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Author: Thomas Dimopoulos

Saratoga Springs Charter Proposition Goes to Absentee Ballots, Again

SARATOGA SPRINGS — For the second time in three years, the results of a citizen-led City Charter referendum that would change the way Saratoga Springs is governed will not be officially determined until the absentee ballots are counted.   

The last time a citizen-led City Charter referendum proposed change, in 2017, the measure was defeated by a razor-thin margin of 4,458 – 4,448. This year, that Election Day margin of voters opposing the change is larger, but so too are the number of absentee ballots as well as the number of votes overall. 

The 2020 tally stands at 6,324- 5,186 against the change, a difference of 1,138 votes. There were 4,372 absentee ballots issued. Outstanding absentee ballots must be postmarked on or prior to Election Day, and may be received until Tuesday, when officials at the Saratoga County Board of Elections plan to open and count them. 

“We’re cautiously optimistic. We’re still thinking we can pull through on this,” said Ron Kim, a co-chair of Common Sense Saratoga, a group advocating for change. 

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The 2017 referendum garnered 8,906 total votes. This year’s proposition may top 15,000 if all absentee ballots are returned with a vote on the charter amendment. There are 18,654 registered voters in Saratoga Springs. 

Saratoga Springs current “Commission” form of governing is the only form of governing the city has known since its incorporation as a city more than a century ago. It features five council members – one mayor, plus four commissioners heading the departments of Public Safety, Public Works, Finance, and Accounts, respectively.  Each council member is responsible for administering their own department as well as serving as legislators. In this council of five, each of whom is elected to two-year terms, decisions are made by majority rule. 

The “Council-Manager” proposition calls for replacing that “Commission” form in favor of one that includes a mayor – elected by the voters of the city at large, and six members elected from city wards by the voters of those specific wards. Those six wards are to be comprised of equal voting population. That city council of seven would then appoint, set the salary for, and hire a City Manager. The idea is that residents would be represented through the ward system, and the manager held to accountability via the city council. 

Officials at the county Board of Elections in Ballston Spa anticipate the count of absentee ballots to begin Tuesday, Nov. 10. The gatherings are open to the public and generally staged in a room at the county Board of Elections offices. 

Big Night for Incumbents, Woerner-Catalfamo Assembly Race Goes Down to The Wire

SARATOGA SPRINGS ­­—  The 2020 election proved to be a successful one for most local political office-holders, although the 113th Assembly District seat – which matches incumbent Carrie Woerner against challenger David Catalfamo – and the Saratoga Springs Charter Proposition vote will have to wait until at least next week to ultimately be decided. 

There are just over 169,000 registered voters in Saratoga County – the eleventh highest number of registered voters in the 57 state counties outside of New York City. 

In the 2016 presidential race, just under 113,000 ballots were cast in the county. This year’s vote count could top 130,000 after all absentee ballots are tallied next week. For the first time in a presidential election, the county this year hosted an early voting option. A trio of sites – located in Clifton Park, Ballston Spa and Wilton, secured a total of 27,570 voters over the nine-day early vote period. 

House of Representatives
Saratoga constituents are split into two Congressional Districts, District 20 – Saratoga and essentially points south, and District 21 – Saratoga and essentially points north. 

Elise Stefanik (R,C,I) was reelected to a fourth term in the 21st Congressional District, besting challenger Tedra Cobb (D, WF) by a 63-35 margin. Congressional District 21 is home to nearly 433,000 registered voters, with registered Republican and Conservative Party members topping registered Democrats by a 3-2 ratio.   

Paul Tonko (D, WF, I) secured his reelection bid to the U.S. House representing the 20th Congressional District with a 55-42 victory over challenger Elizabeth Joy (R, C, SAM). The district is home to nearly 475, 000 registered voters with registered Democrats topping registered Republicans by a near 2-to-1 margin.

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“I am honored to again receive the confidence of voters in our communities,” Tonko said in a statement, following the win. “Their overwhelming voices have called for access to affordable health care, quality jobs, environmental and social justice, and a competent response to the pandemic from the White House that helps us build back better.” 

