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Shall we just sit back and watch the deterioration of yet another vacant Mall?

Back in March 300+ apartments were proposed for a revitalization project at our dying Wilton Mall. The long process had gone through the different Boards in town and had finally landed on the Town Board’s agenda in the form of a Public Hearing. Most residents thought the idea of another use for our failing mall due mostly to online shopping, was a very smart move and a most welcome solution. In March three Town Board members, all firemen, disagreed out of hand without explanation. Is this a fire hazard?

What is the alternative? Shall we just sit back and watch the deterioration of yet another vacant Mall? Is there another project coming down the pike for which the Town Board thinks is a better use for that space? In our view the Board has made a monumental mistake. It has taken the power given to them by the people of Wilton and turned their own personal objections, whatever they might be, into a decision made by only them without consideration of the majority of people living in Wilton. Resident after resident made compelling points why this plan should proceed. Fast forward to October’s TB meeting where it was more of the same.

Noteworthy, not even a half hour before this project was presented in March did another come to the floor. This one is proposed for the area where the Christmas Gift Shop was, so just down the road on Route 50. Here we’ll have 3 separate buildings, each four stories high, with 390 high end apartments and there was not one objection from the Board. With this project over 30 acres of open space will need to be cleared to make way for the apartments. We can’t help but ask WHY?

– Joanne Klepetar. Town of Wilton


The need in Saratoga Springs for a real leader is vital:

One who allows Enforcement of Order, Laws and Public Safety. 

Respects each citizen, esp. veterans and ALL first responders. 

Reads & understands the City Charter.

Follows rules, accepts beneficial ordinances.

Ensures ALL lives count, esp. citizens who reside in our City. 

Works amiably with staff & employees as a team.

Unites people, not prioritizes radical groups such as BLM.

Proudly displays the American flag on City Hall alone. 

Maintains control at City meetings, is attentive, listens and is equally fair to Saratogians.

Balances power & the Budget, not abuses tax monies nor admonishes others. 

Is Responsible & Accountable, not blame others. 

Current Mayor Kim’s loss of rationale, oversight, knowledge & basic manners is concerning. For a fresh start toward improvement and our livelihood, we need a brand new leader with NO connections to current Accounts or Finance Commissioners! VOTE for Civility and a NEW mayor to restore Saratoga Springs to one of the top three best cities in the nation!

– Respectfully, Mary Beth Delarm

Saratoga Springs resident for 35 years 

(My lawn sign reads “anyone, but Kim”, but believe Safford would be the best candidate!)

Dear Editor:

At a time when empty promises are far too common, Supervisor John Lant and his dedication to the Town of Wilton and its residents stands out. “For the People” isn’t just a slogan for John; it’s a way of life. He listens, he acts, and he delivers, whether that is providing a caring hand to one struggling with life’s challenges to ensure that they get the resources they need, supporting local businesses and championing first responders, or making sure our schools are safe and are providing the education needed in an ever changing world. His commitment serves as an example to both those currently engaged in and those contemplating a career in public service of any kind. 

– Dan Kuhles

To the Editor, Saratoga Today

As a long-time litigator and legal services administrator, I’m pleased to support the election of Hon. Carl G. Falotico as Justice of the Supreme Court for our state’s Fourth Judicial District, which includes Saratoga County.

It’s in this court that the most serious and complicated cases are decided. Judge Falotico’s broad legal background – in the Schenectady County District Attorney’s Office, as the city’s Corporation Counsel and as a City Court Judge – makes him ideally suited to now serve in the Supreme Court.

I recently heard Judge Falotico speak about his City Court experience, and particularly about his work with Schenectady City Alternative Treatment Court. Clearly he has been willing to hold defendants appearing before him accountable. On the other hand, he has also permitted defendants whose offenses resulted from mental illness instead to receive support and services that benefit them and also the community.

Over the years I’ve been fortunate to work with distinguished Supreme Court judges in our part of New York. I have every confidence that Carl Falotico will be numbered among them.

