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“Because I Said So”

Hello my Foodie Friends! 

This weekend is Mother’s Day. Remembering my mother at this time brings those memories that make me laugh and cry. I lost my mother many years ago. However, I do still have my Mother-in law, who I do love very much and I recently got to visit her for the first time in a year and a half. As I reflect on the years that I did have with my mother, the importance of family and time spent with family is a significant piece that stands out. Our home was filled with emotions, excitement and constant family interaction.

I have talked about growing up in an Italian family in many of my articles. Italians are a matriarchal nationality. It’s the women who carry on the traditions and hand out the majority of discipline, wisdom and nurturing to the children. As I was growing up being one of five siblings, every room in the house involved teaching and training by my mother. Life seemed much simpler and sweeter then. We had parents who loved us but weren’t afraid to discipline us. I continue to reminisce with my siblings on the “Italian” scoldings we would often get with something being said in half Italian and half English and the constant phrase “…because I said so!”

There are so many of life’s lessons we learn from our mothers, that get handed down from generation to generation. Lessons such as: “it’s the small things that count, or don’t sweat the small stuff; always be honest; admit mistakes, be humble; care about the right things; laugh often, learn from others.”  I can go on and on there are so many. 

Compliments to the Chef would like to salute all the Moms who have made life happen in our homes and especially in the kitchen. Who is the first one to start cooking a meal and the last to sit down for a meal?  Who is still in the kitchen cleaning well after everyone else has left?  What room in the house does mom dole out free advice on dating, school, employment and dealing with disappointment?  Where do some of your funniest memories of mom take place?  Moms hold court in their kitchen as a judge does in his court room or Queen Elizabeth does in Buckingham Palace. My Mom didn’t hold a staff like the Queen but she did carry a rolling pin and a wooden spoon.  For a few years it was never very far from her right hand. 

This Mother’s Day when it is time for dinner, seat mom first and clean up so she can enjoy her day.  Call Mom on a regular basis and tell her how you feel about her.  You cannot say “I love you Mom” enough.  Meal time is family time. Look at each other, listen to each other, tell stories, and talk about life. Whatever the gift is that you give your Mom on Mother’s Day, the greatest gift is the smile and love you give her. Hold onto these traditions and family time you have created. Enjoy your time at home and make beautiful memories. Thank our moms for the valuable life lessons learned that we continue to pass on. 

At Compliments to the Chef, your Neighborhood Kitchen and Cutlery store, we are available to help you with finding that special gift to give to Mom. Remember my Foodie Friends and Moms: “Life Happens in the Kitchen” – those memories will last you a lifetime.

 Take Care,
John & Paula

 REARDON PorkChops