filed by local residents challenging the proposed shelter expansion as not being in accordance with zoning regulation. A Saratoga County Supreme Court judge subsequently nullified approvals granted by the city’s Zoning Board of Appeals and the Planning Board which would have allowed the shelter to be built.

Wesley Community Celebrates 50th Anniversary

Planning Meeting for Saratoga Retirement Center. Photo credit: Bob Mayette.

SARATOGA SPRINGS — The Wesley Community celebrated its 50th Anniversary at the Saratoga Springs City Center last month with a fundraising dinner attended by about 150 people.

“It was a nice crowd with some folks who dated back quite a bit and it was a wonderful evening of reminiscing and acknowledging what Wesley has meant to the community,” said CEO J. Brian Nealon. “We got to catch up with a lot of board members from some years ago and also see some folks we don’t see enough of.” 

Original board member Bill Dake spoke about the community’s earliest days and the trials and tribulations involved getting the project off the ground, Nealon said. The nonprofit organization has supported seniors in the community since opening its doors in 1972.

In 1966 a motion approval established what was called the Saratoga Retirement Center. Groundbreaking for the Embury Apartments took place in 1969 and the doors opened in 1972.  Mrs. Selma Ogden was its first resident. The Victoria Building expansion came in 1985, the Wesley Health Care Center opened in 1973, an 80-bed expansion – the Hathorn building – was added 21 years later. Woodlawn Commons opened with 60 independent and 40 assisted living apartments in 1999.

In all, the Wesley Community is a 37-acre, not-for-profit agency which serves the needs of the elderly, as well as active seniors, adults and pediatrics. It is comprised of Wesley Health Care Center – the nursing home, Embury Apartments – subsidized senior apartments, and Woodlawn Commons – assisted living and market-rate senior housing. 

“All told, that’s 11 buildings. A little over 600 folks live on campus,” said Nealon, who first began working in the community in the mid-1980s. He became the organization’s third CEO after succeeding Neil Roberts in 2003.  

An aging population across the country has resulted in changes in both needs and services over the past half-century since the Wesley Community first opened its doors.  

The life expectancy 50 years ago was just over 71 years of age in America, the National Center for Health Statistics reported. In the pre-pandemic year of 2019, life expectancy had increased to nearly 79. 

Citing declining fertility and aging baby boomers by the year 2034 older adults are projected to outnumber children for the first time in U.S. history, according to a 2019 U.S. Census report titled “The Graying of America.” 

“As one of the largest generations in the country, boomers leave a substantial imprint on the population. They swelled the ranks of the young when they were born and then the workforce as they entered adulthood,” according to the report. By 2060, it is anticipated nearly one in four Americans will be 65 years and older, the number of 85-plus will triple, and the country will add a half million centenarians. 

A larger number of people living longer is coupled with people expressing the desire to live on their own to a greater age.  

“People are living at home longer and that’s a significant change,” Nealon said. “Now, folks are typically older and more frail than we were seeing 40 or 50 years ago. That’s also a trend nationally, and I do think that trend will continue as boomers want to be as independent as possible,” he added. “In housing at Woodlawn, an average move-in age is in the mid-80s, at Embury it’s a little bit younger, I would say mid-70’s, and the nursing home tends to be older.”

The continuum-of-care campus provides independent and assisted living for seniors, affordable independent senior housing, short-term rehabilitation and long-term care, as well as home care services and outpatient therapies available for people of all ages.

The organization is looking at meeting the changing needs of modern-day and future populations, which includes expanding certain practices, remodeling existing buildings and exploring services it can provide to help people remain independent as long as possible.  

In conjunction with its 50th anniversary, a commemorative book and video that chronicle Wesley Community’s journey have been issued.  For more information, go to: www.wesley50.org.

Historic Saratoga Church Kicks Off Organ Replacement Drive 

The view from the balcony inside The First Baptist Church of Saratoga. Photo by Thomas Dimopoulos. 

SARATOGA SPRINGS —The First Baptist Church of Saratoga was established in October 1793.  Saratoga Springs’ oldest church has provided services at 45 Washington St. since 1855. This weekend, the church is kicking off a drive aimed at replacing its near 50-year-old organ.   

“We always celebrate our birthday in some unique way – to let people know we’re here, that we’re excited do our ministry for our congregation as well as the community, and to help those around us,” said Doris Seagrave, chair of the board of Deacons at the church. 

On Sunday, Oct. 16, organist Farrell Goehring will feature the music of Bach, Mendelssohn and others in a fundraising event that begins at 2 p.m.  

“This marks the start of the organ fund, and on Sunday there will be a good will offering after the concert,” said Seagrave. The church has begun reaching out to the community and will be pursuing donations and potential grants during its drive to replace the organ, which Seagrave estimated at a minimum cost of approximately $50,000.   

Over the past few years, renovation projects on-site have resulted in restoring some of the church’s stain glass windows, after being awarded grants from The Saratoga Springs Preservation Foundation, the New York Landmarks Conservancy, and the Alfred Z. Solomon Testamentary Trust.   

The mission of the First Baptist Church in Saratoga focuses on three areas: homeless students and homeless adults, families subjected to domestic violence, and migrant workers at local dairy farms and racetrack.