State Senate, State Assembly
In local State Senate races, incumbent Daphne Jordan (R,C,I) defeated Patrick Nelson (D, WF) by a 56-41 margin in State Senate 43rd District, and incumbent James Tedisco (R,C,WF) bested Thearse McCalmon (D) 65-32 in the State Senate 49th District. 

Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I) was reelected to her seat in the 112th Assembly District 60-37 over Joseph Seeman (D, WF), but the race in 113th Assembly District may not ultimately be decided until absentee ballots are counted next week. Election Day tallies in the latter race reported incumbent Carrie Woerner (D, I, SAM) with 29,896 total votes and challenger David Catalfamo (R,C) with 28,905.  The district is comprised of two counties – Saratoga County, whose voters favored Woerner, and Washington County, which went to Catalfamo. Saratoga County has issued 12,989 absentee ballots and Washington County has issued 3,051 absentee ballots. 

Absentee ballots may be received up until next Tuesday, but must be postmarked on or before Election Day. Saratoga County will open and begin to count absentee ballots from Saratoga County residents starting Tuesday, Nov. 10, and Washington County will open and count theirs starting Thursday, Nov. 12.  Each county will subsequently present their tallies to the state, and the state will certify the election.   

For more information on the 2020 Election, please see back page.

Big Night for Incumbents, Woerner-Catalfamo Assembly Race Goes Down to The Wire

SARATOGA SPRINGS ­­—  The 2020 election proved to be a successful one for most local political office-holders, although the 113th Assembly District seat – which matches incumbent Carrie Woerner against challenger David Catalfamo – and the Saratoga Springs Charter Proposition vote will have to wait until at least next week to ultimately be decided. 

There are just over 169,000 registered voters in Saratoga County – the eleventh highest number of registered voters in the 57 state counties outside of New York City. 

In the 2016 presidential race, just under 113,000 ballots were cast in the county. This year’s vote count could top 130,000 after all absentee ballots are tallied next week. For the first time in a presidential election, the county this year hosted an early voting option. A trio of sites – located in Clifton Park, Ballston Spa and Wilton, secured a total of 27,570 voters over the nine-day early vote period. 

House of Representatives
Saratoga constituents are split into two Congressional Districts, District 20 – Saratoga and essentially points south, and District 21 – Saratoga and essentially points north. 

Elise Stefanik (R,C,I) was reelected to a fourth term in the 21st Congressional District, besting challenger Tedra Cobb (D, WF) by a 63-35 margin. Congressional District 21 is home to nearly 433,000 registered voters, with registered Republican and Conservative Party members topping registered Democrats by a 3-2 ratio.   

Paul Tonko (D, WF, I) secured his reelection bid to the U.S. House representing the 20th Congressional District with a 55-42 victory over challenger Elizabeth Joy (R, C, SAM). The district is home to nearly 475, 000 registered voters with registered Democrats topping registered Republicans by a near 2-to-1 margin.

“I am honored to again receive the confidence of voters in our communities,” Tonko said in a statement, following the win. “Their overwhelming voices have called for access to affordable health care, quality jobs, environmental and social justice, and a competent response to the pandemic from the White House that helps us build back better.” 

State Senate, State Assembly
In local State Senate races, incumbent Daphne Jordan (R,C,I) defeated Patrick Nelson (D, WF) by a 56-41 margin in State Senate 43rd District, and incumbent James Tedisco (R,C,WF) bested Thearse McCalmon (D) 65-32 in the State Senate 49th District. 

Mary Beth Walsh (R,C,I) was reelected to her seat in the 112th Assembly District 60-37 over Joseph Seeman (D, WF), but the race in 113th Assembly District may not ultimately be decided until absentee ballots are counted next week. Election Day tallies in the latter race reported incumbent Carrie Woerner (D, I, SAM) with 29,896 total votes and challenger David Catalfamo (R,C) with 28,905.  The district is comprised of two counties – Saratoga County, whose voters favored Woerner, and Washington County, which went to Catalfamo. Saratoga County has issued 12,989 absentee ballots and Washington County has issued 3,051 absentee ballots. 

Absentee ballots may be received up until next Tuesday, but must be postmarked on or before Election Day. Saratoga County will open and begin to count absentee ballots from Saratoga County residents starting Tuesday, Nov. 10, and Washington County will open and count theirs starting Thursday, Nov. 12.  Each county will subsequently present their tallies to the state, and the state will certify the election.   

