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Standing Strong: Tips to PreventBack Pain While On Your Feet All Day

For many individuals, standing for prolonged periods during work or daily activities can lead to back pain and discomfort. However, with the right techniques and habits, you can minimize the chances of developing such issues.

1. Maintain Proper Posture:

One of the key factors in preventing back pain while standing is maintaining good posture. Ensure that your shoulders are relaxed, your back is straight, and your weight is evenly distributed on both feet. Avoid slouching or leaning forward, as this can put unnecessary strain on your back muscles.

2. Wear Supportive Footwear:

Invest in comfortable, supportive shoes with cushioning and proper arch support. Avoid high heels or shoes with inadequate support, as they can alter your posture and contribute to back pain. If your job requires you to stand for long hours, consider using orthotic inserts for additional support.

3. Take Regular Breaks:

It’s essential to give your body a break from standing to relieve pressure on your back muscles. Try to incorporate short breaks into your routine, allowing you to sit down, stretch, or walk around for a few minutes. This can help improve circulation and reduce muscle fatigue.

4. Stretch and Strengthen Muscles:

Performing regular stretching and strengthening exercises can help prevent back pain and improve your overall posture. Focus on exercises that target the core muscles, such as the abdominals and lower back, as well as the legs and hips. Yoga or Pilates can be beneficial in improving flexibility and muscle strength.

5. Use Proper Ergonomics:

If you have a standing desk or workstation, ensure that it is set up ergonomically to support your body properly. Adjust the height of the desk and monitor to reduce strain on your neck and back. Consider using an anti-fatigue mat to provide cushioning and support for your feet.

6. Stay Hydrated and Maintain a Healthy Weight:

Dehydration can contribute to muscle cramps and fatigue, so be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Additionally, maintaining a healthy weight can reduce the strain on your back muscles and joints when standing for extended periods.

7. Practice Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques:

Stress and tension can exacerbate back pain, so it’s essential to practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or mindfulness. Taking a few minutes to relax and focus on your breathing can help alleviate muscle tension and promote overall well-being.

By incorporating these tips into your daily routine, you can effectively prevent back pain while standing all day. Remember that each individual’s body is unique, so it may be necessary to adjust these strategies to suit your specific needs. Prioritizing your posture, taking breaks, staying active, and practicing self-care are essential steps towards maintaining a healthy back and overall well-being, even in situations that require prolonged standing.

Dr. Matt Smith has been a Chiropractor in Saratoga Springs for 36 years. He and his daughter Dr. Kevy Smith Minogue can be reached at 518-587-2064 or at MySaratogaChiropractor.com.

Managing Summer

I wrote about our daily summer schedule in a column twelve years ago. I remember so clearly the day that inspired me to institute the schedule — it was the last day of school, which was a half day; I had just come home from picking my school boys up from school (at that time it was just my older two, who had just finished second grade and Kindergarten); in addition to them, I had a three-year-old, two-year-old, and five-month-old; everyone was going bananas and I felt like I was losing my mind. And it wasn’t even the first full day of summer vacation! That day I put together a daily schedule that I stuck to pretty closely all summer: the kids that were old enough went outside in the yard after breakfast until lunchtime, followed by quick baths, then lunch, then inside playing/read-aloud/errands until naptime, then dinner prep, dinner, after-dinner playing, and bedtime. It saved me that summer, and many summers since.

Our summertime daily schedule has changed in some big ways since then, since the big boys have summer jobs and I work part-time in the summer and the little ones are old enough that I don’t need them to be outside all morning for me to get things done. Some other things going on in our summers that we didn’t have back then include swimming lessons, visits to the lake, and getting my older two ready to go to college at the end of the summer.

But there are several things I do still try to enforce, for all ages as much as possible (though my oldest is an adult and my second will be shortly), that hearken back to those early days. One is cultivating boredom. The experts all say it’s a good idea for kids to be bored with some regularity. In an article on the Child Mind Institute web site called “The Benefits of Boredom,” author Gia Miller reveals that boredom “helps kids build tolerance of less-than-ideal experiences … develop planning strategies, problem-solving skills, flexibility and organizational skills … [and] fosters creativity, self-esteem and original thinking.” (https://childmind.org/article/the-benefits-of-boredom/) Even if the experts didn’t say so, I would say so, since I’ve seen over and over again that being bored leads my kids to engage in more imaginative and more creative play, and leads them to be able to entertain themselves better, which, in addition to helping them become more capable kids, was so important for me all those years when I had a small baby who needed me more than the bigger kids. 

