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Master Teachers Recognized by Ballston Spa Board of Education

Ballston Spa Middle School Teachers Colin Klepetar, Christina Bisceglia, and Jeff Gargano (not pictured) were recognized by the Ballston Spa Board of Education for their induction to the New York State Master Teacher Program. Pictured from left are Interim Superintendent Dr. Gianleo Duca, Shannon Hansen, Katie Calhoun, Klepetar, Bisceglia and BOE President Jason Fernau. Photo provided. 

BALLSTON SPA —Several teachers from the Ballston Spa Central School District received praise and recognition from the Ballston Spa CSD Board of Education and school administrators after being selected for the New York State Master Teacher Program. 

The program is offered by the NYS Education Department to the highest performing science, technology, engineering and math teachers (STEM).

Recognized for being inducted this fall were Ballston Spa Middle School teachers Colin Klepetar and Christina Bisceglia, as well as previously selected Middle School instructor Jeff Gargano. These teachers join the ranks of other previously selected Master Teachers from Ballston Spa including John Balet, Katie Calhoun, Shannon Hansen, Judith Selig, Ankie Meuwissen, Matt Glogowski, Katie Miller and Andrew Ferrone. 

“We are proud of these instructors as well as our other NYS Master Teacher recipients for their dedication and commitment to continuously improving their skills as a teacher and learner,” said Ballston Spa Central School District Interim Superintendent Dr. Gianleo Duca. “It is important for us to help create environments where teachers are comfortable and confident in exploring ways to continuously improve their craft. Supporting the NYS Master Teacher program is one way we can do this.”

The program creates a network of teachers and offers a number of professional development experiences to deepen teachers’ understanding of STEM content and the best methods of teaching their students in their particular communities. One of the duties of a Master Teacher is to share what they learn with colleagues at Ballston Spa, so they can enrich the learning of as many students as possible.

Saratoga Board of Education Approves Hiring of Elementary School SROS

SARATOGA SPRINGS — The Saratoga Springs City School District Board of Education voted to approve the hiring of two additional school resource officers for the district’s elementary schools at a meeting on Tuesday.

The motion passed by a 5-4 vote of the board trustees. One officer will be hired for the district elementary schools within Saratoga Springs city limits, with the other hired for elementary schools outside of the city limits. 

The district will pay $74,285 for the officer at schools within the city, which will be pro-rated from the officer’s start date of Jan. 30 to the end of the contract, according to the addendum. The district will pay a cost of $75,419.86 to the officer assigned to elementary schools outside of the city limits, which will be pro-rated from a Feb. 1 start date.

The hiring of two additional SROs was recommended following a safety audit conducted by the New York Schools Insurance Reciprocal. The district currently employs two SROs, one at the high school and one at the middle school campuses. 

Several of the board members who ultimately voted against the motion raised concerns about hiring additional SROs outside of the district’s typical budget cycle. 

“At this time, I feel like going outside the budget process does not allow trustees to fully and critically look at all of our district needs,” said Trustee Anjeanette Emeka. “We heard about these needs at every presentation so far this year. I also feel it disrespects the hard work we ask of all the other departments and buildings to identify needs and evaluate current initiatives and programs and student needs for consideration in the coming year’s budget.”

Trustee John Brueggeman agreed with Emeka, saying safety is “a multifaceted issue.” 

The budgetary concerns were met with pushback from other board members, with Trustee Connie Woytowich saying the practices of the board “are inconsistent and arbitrary.”

“I just think at this point, people really need to not only examine their bias, but admit it,” said Woytowich. “If you are anti-police, just say so. I’m done with the dance.”

Board president Tony Krackeler said the suggestion that some board members are anti-police “smacks of an appalling lack of regard” for trustees.

“I resent any implication that anyone who wants to vote in any way on this, whether it’s yes or no now or yes or no in three months, is anti-police,” said Krackeler, who stated he feels it’s possible for board members to agree with the NYSIR recommendation while also feeling the positions should be considered along with the district’s budget.

Fellow Trustee Amanda Ellithorpe said she believes the “goalposts change to fit certain board members’ agendas.”

“Now you’re upset that the recommendation you thought you’d get isn’t what you received, so you shift the goalposts again. The public should know that the overwhelming feedback we have received from our administration, parents, and community members is in support of SROs,” Ellithorpe said. “The majority of the feedback we have received against them appears to be based in hatred of law enforcement. Let’s stop kicking the can down the road and vote.”