For more information on the 2020 Election, please see back page.

City Center Parking Structure Eyes November Grand Opening Parking Rates Set, Limited Number of Annual Passes for Sale

SARATOGA SPRINGS — The Saratoga Springs City Center is scheduled to host the grand opening for its new parking structure in November. 

Parking rates for 2021 parking will be free for the first hour of parking, and $1 per hour after that first free hour, with a $15 cap on the 12 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. period. 

The lowest level along High Rock Avenue will be made available for the Saratoga Farmers’ Market as well as other community events as requested by the city. The top floor of the parking structure may occasionally be used for events as well. A limited number of charging stations for electric vehicles will be available on the second floor. 

A limited number of yearly parking passes are being made available for sale. The yearly passes – 100 of them are being made available, are priced at $150 per month, and paid yearly at a rate of $1,800. An inaugural bonus for those who sign up and pay now offers complimentary parking from the November grand opening to Dec. 31, at no charge. 

The annual term will begin Jan. 1. People interested in the yearly permits should contact Lauren Delany at the City Center at: laurend@saratogacitycenter.org.  A license plate reader will be used to allow entrance from High Rock Avenue and exit at York Street, by the Mouzon House. A front and back license plate are required to be visible, in accordance with NYS law. The structure is under video surveillance and security will be on site from 4 p.m. to 8 a.m. daily

Wellspring Relocating to Malta

SARATOGA SPRINGS — For the past 40 years, Wellspring has helped Saratoga County victims of domestic violence find safety, support and healing – providing crisis and support services mostly out of a 3,000 square foot office in the Collamer Building on Broadway. 

This week, the agency announced plans to construct a new 8,000 square foot facility in Malta and the launch of a fundraising campaign to assist in that relocation. 

The new building will be located on Route 9, just south of Malta Avenue, and is anticipated to be completed in late 2021.   

“For most of our 40-year history, Wellspring has been in the same office location, even as the agency has grown exponentially in programs offered, number of clients assisted, and staff size,” says Maggie Fronk, executive director at Wellspring. 

“We’ve been working on it for about 10 years. We spent a long time looking for just the right property. It was one of the first things we did as part of a long-range strategic plan when we changed our name from Domestic Violence Rape and Crisis Services, to Wellspring, to reflect a lot of the more positive and preventative work we do,” said Fronk. 

The new facility, at nearly triple the size, will allow safe spaces for counseling, rooms for programming to be used to enhance client job skills to help them obtain self-sufficiency, and a wing devoted to prevention programs. 

“As wonderful our current location is, you don’t see us – and that is a big issue because the crimes of domestic violence and sexual assault happen out of sight and so when the agency is also out of sight  there’s not that driving reminder that ‘oh, there’s a place I can get help,’” Fronk says.  “What I think happens is people often come to us when they’re in dire crisis; I think there is something to just driving by and saying: there is a place. I don’t have to wait until there is a crisis. I can just go in and talk to somebody.” 

The new location, Fronk says, is clearly visible and will sit in the central part of the county so it’s accessible to all areas of the county Wellspring serves. 

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Currently, the 24/7 hotline answers more than 1,500 calls annually.  Last year alone the organization provided in-person counseling and case management services for 1,000 abuse survivors, and provided 70 people adults and children with safe housing in rent subsidized apartments throughout Saratoga County – a total of 14,971 nights of sleep without fear of abuse.  Legal advocacy is provided on a daily basis. 

Pandemic restrictions have made things more difficult for some.  “Think about it: the things we did for health safety –  staying home, not seeing friends – those were all necessary from a health perspective, but they created  an environment rife for abuse to continue and to escalate. You’re home 24/7 with your abuser and your children. You have all kind of stressors whether it’s home schooling, loss of employment, financial worries, health worries. You’re socially isolated. All those allow abuse to escalate,” Fronk says. “We also knew people who tend to call our hotline and reach out for support or come in for counseling – if you’re home 24/7 with your abuser and your children you can’t pick up the phone and make that call. You don’t have the privacy to do it.” To that point, the agency launched a web-based chat line earlier this year so victims may “talk” discreetly to an advocate by simply typing on their computer or smartphone. 