Another thing I still encourage (more than require at this point) is outside time. My big boys get enough, between their outdoor jobs and outdoor sports, and we go to our favorite lake a lot during the summer, which often means full days of fresh air and sunshine (my youngest fell asleep on the couch two minutes after coming in at the end of such a day recently, such good exhaustion!), but I often still shoo the younger boys out to the yard when I’m trying to get something done inside and they’re underfoot. I’m usually met with complaints — “It’s too hot!” “It’s too buggy!” “There’s nothing to doooo!” — and they might spend a good few minutes when they first get out there draped all over the porch step or the ground as if they had no energy to do anything, or (worse) coming back in to ask twenty times if they can come in yet, but it doesn’t take long before they’re playing and climbing and getting dirty.

Another thing I insist upon during the summer is restricted screen time (by which I mean personal screens: video games and computers [that kind of usage isn’t allowed on the phones]; we all enjoy shared TV time and movies). My general rule about video games is one hour per weekend day per child (which, admittedly, often turns into extra turns and bonus turns, sometimes attached to having done extra chores, sometimes to just have some peaceful time for Mom and Dad!), but during the school year I never waver on my ban on them during the week. Monday through Thursday there are no video games allowed. During the summer, I’m a little more flexible, as rainy days can be especially hard. My middle- through high school boys also have their own devices for school, which I do allow them to use during the week, though the rule is no more than one hour per day. I find this to be much harder to monitor, and I often catch a boy on his computer who says, “Ummm … I don’t know?” when I ask how long he’s been on it. But I’m consoled by the fact that just having the mindset of restricted screen time results in far more restricted screen time than we would have if I didn’t have this mindset. 

I also make a lot of time for reading. The big boys have summer reading requirements for school, and there are a few books I’ll read aloud: Charlotte’s Web and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory for my littlest guy (and anyone else who wants to listen), Harry Potter and Wonder for the bigger kids. Once we’ve finished a book that has a movie, we’ll watch the movie, which is always a nice way to end one story and move on to another. Though I start every summer reading Charlotte’s Web, this was the first summer my youngest was old enough to pay attention all the way through and really *get* the storyline and details. When we watched the movie and Charlotte waved goodbye to Wilbur for the last time at the end of the fair, my sensitive boy cried and cried. Such a sad and tender moment, but it also gave me such a feeling of joy as a lover of stories that my boy’s heart had been touched and that we were able to share that (because, of course, I was crying too!).

Now that we’re nearly halfway through July, we’re firmly in summer, and I hope you’re all making the most of this time off from school and the hot weather like we’re trying to! (When I write again next month, we’ll be gearing up to go back to school, gah!)

Kate and her husband have seven sons ages 19, 17, 16, 14, 12, 10, and 5. Email her at kmtowne23@gmail.com.

Summer: A Prime Time for Myopia Control Programs

Susan Halstead is a Nationally and NYS Licensed Optician and is the owner of Family Vision Care Center in Saratoga Springs. FVCC has been serving Saratoga County since 1920 with Susan as it’s third owner. Susan can be reached for comments or questions via text or call (518)584-6111 or email Susan@familyvisioncarecenter.com

As the summer sun warms our days and children revel in the freedom of extended hours, it’s also a pivotal opportunity to focus on their eye health. For many young ones, managing myopia—or nearsightedness—can be a significant part of their health journey. With the advent of myopia control programs, this season presents an ideal window for families to consider proactive steps in their children’s eye care routines.

Myopia, a condition where distant objects appear blurry, has seen a marked increase in prevalence among children in recent years. Factors such as increased screen time and reduced outdoor activities are contributing to this trend. However, advancements in optometry have introduced innovative solutions to tackle myopia progression effectively.

Summer vacation offers a unique advantage for initiating or intensifying myopia control efforts. With more leisure time, children can better acclimate to wearing corrective lenses, particularly contact lenses which require a period of adjustment. These lenses not only correct vision but can also play a crucial role in slowing down the rate of myopia progression. Proper usage and care of contact lenses can be learned and practiced more consistently during the relaxed summer months, setting children up for success as they return to their school routines.

Moreover, summer camps and recreational activities provide opportunities for kids to experience various environments while wearing contact lenses, thereby enhancing their comfort and confidence in using them. Optometrists specializing in myopia control can guide families through the process, ensuring that each child receives personalized care and optimal vision correction strategies.