This was met with a response from both Brueggeman and Emeka, with Brueggeman saying he is “not outsourcing” his judgment.

“I want to say a couple things that have been misunderstood. One thing is, I strongly supported putting off this conversation until NYSIR came,” said Brueggeman. “I never said when NYSIR speaks, I’m going to do everything they say immediately after they say it.”

“This is absolutely, 100 percent not a dance to me,” said Emeka, who also said she was “appalled” to be referred to as anti-police. 

Ellithorpe later clarified her statement, saying the anti-police comments were in reference to community feedback and not opinions of fellow board members.

“My comments about folks that seemed to be anti-police were community member feedback. It had nothing to do with anyone at this table,” Ellithorpe said. “So, apologies if that’s what you heard. That’s not what I was trying to say.”

Krackeler, Brueggeman, Emeka, and Trustee Natalya Lahktakia voted against the hirings, with the other five board members voting in favor. 

Members of the community voiced their opinions during the public comment sessions, with some residents voicing their frustration and others praising the board following the decision.

Erin Leary, who said she has two children attending Lake Avenue Elementary School, spoke prior to the board’s vote. Leary said that the arguments in support of SROs has been “only a tremendous appeal to emotion.” She also raised concerns about the impact the hirings may have on the district’s budget.

“This year, the high school un-enrolled students in BOCES programs because there was an over-enrollment that was not in the budget,” said Leary. “There is no social worker at Caroline Street (Elementary School), even though more than 30% of their students qualify for free or reduced lunch. Proponents of SROs have said, ‘We can have both SROs and mental health.’ But when submitted outside of the budget cycle and on its own, this is not doing both.”

Resident Mark Crockett also spoke, and said he feels every district building should have at least one SRO.

“I believe this is a move in the right direction, but I believe all buildings should have at least one SRO,” said Crockett, who also spoke at the later public comment session, thanking the board for their vote.

The Saratoga Springs City School District Board of Education will next meet on Jan. 26 at Saratoga Springs High School, according to the district website. 

Ballston Spa Educators Awarded Fall 2022 Grants

Photo provided by Ballston Spa Central School District

BALLSTON SPA — The Ballston Spa Education Foundation (BSEF) recently presented $5,694.24 in Fall 2022 grant awards to educators in the Ballston Spa Central School District for educational enrichment projects in the schools. 

The recent fall cycle included the following grants: 

• $1420 for Prevocational Kits in the Speech Department at Ballston Spa Middle School (BSMS).

• $1825 to purchase Gaga Ball equipment for use in the Physical Education Department at BSMS.

• $449.24 to purchase Yoga Mats for use in the Health Department at BSMS.

• $2,000 for Coping Kits to use in the Counseling Office at Ballston Spa High School.

With these latest grant awards, the BSEF has, since its inception in 1996, funded over $428,402.76 in enrichment grants to the school district. The Ballston Spa Education Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization with an all-volunteer board made up of community members whose mission is to raise and distribute resources for educational enrichment opportunities outside the realm of the daily operational needs of the Ballston Spa Central School District. 

Academy for Lifelong Learning Offering 16 Winter Courses

SARATOGA SPRINGS —The Academy for Lifelong Learning continues its 30-plus year tradition of presenting educational and social opportunities for adults 55 and over by offering sixteen, five-week courses starting the week of January 23. Registration is now open. 

Course brochures are available at local libraries, YMCA’s and retirement communities or by request at 518-290-6988 or jeff@allsaratoga.org. Please note, some changes have been made. Registrations will be accepted throughout the term until courses are full. Some courses will sell out. Annual membership is $75 and goes for 365 days from join date. Five-week courses are $50 each.

Topics for these volunteer-led, noncredit courses include music, literature, teas, Italian language, investing, variety speaker series, Art History and Anatomy, ancient game of Go, hiking, snow shoeing, Chinese writings, history, art at the Tang, science, and more. Join A.L.L. locally for classroom and outdoor courses, or from anywhere for Zoom options. 

Founded in 1992, the Academy is a non-profit, membership organization. A self-funded entity, A.L.L. is designed to offer lifelong learning and comradery among seniors, A.L.L. also offers a spring and fall term, Special Interest Groups, (SIGs) and special events that are held throughout the year.

Young Santa: Nine-Year-OldGives Back During Holiday Season

Aidan McFarland poses for a photo at the Saratoga County Sheriff’s Department. McFarland raised almost $850 and donated breakfasts and dinners to local police on Christmas Eve and Christmas. Photo provided.