Domestic violence affects 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men. In Saratoga County, it is the second most violent crime – topped only by drunk/drugged driving – and the primary cause of family homelessness. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, domestic violence incidents increased 42% between 2016 and 2018, and the number of rape/sexual assaults increased 146%. 

“When things started to open up, we did see more clients coming to shelter, but you know I don’t think any of us think the world is normal yet,” Fronk says.  “I don’t think we’ll see the full impact of COVID until we’ve taken care of the health crisis. Only then will we find out just how much people have endured.” 

All services provided by Wellspring are free and confidential. Wellspring’s operations are funded by local, state, and federal grant funding as well as philanthropic contributions from the community

The total cost of the project is $3 million.  The sources of funding include Wellspring’s building reserves, a loan from The Adirondack Trust Company, and a fundraising campaign with a goal of $1.8 million. More than half of the fundraising goal has been reached, leaving $665,000 yet to be raised. To support Wellspring’s mission, visit the Wellspring website www.wellspringcares.org/make-a-change/donate or call 518-583-0280. 

Bread Basket: A Future in Philanthropy – Mitzen Family Buys Local Bakery

SARATOGA SPRINGS — Bake, batter, glaze, and healthcare marketing: ingredients at first glance seemingly stirred into an unlikely mix, yet the blend works perfectly. 

Ed Mitzen toured The Bread Basket Bakery late last spring, eyeing the Springs Street building up for sale as a potential investment. Longtime owner Joan Tallman started the bakery out of her basement in 1982 and was interested in retiring. However, with a desire to see the bakery continue, she was looking to find someone interested in acquiring both the building and the business. 

“I know absolutely nothing about the bakery business and the absolutely last thing you want to see is me meddling in any kind of baking endeavor,” Mitzen says with a laugh. 

A solution emerged: Tallman’s son, Matt, agreed to stay on as the general manager. So too would the bakers and chefs. Ed Mitzen and wife Lisa purchased the popular bakeshop in July and will continue the Bread Basket Bakery tradition in downtown Saratoga Springs.

“We didn’t want to change anything about the bakery – the scones, the cakes, the pie recipes, the logo or the name,” Mitzen says. “The only thing Lisa and I thought would be a nice touch would be to donate all the profits to charity and keep the bakery intact the way Joan envisioned it and ran it the past 30-plus years. It’s such a charming staple and beautiful location in the city, so it’s a real honor to continue the tradition. Everybody wins. And I get to show up and get a free blueberry muffin every once in a while.” 

The business closed for a few weeks in September for renovations and a baker who had worked for one of the Emeril restaurants in New Orleans was brought aboard. 

The goal Mitzen says is to present a check – at least quarterly and potentially monthly – to non-profits across the region. The recipient organizations have yet to be chosen, but in keeping with the bakery’s new mission of donating all of its ongoing profits to charity, the Mitzens will this week present a check for $25,000 to Capital Roots, the Troy-based nonprofit whose mission is to reduce the impact of poor nutrition on public health. 

“Anything we make in terms of profitability we’re going to donate back to charity. We’re still getting our arms around the financials for this year, but Lisa and I wanted to make a check presentation to sort of prime the pump for what’s going to come,” Mitzen says. “ I can’t say that we made $25,000 in profit over the past few months, we haven’t, but we thought it would be a good thing to do just to let everyone know that it’s real, that we’re going to be donating the money and once we get into the holiday season and business starts to pick up with pies and cakes and breads, we’ll be able to get a better handle on exactly how much we’re making.” 

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Mitzen founded Fingerpaint marketing company in 2008 and has maintained a philanthropic presence in the community. In 2017, the Mitzens offered to fund the construction of a permanent Code Blue emergency homeless shelter next to the existing quarters of its parent company Shelters of Saratoga. Neighborhood pushback negated the development of a permanent shelter at the location, and Code Blue continues to operate on a transitory basis. “It’s frustrating because I know we could have had a building built by now, but we’ll get there eventually,” Mitzen says.  “Mine and Lisa’s offer to build the shelter still stands, it’s just that navigating the political and legal landscape of Saratoga is not always easy.”