Parents and guardians are encouraged to seize this season as a chance to prioritize their children’s eye health. By participating in myopia control programs, families not only address current vision concerns but also invest in their children’s long-term eye health and well-being. Early intervention and consistent management are key in mitigating the progression of myopia, ultimately promoting healthier eyesight into adulthood.

As we embrace the joys of summer, let us also embrace the opportunity to safeguard our children’s vision. Myopia control programs empower families to take proactive steps towards maintaining clear vision and healthy eyes for their children. Together, we can ensure that this summer shines brightly with both fun-filled activities and a clear focus on eye health.

The Dollar’s Strength Can Be Your Ticket to The World!

With the dollar currently dominating the currency markets, now is the perfect time to take advantage of its strength when planning your summer travel. For those looking to explore new destinations or revisit old favorites, a strong dollar can make all the difference in saving money and getting the most out of your vacation. Here are some tips on how to make the most of the strong dollar when planning your summer travel.

One of the first things to consider when planning your summer travel is choosing destinations where the dollar is strong relative to the local currency. This can help stretch your travel budget and allow you to enjoy more activities and experiences during your trip. Countries in Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, and parts of Latin America are known for offering great value for travelers, especially when the dollar is strong.

Once you’ve decided on your destination, it’s important to book accommodations and flights in advance to take advantage of favorable exchange rates. By locking in your travel expenses early, you can avoid potential fluctuations in currency values and secure the best deals. Additionally, consider using a credit card that offers no foreign transaction fees to avoid extra charges while traveling abroad.

While abroad, look for ways to save money on everyday expenses by eating at local eateries, taking public transportation, and shopping at markets and street vendors. By avoiding tourist traps and touristy areas, you can experience the local culture and save money at the same time. Consider staying in accommodations like Airbnb or hostels, which can be more budget-friendly than traditional hotels.

Another way to make the most of the strong dollar is to take advantage of exchange rate fluctuations. By monitoring currency values and exchanging money at the most favorable rates, you can maximize your travel budget and get more bang for your buck. Consider using online currency exchange services or withdrawing cash from ATMs to avoid high fees and unfavorable exchange rates.

If you’re planning to travel to multiple countries during your summer vacation, consider using a multi-currency card or travel money card to avoid carrying large amounts of cash and minimize currency conversion fees. These cards allow you to load multiple currencies onto the card and make purchases in different countries without incurring additional charges.

Finally, consider taking advantage of travel deals and promotions that are available during the summer season. Many airlines, hotels, and tour operators offer discounted rates and special packages during the summer months to attract travelers. By doing your research and booking early, you can save money and enjoy a memorable vacation without breaking the bank.

The strong dollar presents a great opportunity for savvy travelers to make the most of their summer vacation. By choosing destinations where the dollar is strong, booking accommodations and flights in advance, and monitoring exchange rates, you can save money and get the most out of your travel experience. With a little planning and research, you can enjoy a memorable summer vacation without overspending.

Stephen Kyne CFP® is a Partner at Sterling Manor Financial, LLC in Saratoga Springs.   

Securities offered through Cadaret, Grant & Co., Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. Advisory services offered through Sterling Manor Financial, LLC, or Cadaret Grant & Co., Inc., SEC registered investment advisors. Sterling Manor Financial and Cadaret, Grant are separate entities. 18 Division St, Ste 202, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 518-583-4040

Real Estate Contracts in New York

The Process from Contract to Closing

The purchase or sale of their home can be one of the most stressful things that a client undertakes.  That is especially true in today’s market where multiple offers are common and houses may sell quickly above the listing price.  Here is a basic set of questions and answers to help you navigate the process successfully.

Who prepares the contract of sale?

Contracts for sale of real estate are typically prepared by the real estate agent representing the buyer.  If no real estate agent is involved, then the contract would likely be prepared by the attorney for the buyer.

Are there standard forms for real estate contracts?

Yes. There is a standard form for real estate contracts, which sometimes can vary based on what county you are in. 

What are the general terms of the contract?

The contract covers all the terms you would expect to see, including the price, financing, title issues, taxes, inspections, cost prorations, attorney approval, and perhaps most importantly – the timelines.

What are the key timelines?

The key timelines include: when the deal will close, how long the attorneys have to review the contract, when financing will be confirmed, and when the inspections take place.

How long does it take to close the deal?

Typical real estate contracts take 60 to 90 days from initial contract to closing the title.  With the current real estate market, however, many deals are atypical.  In an effort to appeal to a seller in a situation where multiple offers may be made on the same property, buyers today may offer to close in an expedited manner, i.e. in 30 to 45 days.

When do the attorneys review the contract?