 “We’ve been a very active in the community and we do a lot of ministry with the homeless shelter, with Wellsprings, and many of the other organizations in the area,” Seagrave said. 

For more information about First Baptist Church, go to: fbcsaratoga.org, or email: firstbaptistsaratoga@gmail.com.    

Temple Sinai Community Places A Time Capsule

A community mosaic stepping stone just before being installed as a marker for the site of the capsule on Oct. 2, 2022. Photo by Super Source Media Studios.  

SARATOGA SPRINGS — Members of the Temple Sinai community were joined by religious school students and their families Oct. 2 to seal and place a time capsule on the synagogue grounds on Broadway. 

According to the Hebrew lunar calendar, every 7 years is known as a shmita, or sabbatical year. The cycle of Jewish time points to this year as a shmita year, a year of “release”
and regeneration.

The cycle of shmita invites all to reflect, contemplate, and recharge every seven years, said Sylvia Bloom, the director of education for the Temple Sinai religious school.

“In addition to all the challenges of COVID and this year’s hopeful emergence from its shadow, our Rabbis of 36 years will be retiring in December. It’s a good moment to take stock of who and where we are, and where we’d like to head as a community,” said Bloom. Rabbis Jonathan Rubenstein and Linda Motzkin are retiring this year.

More than one dozen objects that represent something important from the past year, or something individuals wish to release, were prepared for the capsule. The goal is to capture this moment in time.

Reimagining Wilton Mall with 382 Luxury Apartments & Townhomes

Image depicting the Bon-Ton location at Wilton mall that would be demolished for the development of Phase One of the proposed project. Photo: reimaginewiltonmall.com.

WILTON — A proposal initiated last year that would see the development of nearly 400 apartments and townhouses alongside the Wilton Mall continues on its path forward. 

The parties behind the development proposal recently launched the website “Reimagine Wilton Mall” that points to a detailed timeline of upcoming public meetings with local and regional officials for the purpose of seeking approval for the project.     

The project, proposed by the Macerich Corporation and Paramount Development, includes 382 new “luxury, market-rate rental residences,” including both apartments and townhomes, and will feature “premium resident amenities with a sophisticated design,” according to the companies.  

“What we see in the Wilton Mall is something that’s got some momentum. We do really well around retail,” Tom Snell, a partner with Paramount Development, told Wilton town officials during a public meeting earlier this year, when Paramount announced its plans to purchase two lots totaling just over 13-1/2 acres on the northeasterly side of the mall for the $100 million-plus project. 

Santa Monica, California-based company Macerich has owned and operated the mall land since 2004. They own about 95 acres in all; JC Penney – owns just over two acres, and LBW Saratoga – occupied by BJ’s, owns just under four acres. 

Paramount Development, based in Florida, has developed 200 rental apartment communities in dozens of states. 

The potential project, which would be developed in two phases, would occur on the northeast side of the mall past Dick’s Sporting Goods, and see the removal of the former BonTon location, which closed in 2018. That was followed by the closure of Sears two years later. 

At its peak in 2016, the mall generated about $95 million in sales. Figures provided by Wilton Mall Property Manager Mike Schafer earlier this year showed those figures were down to $55 million. “That’s about a $44 million sales tax loss with the retailers that we’ve lost,” Schafer said. “The sales in the mall dropped in half.” The addition of hundreds of residents to a new space is being viewed as a catalyst for growth, he added.   

An application for establishing a Planned Unit Development District (PUDD) at the Wilton Mall to allow the development of 382 luxury rental residences was forwarded for review to the Town of Wilton Planning Board. Upcoming meetings to discuss the project are anticipated to take place at the Wilton Planning Board meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Oct. 19, the Saratoga County Planning Board on Oct. 20, and at the Wilton Town Board meeting at 7 p.m. on Nov. 3. All meetings are open to the public.     

New Managing Members for Northshire Bookstore

Northshire Bookstore Saratoga, headed towards its 10th year on Broadway, with new leadership in place this week.  

SARATOGA SPRINGS — Northshire Bookstore has announced that Cathleen Ihasz, Nicole Ihasz and Ashley Ihasz-Austin have acquired a majority interest in and will be the new managing members of the Northshire Bookstore. 

The Ihasz sisters assumed stewardship and operational control of the Northshire retail locations in Manchester, Vermont and Saratoga Springs, as well as the northshire.com online e-commerce business earlier this week.

Ed and Barbara Morrow started the original Northshire store in Vermont in September 1976, and with their son Chris Morrow opened the doors to the Northshire Bookstore Saratoga store on Broadway in August 2013. 

The Morrows passed ownership to Clark and Lu French of Manchester, Vermont in May 2021. However, with the recent passing of wife Lu French, Clark French announced he would be stepping back from his roles at the Northshire to focus on family. French will remain a stakeholder in the bookstore, serving as a trusted advisor and supporter through the transition. 

The Ihasz family has been part of the southern Vermont community for decades and continue to maintain their family residence in Danby, according to a statement issued by Northshire. Their goal is to preserve Northshire’s iconic legacy for future generations, according to a statement from the bookstore. For more information, go to: northshire.com.