Fingerpaint maintains five offices around the country, each operating under different protocols depending on safety guidelines the varying states where the offices are located. “For the most part the offices are partially open with restrictions and precautions in place, so people have the ability to come and go.” As a business owner with employees, Mitzen says there have been new lessons to be learned that may be applied in a post-COVID business world. 

“I think you’re going to see it will come back to a certain degree, but we’ve all learned different ways of doing things through all this. Admittedly I was a huge anti-proponent of working from home. I always felt if someone said they wanted to work from home they would be mowing their yard and watching ESPN, that they’re not committed, but now I’ve done a complete 180. Our folks have been unbelievably productive – probably more productive than they’ve been in the office,” he said. “I do think as human beings we require social interaction to be emotionally centered and to thrive and I do think at some point we’ll gravitate back to that when it’s safer.   

“The thing I love about the Bread Basket model is that it’s sustainable. We’re not just writing a check and going away. It’s around this idea of social entrepreneurship where we can help established businesses, or help people get their businesses going that ultimately helps to give back to their employees and their communities,” he says. “I grew up in Vorheesville in a traditional middle-class neighborhood and had a very happy childhood, but I also am very aware that there are a lot of people who haven’t fared so well, especially recently. You look at the gap between the haves and the have-nots, which has been exponentially increasing, and I just feels really good to help other people. It’s very rewarding.”

City Center Parking Structure Eyes November Grand Opening: Parking Rates Set, Limited Number of Annual Passes for Sale

SARATOGA SPRINGS – The Saratoga Springs City Center is scheduled to host the grand opening for its new parking structure in November.

Parking rates for 2021 parking will be free for the first hour of parking, and $1 per hour after that first free hour, with a $15 cap on the 12 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. period.

The lowest level along High Rock Avenue will be made available for the Saratoga Farmers’ Market as well as other community events as requested by the city. The top floor of the parking structure may occasionally be used for events as well. A limited number of charging stations for electric vehicles will be available on the second floor.

A limited number of yearly parking passes are being made available for sale. The yearly passes – 100 of them are being made available, are priced at $150 per month, and paid yearly at a rate of $1,800. An inaugural bonus for those who sign up and pay now offers complimentary parking from the November grand opening to Dec. 31, at no charge.

The annual term will begin Jan. 1. People interested in the yearly permits should contact Lauren Delany at the City Center at: laurend@saratogacitycenter.org.  A license plate reader will be used to allow entrance from High Rock Avenue and exit at York Street, by the Mouzon House. A front and back license plate are required to be visible, in accordance with NYS law. The structure is under video surveillance and security will be on site from 4 p.m. to 8 a.m. daily

New Developments Proposed for South Broadway

SARATOGA SPRINGS — The city Planning Board this week is expected to hear a site plan review regarding a mixed-use project at South Broadway and Driscoll Road. 

Plans call for the construction of a new 10,000 square foot building that will house an animal clinic, office, retail, and multi-family residences. The proposed development of a new two-story building is on land currently vacant. 

According to documents filed with the city, Dr. Susan Sikule, owner of two Just Cats Veterinary Clinics – one in Guilderland and one in Saratoga Springs – currently has a contract to purchase the near 6-acre parcel where the existing Saratoga Springs veterinary facility would be relocated. 

The proposed mixed-use building will consist of seven apartment units on the second floor and three separate commercial tenants on the first floor, one of which will be the clinic. 

Budget Shortfall: Recreation, Police & Fire All On the Chopping Block

SARATOGA SPRINGS — The newly restored Saratoga Music Hall opened to the public last Tuesday when it hosted a city council meeting that featured the first public hearing of the proposed 2021 budget

The proposed annual budget seeks to adjust to a near $7 million shortfall, due to what councilmembers referred to as “this COVID economy.” The 2021 proposal stands at just under $41.9 million, compared to the $48.7 million budget adopted late last year, for 2020. On the table: a 6% increase in property tax rates – which would increase the property tax payment on a home assessed at $200K by $6 per month, or $72 per year – as well as potential layoffs and budget cuts across all departments. 

“These are very trying times,” Mayor Meg Kelly said during the meeting. “It’s $7 million short. We all have to take our hits (but) I think together we can all pull this off.”     