The attorneys review the contract after both parties sign it. This is what is known as the attorney review period, which typically lasts three to five days.  During that time, the attorneys have an opportunity to request changes or clarifications to the contract.  Such changes and clarifications are subject to approval, rejection, or modification by the other attorney.  Once the negotiations are concluded, the attorney approval period is considered “closed”.

How does financing play a role?

Most people need to obtain a mortgage to buy their home.  As a result, contracts generally have a mortgage contingency, which states that the buyer must seek and obtain a mortgage within a particular time frame.  Usually, the time frame is approximately 30 days.  It is understood that if mortgage commitment is delayed, that deadline can be extended.

Are all contracts contingent on financing?

No. In fact, in today’s competitive real estate market, more deals are “cash deals”, meaning the buyer is not conditioning their purchase on their obtaining a mortgage.  In those cases, the buyer either has the actual cash in hand or has independent access to financing that they can rely on, i.e. an existing home equity line of credit.

What happens if the buyer cannot get a mortgage?

If the contract is conditioned on obtaining the mortgage, the buyer would be able to get out of the contract if they cannot obtain the financing they need.  This is somewhat uncommon.  In fact, many buyers come to the process armed with a pre-qualification letter from their bank confirming they have the ability to obtain a mortgage up to a certain amount.

Can a purchase be conditioned on the sale of another home?

The purchase contract can be conditioned on the sale of the buyer’s current home.  In that case, the buyer is presumably using the funds from that sale to purchase their new home.  If the seller is willing to agree to such a condition, they may ask that it be lifted if a second buyer approaches them to purchase the home without such a condition in place.

What is involved with a title search?

Title searches are customarily done in advance of the closing.  A title search company will review the current and prior deeds to confirm that the seller owns the property they are selling.  In addition, the title search will address whether there are any liens against the property that must be resolved before closing.  Liens can exist if the seller has any judgments against them, if there is a mortgage against the property, or if there are any unpaid property taxes.

What happens if liens are found?

If liens are found against the property, then they would have to be paid off at closing.  For example, if the seller did not timely pay their property taxes, those back taxes would have to be paid off at closing out of the money the buyer brings to the table.

What type of inspections are typically done?

Inspections are typically done for the structural condition of the home, pests, mold, radon, and water and septic issues.  If any of these inspections reveal a problem, then the buyer would have the opportunity to either get out of the contract or potentially renegotiate the purchase price.  In response to a request to renegotiate, the seller can refuse and take the position that the sale is an “as is” sale and not agree to lower the price.

Are inspections always required?

No.  Given the current competitive real estate market, some buyers are willing to forgo inspections in an effort to make their offer more appealing to the seller.  In that case, the buyer obviously takes the risk that there are defects in the home that will require attention after they buy it.

What happens at closing?

At closing, the buyer pays the seller for the home and receives a deed in exchange.  If mortgage financing is involved, the buyer signs the mortgage, and it is recorded in the County Clerk’s office along with the deed.  The closing date set in the contract is generally an “on or about” date, meaning that the closing will not necessarily occur on that particular date, but generally within a week or so of it.

The real estate closing process can be stressful for buyers and sellers.  It is advisable to obtain the services of an experienced real estate attorney to ensure that your rights are protected, and that the process goes as smoothly as possible.  To those prospective buyers out there – happy house hunting and good luck!

Matthew J. Dorsey, Esq. is a Shareholder with O’Connell and Aronowitz, 1 Court Street, Saratoga Springs, NY. Over his twenty-seven years of practice, he has focused in the areas of elder law, estate planning, and estate administration. Mr. Dorsey can be reached at (518)584-5205, mdorsey@oalaw.com and www.oalaw.com. 



Simple Tips On Drinking Enough Water Everyday

Staying adequately hydrated is integral to maintaining good health and overall well-being. However, many individuals struggle to consume the recommended daily amount of water. Incorporating some simple yet effective strategies into your daily routine can help ensure you stay adequately hydrated. Here are some helpful tips on how to drink enough water every day.

1. Set a Daily Goal Aim to drink a specific amount of water each day, such as the commonly recommended 8 glasses or 2 liters. Having a target can serve as a reminder to keep sipping water throughout the day.

2. Carry a Water Bottle Always have a water bottle with you wherever you go. This makes it easier to take a sip whenever you feel thirsty, ensuring a steady intake of water throughout the day.

3. Use Apps or Reminders Several apps are available that can help track your water intake and send reminders to drink water at regular intervals. Setting alarms on your phone or using sticky notes as reminders can also be effective.