BALLSTON SPA — Around the holiday season, many nine-year-old children are eagerly awaiting their haul from Santa. Aidan McFarland, however, was more concerned with how he could give back.

McFarland, with help from the local community, delivered Christmas Eve dinners and Christmas morning breakfasts to the Saratoga County Jail, Ballston Spa Police Department, and Saratoga County Sheriff’s Patrol Division.

“I have a friend, and they have a dad that’s a sheriff,” said McFarland. “I noticed that sheriffs have been protecting us for a long time, and I wanted to start serving lunch, dinner, and breakfast. I wanted to support them because they didn’t get to spend time with their family, and they are protecting us.”

Cassandra McFarland, Aidan’s mom, said he hopes to become a sheriff when he grows up. His grandfather, Bill Roner, is also a retired sheriff with the Saratoga County Sheriff’s Department. 

“It was just something he kind of noticed,” said Cassandra McFarland. “The sheriffs work on the holidays; they don’t get days off.”

Roner said they are “having a very difficult time filling positions,” leading to mandatory overtime for many employees. 

“Some of these guys are getting minimal sleep and right back at it, and then they’re missing their families,” said Cassandra McFarland. “So we kind of talked about ‘What can we do to brighten up their spirits on a holiday?’, and Aidan said, ‘Let’s bring them food.’”

Cassandra then contacted Roner, her father.

“I got talking to my dad, and he said there’s a lot of guys. If you do just the jail, that’s a lot of guys, but then there’s also the road and the communications, that’s a lot of guys and girls,” said Cassandra. “What about doing Ballston Spa too, not just Saratoga County? It became a big picture at that point.”

Aidan and his mom then recorded a video discussing their goal and uploaded it to Facebook. It caught the attention of members of the American Legion Post 234, who invited Aidan to speak at their next meeting.

Aidan said speaking at the meeting was “really cool, because it was my first time.” He admitted that he was “kind of” nervous, but also said it was exciting.

The McFarlands’ goal also reached members of VFW Post 358, who helped out as well. Between the VFW and Legion posts, coupled with help from friends and family, they raised nearly $850, as well as baked goods and other food, Cassandra McFarland said.

“It was a pretty big turnout,” said Cassandra McFarland.

“It was cool,” added Aidan.

Cassandra said she was “really impressed” with Aidan’s drive and determination, as he took the reins for much of the duration.

“I’d say to him, ‘Do you want to do a live and update people?’, and he was like, ‘Yeah!’,” said Cassandra. “Some days, I thought I was going to talk, and then he’s just babbling on in the video, and I’m like, ‘OK, you got this.’ … It was definitely humbling and emotional to watch your kid do something good.”

And according to Roner, the food was very well-received by employees of the three departments.

“Oh, they loved it,” said Roner. “They couldn’t thank him enough.”

Roner said he recently saw an officer in town, saying the officer told him he had set aside some of the mac and cheese that Aidan had delivered the week prior.

“He came over and said he just finished the last bit of mac and cheese that day,” Roner said. “He said he set it aside so he’d know where it was.”

And the local police gave back to Aidan as well, returning the favor by bringing him in for a tour of the communications department and a ride in a police car. 

“It was pretty neat. Christmas Eve, we went in and communications, they were tracking Santa on their computers,” Cassandra said.

“When I was putting on the siren and the light on, the person actually stopped,” said Aidan of his ride in the police car. 

Aidan also said it felt good to give back, and said he wants to continue his deliveries during next year’s holiday season. 

“It was definitely a rewarding experience, and it feels good to give back,” added Cassandra McFarland.

GlobalFoundries – Town of Malta Foundation Grants Awarded to Ballston Spa Schools

Photo provided by Ballston Spa Central School District.

BALLSTON SPA — The Ballston Spa schools were among the community organizations selected to receive funding from the GlobalFoundries – Town of Malta Foundation as they announced their awards for 2022. The grant awards included $18,000 for several Ballston Spa Central School District projects and programs.  

The Malta Avenue Elementary School PTA received $3,500 to fund Alternative Classroom Settings. The Ballston Spa High School received $4,000 for the Robotics Club and the District’s Ballston Spa Partnership for Innovation in Education Fund received $6,000 to support the District’s Robotics Competition. The Ballston Spa High School Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) received $4,500 to support Senior Class activities and the annual After Prom event.