This week’s public commentary largely focused on the potential Recreation Department budget – a topic amplified as a result of an email apparently sent from the recreation department, and circulated among thousands of residents during the previous weekend that pleaded with residents to attend City Council meetings and budget workshops to express concerns. 

“Recreation in Saratoga Springs is at stake and we NEED YOUR HELP” read the email, “Ask our City to NOT DEFUND recreation.” Many did. With public seating limited to less than three dozen participants at one time due to COVID protocols, speakers briefly addressed the council regarding potential cuts to recreation programs then exited the building, allowing others who waited in line outside to enter and speak. The public hearing segment lasted approximately one hour. Members of the council warned of the danger of isolating one particular department and stressed the importance of looking at the budget as a whole. 

“There’s been a lot of misinformation about the budget and about recreation in particular,” said Finance Commissioner Michele Madigan, who first presented the proposed 2021 Comprehensive Budget to the City Council earlier this month. “In this COVID economy the (emailed) communication lacked context and it lacked details and it lacked a lot of what we’re doing right now at the City Council… it was all over social media, and it was pure anger, rage, and panic, and that is unfortunate.” 

“We all, in our own way, have a personal connection to the Rec Department and the tremendous effect it has on children’s mental health,” said Public Safety Commissioner Robin Dalton, who explained she has four children aged between 4 and 10, and realizes the impact of the recreation in the city. “I don’t want to set the tone here that we’re only out for who we represent. When you put out just one tiny piece of what the budget is going to look like and you play to people’s emotions to make it seem as if we don’t care about our kids and that that’s the first thing that’s going to go – it really sets a whole different tone for the budget season that I find regretful. The whole thing is we’re working together to make sure we have the best results for everyone in the city,” she said.  “What I encourage people to do is to go to the individual workshops to understand what it means to the entire city.” 

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Budgeted expenses for the city’s Recreation Department have been reduced under the proposed budget, but not eliminated. There is currently $1.2 million in the budget, maintaining the costs of the Director of Recreation, one staff person, and building and grounds maintenance and utilities. “This means recreations programs cannot incur any additional costs to the city. It does not mean that Recreation is shutting down,” Madigan said. 

Madigan has proposed increasing property tax rates by 6% and to minimize the number of required layoffs, the budget contains a 10% reduction in all city employee salary lines. “With a 10% pay cut we can limit the layoffs, but they are still significant: 25% reduction in Public Works labor lines and 15% in Public Safety – police and fire.”  Basically, she said, a lower pay cut requires more layoffs, fewer layoffs will require a larger pay cut. 

“We all appreciate recreation and need recreation, but we all have to get together as a council and see what we can do,” Mayor Kelly said. “Essential services are always first.” 

“Right now, we do not have those essential services figured out. That has to be the first priority,” Commissioner Dalton said. “Water, sewer, roads, fire, EMS and police. Unless we can assure those essential services are intact – we have nothing. We can’t operate. You won’t be able to drive to the ice rink. We won’t be able to respond to a medical emergency. So that has to be our first priority as a city. Once we get those covered, then we can look at anything else.” 

The Saratoga Springs Recreation Commission is a 7-member board of community volunteers appointed by the mayor to oversee the Recreation Department. Mayor Kelly pointed to Recreation Department Administrative Director John Hirliman.  “We have to see if we can do this as budget-neutral and I have John Hirliman, who has always worked magic in this department, and as a council we all believe in his abilities,” she said. “I have great faith in my team to pull some programs together.” 

“We all understand the tremendous financial crisis we face due to the pandemic. I’m going to work my tail off to make sure we have recreation programming,” Hirliman said. 

Separate budget hearings are tentatively scheduled to take place this week involving the Public Safety Department, the Department of Public Works, and the Mayor/ Recreation departments. Visit the city’s website to confirm times and dates of those meetings, at: saratoga-springs.org. 

A second public hearing of the budget will take place in November. Revisions of the potential budget may be made through the end of November, at which point the 2021 Comprehensive Budget will be adopted. 

Prosperity: Ballston Spa’s Plan for Growth

BALLSTON SPA — Mayor Woolbright walked through Wiswall Park on a sun-filled Wednesday afternoon draped in a shadow of memories of the grand San Souci Hotel. The fashionable multi-story structure which once stood a few yards away housed hundreds of guests during its 19th century heyday. It was the largest hotel in the nation at the time.    