4. Infuse Your Water Add natural flavor to your water by infusing it with fruits like lemon, cucumber, berries, or mint. This can make drinking water more enjoyable and may encourage you to consume more.

5. Create a Routine Establish specific times during the day when you will drink water, such as a glass upon waking up, one before each meal, and one before bed. Making hydration a habitual part of your daily routine can increase your water intake.

6. Monitor Your Progress Keep track of your water consumption throughout the day. You can use a journal, an app, or simply mark your water bottle with time goals to ensure you are drinking consistently.

7. Consume Water-Rich Foods Incorporate foods with high water content, such as fruits (like watermelon and oranges) and vegetables (like cucumber and celery), into your meals and snacks. These foods can contribute significantly to your overall hydration.

8. Opt for Water Instead of Other Beverages Whenever possible, choose water over sugary drinks, sodas, or caffeinated beverages. Not only does this help with hydration, but it also reduces your intake of added sugars and unnecessary calories.

9. Link Water Consumption to Daily Activities Associate drinking water with specific daily activities, such as every time you check your emails, after using the restroom, or during TV commercial breaks. This can help make drinking water a natural part of your routine.

10. Listen to Your Body Pay attention to your body’s signals of thirst and hydration. Feeling thirsty is a sign that your body needs water, so make it a habit to drink whenever you feel thirsty.

By incorporating these simple tips into your daily life, you can ensure that you stay adequately hydrated and reap the numerous benefits that come with proper hydration. Remember, staying hydrated is essential for maintaining your health, energy levels, and overall well-being.

Dr. Matt Smith has been a Chiropractor in Saratoga Springs for 36 years. He and his daughter Dr. Kevy Smith Minogue can be reached at 518-587-2064 or at MySaratogaChiropractor.com.

New Office, New Vision: Promoting Eye Health in Our Modernized Location

Exciting news is on the horizon for our community as we prepare to embark on a new chapter at Family Vision Care Center! We are thrilled to announce our move to a larger, more modern office space, designed to better serve your needs and elevate your experience with us. But our excitement doesn’t stop there – as we settle into our new location, we’re also committed to ensuring that your eye health remains a top priority, especially as we enter the sunny days of summer.

The Importance of Eye Health in Summer

As temperatures rise and outdoor activities beckon, it’s important to remember the significance of maintaining good eye health. The summer months bring increased exposure to UV radiation, which can lead to eye damage if proper precautions aren’t taken. Additionally, factors like prolonged screen time and indoor air conditioning can contribute to dry, irritated eyes. But fear not – with the right knowledge and habits, you can protect your eyes and enjoy a vibrant, healthy summer.

Expert Advice

To help you navigate the sunny season with confidence, we’ve consulted with Dr. Robert Burtch, a trusted expert in eye care. Dr. Burtch emphasizes the importance of wearing sunglasses with UV protection whenever you’re outdoors, even on cloudy days. As an Optician of 30 plus years, I can attest to the fact that not all sunglasses have adequate UV protection. Most eyecare office have a UV meter to test the level of protection. I strongly encourage you to have yours tested. In many instances, you are better off with no sunglasses than glasses without UV protection. Additionally, staying hydrated and taking regular breaks from screens can help alleviate eye strain and discomfort.

Tour of the New Office

Step inside our new office, and you’ll discover a space designed with your well-being in mind. Ample natural light floods our reception area, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Our modern, ergonomic workstations promote comfort and productivity, while designated break areas provide the perfect opportunity to give your eyes a rest. We believe that a healthy work environment is essential for maintaining optimal eye health, and we’re thrilled to share this space with you.

Community Engagement

At Family Vision Care Center, we’re not just committed to serving our patients – we’re dedicated to supporting our community as a whole. In the coming months, we’ll be hosting educational workshops and free eye screenings to raise awareness about the importance of eye health. We believe that by empowering our community with knowledge and resources, we can make a meaningful impact on overall wellness.

Testimonials and Success Stories

But don’t just take our word for it – hear from satisfied clients and employees who have experienced the difference at Family Vision Care Center. 

Brett B

*****11 weeks ago

Hands down the best vision center in Saratoga. They are informed, kind, patient and incredibly helpful. I look forward to my annual visit because it’s like visiting old friends….I love it here and so will you.

Sheri D

*****8 weeks ago

The team at family vision care is amazing. The staff is friendly, professional and genuinely interested in understanding their patient’s needs. I was truly impressed with their commitment to ensuring that my glasses worked for me!