“We are thrilled to receive the support of the GlobalFoundries – Town of Malta Foundation to enhance our programs throughout the district,” said Interim Superintendent Dr. Gianleo Duca of the Ballston Spa CSD. “We appreciate their ongoing investment in providing the best learning experiences and opportunities for students.”

The GlobalFoundries – Town of Malta Foundation recently presented its 2022 slate of 24 grants, totaling $154,200 benefiting local organizations and community projects. The Foundation was developed to fund organizations, programs and projects that provide tangible benefits of a public nature to diverse groups serving the citizens of the Town of Malta, including not-for-profit corporations, charitable organizations, community arts and theater groups, community historical sites, special events, education programs, and sports and recreation activities

Lions Scholarship Application Now Available for SSCSD Seniors

SARATOGA SPRINGS — Applications for thousands of dollars in scholarships from the Saratoga Springs Lions Club for high school seniors planning to attend college or professional/vocational licensed programs are now available.

The list of scholarships includes:

• $10,000 Lions Foundation – Jack Berkowitz Memorial Award ($2,500 per year)

• $5,000 Four-Year Academic Program Award ($1,250 per year)

• $2,500 Four-Year Academic Program Award ($625 per year)

• $2,500 Leos Club Member Scholarship Award (applications with least two-year membership in Saratoga Springs High School Leos Club)

• $2,500 Two-Year Academic Program Award ($1,250 per year)

• $2,500 Professional/Vocational Licensed Program Award

Applicants must have a residence address within the Saratoga Springs City School District to qualify. Additionally, they need to complete the application form and submit an up-to-date high school transcript, letters of recommendation from community leaders or faculty, an essay, and a resume of school and community activities.

Special attention will be given to the quality of the essay which must be based on the Lions Club International motto of “We Serve.” Applicants should describe any experiences they’ve had helping others and/or serving their school and community.

Applications are available at www.saratogaspringslions.com/programs/scholarships or from school guidance offices. Completed applications must be sent to The Saratoga Springs Lions Club, Attn: Scholarship, P. O. Box 166, Saratoga Springs NY 12866. They must be postmarked by Apr. 15, 2023.

Saratoga Sponsor-A-Scholar: Celebrating The Season

Photo by Super Source Media Studios

SARATOGA SPRINGS — Saratoga Sponsor-A-Scholar (SSAS) held its annual Holiday Celebration on Dec. 15. Board members and mentors joined high school scholars as they were gifted sponsored donations for the holiday season.

SSAS selects 10 sophomore and juniors from the Saratoga Springs City School District annually and provides them with mentors, academic tutoring, PSAT and SAT training and other help with college preparation during their last three years of high school and yearly cash stipends while in college. 

For more information visit saratogasponsorascholar.org.

Hadley-Luzerne Central School District Receives 2022 Community Partner Award

LAKE LUZERNE —The Hadley-Luzerne Central School District is proud to announce it received the 2022 Community Partner Award from Cornell Cooperative Extension of Warren County (CCE). 

Interim Director for CCE Warren County John Bowe recognized the district for collaborating with CCE to provide 20 programs to 90 students through the district’s Extended School Day program during the 2021-22 school year. CCE Warren County introduced students to seasonally appropriate topics including archery, campfire safety, knot tying, soup making, Leave No Trace, and more. 

“We decided to partner with CCE Warren County because they provide an exemplary service to our students, and we have a history of working with them even beyond the Extended School Day program,” said Hadley-Luzerne Special Education Director Robert Mark. “We wanted students to have a variety of experiences that they would learn from and enjoy and that wouldn’t typically be offered during a regular school day.” 

The Hadley-Luzerne Central School District continues to collaborate with CCE Warren County to offer programs to students after school almost every Thursday. 

Funding for the Extended Day School program and CCE Warren County programs comes from the Federal Elementary and Secondary Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund allocated by the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act of 2021 to address learning loss due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

“CCE Warren County has been a tremendous partner to us,” said HLCSD Superintendent Burgess Ovitt. “We truly appreciate all they do for our students and teachers and thank them for this award.”  

Ballston Spa Students Receive Backpack Donation

Photo provided by Ballston Spa Central School District.

BALLSTON SPA — The Saratoga County Sheriff’s Department recently provided the Ballston Spa Central School District with a donation of backpacks for students in the district. The backpacks will be filled with school supplies and available to students in need throughout the district. Shown in the photo receiving the donation are School Resource Officer Deputy Heflin, BSCSD Students in Transition Coordinator Mrs. Dugan, School Resource Officer Deputy Becker and Interim Superintendent of Schools Dr. Duca.