At this week’s ceremony, Ballston Spa Mayor Larry Woolbright showcased the newly restored fountain fed by the San Souci Spring, one of the initial springs that drew visitors to the village in the 1800s. If the restored fountain provided a visible symbol of the village’s renewal, the event’s unveiling of an economic development plan represents its rebirth. 

“The release of this smart and strategic economic development plan heralds a new beginning for the village of Ballston Spa, and makes it abundantly clear that we are open for business,” Woolbright said, showcasing the 72-page economic development plan. 

A product of the Saratoga Partnership’s Next Wave Communities initiative, the plan was guided by the input of residents, government leaders and members of the business community. More than 400 took part in local surveys, six focus groups were conducted, and a public forum staged. The development of the plan combines the community’s vision of itself, as well as recognizing village assets and resources.    

“Ultimately this is your plan, based on your vision,” said Shelby Schneider, President and CEO of the Saratoga County Prosperity Partnership. The Partnership worked with the village for more than one year to create the plan, which outlines a strategic and tactical approach to attracting visitors, residents and businesses to Ballston Spa by enriching and promoting the assets, resources, charm and character of the historic village. 

According to 2019 data, the village measures 1.6 miles and is home to 287 businesses and 5,469 residents. The median household income is $61,378 and the average home value just under $240,000. 

The Economic Development Strategy seeks to enhance the Central Business District by achieving an environment that provides a positive shopping experience and bolsters the village atmosphere for businesses, residents and visitors alike. These would be attained by implementing, among other things, architectural and transportation/ walkability improvements, developing market rate housing for adults to “age-in-place,” fostering supportive conditions for small businesses, and updating the village master plan, which was last updated in 1994.

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The 72-page economic development plan outlines four major goals, and includes a matrix of timelines for implementation, to strengthen Ballston Spa’s economic and fiscal vitality. They include: Enhancing the Central Business District; Enriching the Village’s Quality of Place; Providing support and resources to small businesses and creating an economic development and community branding strategy. 

Mayor Woolbright said the plan will build on the rich and storied past of the village and “help create a thriving village for our children, and their children.” 

The gathering in Wiswall Park included former longtime village Mayor John Romano, members of the current village board and regional business and tourism leaders, many of whom raised a toast with cups filled with spring water. Rory O’Connor, Chair of the Steering Committee called the plan “a declaration of opportunity.” 

The survey points to downtown parking availability, infrastructure and repair upgrades and lack of business diversity as some of the top challenges the village faces.  Nafeesa Koslik, who hails from the city of Hyberabad in India, said during the ceremony that she was confident she has found the perfect place to make her dream a reality. Her restaurant, Nani’s Indian Kitchen, is slated to open on Milton Avenue in the coming weeks. 

James Beaudoin, owner of the prominent 125 Bath St. property, was also in attendance. Beaudoin said he looks forward to playing a role in the “exciting vision for the village’s future,” and helping to make it a reality. After many years of being unable to do so, the Bath Street property is slated for potential future development. 

“You look around us here and the village is pretty well built-out. There’s not a whole lot of vacant space. Now this site is over six acres-plus, and it’s in the middle of the central business district,” Mayor Woolbright explained.  “It was a tannery for many years and a Brownfield Site restricted by DEC that couldn’t be redeveloped. Jim (Beaudoin) bought it, cleaned it up and he now has permission to redevelop it. He can build, he can have businesses, he can have residences. He’s working with the village on the plan of what we would like to see there,” Woolbright said. “What we would like to see is mixed-use,  some retail commercial on the bottom floor, some open space in the middle, some condos or something on the upper floors, and we’d like to see a connection up to the fair ground. It’s a strategically placed property and our vision calls for a bridge over the Gordon Creek, restaurants, bars and shops lining Washington Street.”      

The Saratoga Partnership’s Next Wave Communities initiative involves creating tailored economic development plans for individual municipalities in Saratoga County. Similar efforts are currently underway in the towns of Galway and Malta. For more information about Saratoga County Prosperity Partnership, go to: saratogapartnership.org.  For more information about Ballston Spa visit the village website at: villageofballstonspa.org