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Builder’s Corner: Time to Spring Forward

On Sunday, March 14, 2021 collectively as a community we will “spring forward” by setting our clocks an hour ahead. This means yet another adjustment to our busy daily lives. But springing forward has other implications like sprucing up our yards and homes for spring. There are so many projects like spring cleaning, roof and gutter work, and many basic repairs that come from the harsh northern winters. It is also a time where dated siding, broken roof shingles, and interiors like kitchen cabinets start to show the timeworn flaws that you would rather not see. 

This is often where you may spring into action and say that is it! I want a new kitchen! Have no fear as spring is a great time to get those bigger projects going like kitchen installations, additions or for some even building a new home. 

Spring gives us the renewed and rejuvenated feeling of things blossoming and growing and thriving once again. If you are thinking about starting a big project, I recommend using the momentum from our yearly ritual of turning clocks ahead to get going.  But where should you begin?

The first step when deciding to take on a project is to come up with a realistic budget. You may want to find out how much equity you have in your home in order to get a baseline for taking out a home equity loan. Rates are at the lowest they have been in many years. There is no time like the spring to make this happen. 

Depending on the project or projects you are considering, you will want to do your research. Start with Google searches and look for reputable contractors that serve your local community. There is no sense in getting interested in a builder who is 100 miles away. Proximity matters and most contractors work within a 30-50 mile radius. Once you narrow down a few contractors, then pick up the phone and schedule a consultation. Tell them what you are thinking about doing and they can give you some immediate feedback that will assist you with obtaining your home equity loan. What you think a project may cost and what a builder determines based on your material preferences are often two different things. They can also steer you to the right project based on your budget.

Once you’ve narrowed down your choices you must make that final choice. Look for an experienced builder and ask good questions about their process, procedures and timelines. You can also ask for references from other clients. Also talk to friends and family about who they have used for additional recommendations.  Someone will stand out above the others and you will know it is a good fit to move forward. 


– Lou Galarneau, President Galarneau Builders