Taylor S

***** 20 hours ago

Super quick and easy. I was in and out with an updated prescription in just about an hour with a full eye checkup. Staff was super friendly and explained everything in a way anyone could understand

Call to Action

As we embark on this new journey together, we invite you to prioritize your eye health and join us in our commitment to wellness. Schedule a comprehensive eye exam today, and let’s ensure that your vision remains clear and bright for years to come. For more information about our services and upcoming events, visit www.familyvisioncarecenter.com or give us a call at (518)584-6111.

Susan Halstead is a Nationally and NYS Licensed Optician and is the owner of Family Vision Care Center in Saratoga Springs. FVCC has been serving Saratoga County since 1920 with Susan as it’s third owner. Susan can be reached for comments or questions via text or call (518)584-6111 or email Susan@familyvisioncarecenter.com

The Best Men Are Good Dads: “Mothering Boys”

One of the things my dad has done for me my entire motherhood is accompany my kids on their field trips as a chaperone. Any of you who have gone on field trips with your kids know what a commitment that is! It started when my oldest had his first field trips and he was too young for me to comfortably send him without an adult of his own — he was probably in Kindergarten — but at that point I had three other little ones at home, one of whom was a newborn, so there was no way I could go, and my husband wasn’t able to work it out with work. In stepped my dad! That started years and years of him going with my kids on their field trips. He’s done the small ones, like to local farms and orchards that only take up a morning, and he’s done the big ones that require him to be at school with my boy at 5:30 in the morning and they don’t get home until late that night — places in New York City and Boston, like Ellis Island, the Science Museum, the Bronx Zoo, and the Planetarium.

It helps that Dad loves to travel, and I always try to pack a nice bag of food for their trip, which both Dad and the boys have always said they love, but I don’t ever want to take for granted how challenging it can be to be in charge of little ones in unfamiliar places, and that taking these large chunks of time out of one’s day is no small thing. Also, I have ultimate faith that my kids are safe with Dad and that no matter what happens, he’ll figure it out, which is a huge reassurance for a parent! Indeed, it’s a confidence I’ve had my entire life as his daughter.

Just as a woman doesn’t need to actually be a mother to “mother” others, the characteristics of a good dad are the best characteristics of men, in my opinion, and a boy or a man doesn’t need to be a dad to show them. I’m having the great delight of seeing these very characteristics starting to show themselves in my own boys in their dealings with their youngest brothers and their little cousins. For example, during this past basketball season, my littlest boy was just old enough that I felt comfortable letting his big brothers bring him with them to the vending machine, which was out of my sight on a different floor of the school. The big boys took their charge very seriously and even insisted on using their own money to buy their little brother treats. In fact, many days this spring one or two of them would hop into the van at school pick-up with a drink or a piece of candy they’d saved specifically for their little brother.

My second-to-youngest is four and a half years older than my youngest, so he has significantly more things he’s allowed to do on his own and he doesn’t need as much help, but one thing I did need help with in regard to him this past spring was getting him to baseball for warm-ups forty five minutes before his game was to start. That was too soon for me to have gotten myself and the other kids ready to go and have dinner prepared and all that; when his games were at Gavin Park, I just had to do it and drive him, but when they were at the East Side Rec, I usually asked one of my big boys to walk him over, and they never fussed about it. “Make sure you connect him with his team and his coach!” I would specify. “Don’t just leave him at the gate!” And they always did the safe thing — they always made sure their brother was set before they walked home. And sometimes, if I was going to be even more delayed than usual, I would ask whoever walked him over to please stay there until I got there, so my little guy wasn’t alone in the off chance that something might happen (as did once when the game got canceled just a few minutes after he arrived because of a storm). I’ve been amazed at how little complaining there’s been from my big boys!

Even my littlest boy is showing signs of good fatherhood — of caring for those smaller and/or more vulnerable. My youngest two nephews are two and ten months old, and all the boys go bananas over seeing them, but my youngest son can hardly contain his enthusiasm and desire to love them. Whenever they’re around, my little boy does everything he can to find toys they like, or to entertain them by doing crazy faces and noises, or to beg me to put on the shows that they like (it’s because of them that I even know what Cocomelon is). I have to spend a decent amount of time reminding my boy to give them space, because he just wants to hug them and never let them go. “Ohhh!” he’s always saying, with near pain in his voice because of the intensity of his feelings. “I just love them!”

We are blessed to have several really good men in our lives that model the mindset and behavior that I want my boys to internalize, and so much of that has to do with caring for others, providing safety and security, being someone that can be depended upon, and taking seriously serious things. All good-dad stuff! Of course, the — ahem — daddy of them all in our lives is my kids’ own dad. He hates being the center of attention so I won’t go on and on, but suffice it to say I could not have chosen a better dad for my kids. Thanks to all the men who are amazing fathers and/or who provide the best characteristics of a good dad to those around them! Happy Father’s Day!

Kate and her husband have seven sons ages 19, 17, 15, 14, 12, 10, and 5. Email her at kmtowne23@gmail.com.

The Ins and Outs of Closing Estates in New York

The Difference Between Informal and Formal Closure

If you have ever served as an Executor or Administrator of an estate, then you know at the end of the process that you need to take steps to close the estate.  What is the difference between an Executor and an Administrator, and what does it mean to close an estate? 

Executor vs. Administrator – what is the difference? 

An estate can either go through a probate proceeding or an intestate administration proceeding, depending on the circumstances of the case. A probate proceeding occurs when the decedent had a Last Will and Testament (“a Will”).  An intestate administration occurs when the decedent died without a Will.  In a probate proceeding, the Will is proven to be valid and the Court issues Letters Testamentary to the Executor – appointing them to the position of Executor.  In an intestate administration proceeding, there is no Will to prove valid and the Court issues Letters of Administration to the Administrator – appointing them to the position of Administrator.  Whether you are an Executor or Administrator, at the end of the process, you will need to close the estate. 

What are the different types of estate closure?

Estates can be closed informally or formally.  Both types of closures are described below.   

What is an informal closure of an estate? 

With the informal closure of an estate, the Executor or Administrator (“the Estate Fiduciary”) will typically circulate to the residuary beneficiaries an informal accounting.  There is no required format for an informal accounting.  In my practice, I will sometimes do what I call a “checkbook accounting”, which essentially shares all the information in the estate checkbook with the beneficiaries and has annotations to explain the details.  For example, I would explain the source of all deposits (i.e., proceeds deposited on sale of decedent’s house) and the reasons for all payments or withdrawals (i.e., a check written to pay the decedent’s medical bills).  If the beneficiaries have questions about the informal accounting, then the lawyer preparing it typically will answer them and provide whatever additional information is relevant. If the informal accounting is acceptable to the beneficiaries, then the lawyer will ask the beneficiaries to sign Receipts and Releases.

What is a Receipt and Release?

A Receipt and Release is a form signed by the beneficiary stating what assets they have received from the estate, such as a monetary bequest or items of tangible personal property.  For example, the Receipt and Release may state that the beneficiary received $10,000.00 and a Ford truck valued at $20,000.00.  The Receipt and Release further states that the beneficiary releases the Estate Fiduciary from any further liability to them under the estate proceeding.  In addition to Receipts and Releases from all beneficiaries, the Estate Fiduciary must also file an Affidavit by Fiduciary to informally close the estate.

What is an Affidavit by Fiduciary?

An Affidavit by Fiduciary is exactly what it says – an Affidavit signed by the Estate Fiduciary regarding the administration of the estate.  It includes various information, including confirmation that all taxes are paid, and all claims are settled.  It also states that all the necessary Receipts and Releases signed by the beneficiaries are being filed.  If the Court finds everything in order, it will typically issue an Order Approving Informal Closing within approximately a week’s time. 

When is informal closure appropriate? 

Informal closure is appropriate when there are no disputes among the beneficiaries and there are no beneficiaries who are under a legal disability, such as people who are incapacitated, mentally disabled, or who are minors. Informal closures are by far the most common way to close an estate and are certainly preferable in terms of time and expense.

What is formal closure of an estate? 

A formal closure occurs when a petition is filed by the Estate Fiduciary to have the court approve a formal accounting.  The formal accounting has a required format with multiple schedules.  It describes the financial activity of the estate in great detail from the decedent’s date of death to the proposed date of closure.  It would include a proposed final distribution of the remaining assets to the beneficiaries.

When is formal closure of an estate appropriate?

Formal closure is appropriate when one or more of the beneficiaries are persons under disability.  It is also appropriate if one or more of the beneficiaries who are capable of signing a Receipt and Release refuse to do so.  This can happen when one or more of the beneficiaries believe the Estate Fiduciary did not handle their responsibilities appropriately. 

What happens after the Estate Fiduciary files a formal accounting?

All the beneficiaries who have not signed a Receipt and Release and all the persons under disability will be served with the formal accounting and there will be a return date in court for all necessary parties to be heard.  If there are persons under disability, the court will likely appoint a Guardian ad Litem to represent their interests. 

What is a Guardian ad Litem? 

A Guardian ad Litem is an attorney appointed by the court to protect the interests of a person under disability. The Guardian ad Litem will review the formal accounting and report to the court whether they find it acceptable on behalf of their client.

What happens if beneficiaries do not accept the formal accounting?

In that case, those beneficiaries can file objections to the accounting and the Court may hold a trial concerning those objections.  It is common that such matters are settled before trial, but if they are not, the court will hold a trial and determine whether to approve the accounting.  If the Court believes the Estate Fiduciary acted improperly, it has the ability to surcharge the Estate Fiduciary.  A surcharge essentially forces the Estate Fiduciary to pay back money to the estate because they did not handle their responsibilities appropriately.

Estate closure, be it informal or formal, must be handled with care in order to ensure that the Estate Fiduciary properly fulfills their duties, and the beneficiaries all receive what they are due.  In order to make sure estate closure is handled appropriately, you should consult with an experienced attorney familiar with estate administration matters. 

Matthew J. Dorsey, Esq. is a Shareholder with O’Connell and Aronowitz, 1 Court Street, Saratoga Springs, NY. Over his twenty-seven years of practice, he has focused in the areas of elder law, estate planning, and estate administration. Mr. Dorsey can be reached at (518)584-5205, mdorsey@oalaw.com and www.oalaw.com. 

Five Simple Things You Can Do To Protect Yourself From Financial Fraud

Financial fraud is a growing concern in our increasingly digital world. With cybercriminals constantly finding new ways to scam unsuspecting victims, it is more important than ever to protect yourself from becoming a target. Here are five simple things you can do to help safeguard your finances and avoid falling victim to financial fraud.

1. Monitor your accounts regularly

One of the simplest and most effective ways to protect yourself from financial fraud is to monitor your accounts regularly. By keeping a close eye on your bank statements, credit card statements, and online accounts, you’ll be more likely to spot any unauthorized transactions and take action to rectify the situation. Set up alerts with your financial institutions to notify you of any unusual activity, such as large withdrawals or transfers, and report any discrepancies immediately.

2. Use strong and unique passwords

Another easy way to protect yourself from financial fraud is to use strong and unique passwords for all of your online accounts. Avoid using easily guessable passwords like “123456” or “password” and instead opt for a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters. Additionally, use different passwords for each of your accounts to minimize the risk of a hacker gaining access to all of your sensitive information if one account is compromised. Consider using a password manager to generate and store strong passwords securely.

3. Be cautious with your personal information

Be cautious when sharing your personal information online or over the phone. Scammers often use phishing emails, fake websites, and phone calls to trick victims into disclosing sensitive information like Social Security numbers, account numbers, and passwords. Take the time to verify the legitimacy of any request for personal information before providing it, especially if you did not initiate the contact. 

4. Keep your devices secure

In today’s digital age, we rely on our devices for everything from online banking to shopping to social media. To protect yourself from financial fraud, it is crucial to keep your devices secure. Install antivirus software on your computer and mobile devices, keep your operating systems and apps up to date with the latest security patches, and avoid connecting to unsecured public Wi-Fi networks when accessing sensitive information. Additionally, enable two-factor authentication wherever possible to add an extra layer of security to your accounts.

5. Educate yourself about common scams

One of the best ways to protect yourself from financial fraud is to educate yourself about common scams and how to recognize them. Stay up to date on the latest fraud trends and techniques used by cybercriminals, and be wary of unsolicited emails, phone calls, or messages asking for personal information or payment. If something seems too good to be true or raises red flags, trust your instincts and proceed with caution. Remember that knowledge is power when it comes to protecting yourself from financial fraud.

In conclusion, financial fraud is a serious threat that can have lasting consequences if you fall victim to it. By following these five simple tips – monitoring your accounts regularly, using strong passwords, being cautious with your personal information, keeping your devices secure, and educating yourself about common scams – you can help reduce your risk of becoming a victim of financial fraud. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and protect yourself and your finances from falling into the hands of scammers.

Stephen Kyne CFP® is a Partner at Sterling Manor Financial, LLC in Saratoga Springs.   

Securities offered through Cadaret, Grant & Co., Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. Advisory services offered through Sterling Manor Financial, LLC, or Cadaret Grant & Co., Inc., SEC registered investment advisors. Sterling Manor Financial and Cadaret, Grant are separate entities. 18 Division St, Ste 202, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 518-583-4040