– Jack Carter, Saratoga Springs

Stop the Chaos: Vote for John Safford for Mayor

The city of Saratoga Springs is in crisis. Council meetings are filled with shouting, name-calling, and near riots. Mayor Ron Kim’s response is to sit in panicked confusion as chaos ensues. 

City Hall employees cower in fear when they see the mayor approaching in the hallways. His conversations and correspondence are filled with angry tirades, cursing, threats, and vicious bullying. 

His gross incompetence has led to the cancellation of the city’s insurance policy and an increase in insurance premiums of nearly one million dollars per year for the foreseeable future. Because of Kim’s many blunders, fire protection and public safety budgets are now on the chopping block. The city’s legal staff is handicapped by Kim’s clumsy meddling as the lawsuits against the mayor and the city pile up. 

These are just a few of the many reasons why Ron Kim is unfit to be mayor. Let’s stop the chaos. Please vote for John Safford for Mayor on November 7. Early voting starts on Saturday October 28 at the Recreation Center.

– David Buchyn, Chair – Saratoga County Conservative Party

Tim Coll for the Position of Commissioner of Public Safety

I wholeheartedly endorse Tim Coll for the position of Commissioner of Public Safety. Many people know about Tim’s experience in law enforcement, leadership skills and team management. These skills are very important for our city. However more importantly, I want the citizens of Saratoga to know that Tim has good character. He is honest, caring and possesses positive thinking. 

Tim has been my neighbor and friend for many years. When I first met Tim, he was working for the FBI. I have always admired his dedication to helping others and keeping our world a safer place. Tim did this while still making time for his family & friends. Once Tim retired from the FBI, he really wanted to do something to improve the city government in Saratoga. Most people would just leave the problems of our city for others to solve. Tim has the critical thinking, consensus building and communication skills that are essential for a city commissioner’s position. I strongly believe that Tim Coll is the perfect person for the job as Commissioner of Public Safety. 

– Cindy Flanagan, Saratoga Springs

Mayor Kim Deserves Our Support

We are in grave danger when we see “Proud Boys” on our local streets, and the national GOP bending over backwards to accommodate the worst right-wing saboteurs. Remember that in Saratoga’s last mayoral election, the Republican candidate would not even acknowledge that Joe Biden was President. Little has changed; deceptive texts are falsely claiming that a crime wave exists in Saratoga Springs. The facts say otherwise. Guess what major party’s modus operandi is fearmongering.

Despite much disinformation, Mayor Kim has accomplished a considerable amount, ranging from expanding workforce housing to securing a homeless shelter. Yet for me, the most important achievement is the creation of a local civilian review board. This feat speaks to a profoundly American ideal, that the law pertains to everyone equally. It includes not just civilians but also those brave individuals charged with enforcing it. I support the police over those who commit criminal acts, with police who cross the line included in the latter. That so few police do validate their professionalism and integrity. Nevertheless, the rule of law pertains to all. 

In a very contentious time, Mayor Kim courageously embraced the tough issues that have long needed to be confronted. He deserves our support. 

– Al Ormsby, Saratoga Springs

John Stafford for the Office of Mayor 

I wish to go on record with proud enthusiasm, as personally endorsing John Stafford for the office of Mayor of Saratoga Springs.

I have been a resident for 12 years, and currently serve as president of Birch Run, Phase 1, Homeowners Association. John functions as our Professional Administrator and has held this position for many years.

I have consistently been impressed with his dedication to the responsibilities of this position. He is rapidly responsive to requests for information, service, etc., and always deals congenially with residents of our neighborhood. I have found him to be honest, reliable, and willing to work, without complaint, the long hours that are often needed. Most importantly, John consistently exhibits great personal integrity, and sincerely wishes to be of greater service to our community.

If these qualities are brought to the office of the Mayor, I am extremely confident that Saratoga Springs will be well served.

– David F. Bruno

Wilton Deserves Safe Streets: Dr. Toni Sturm Will Pave The Way

As Wilton grows, its roadsides reveal glaring safety challenges. With narrow or non-existent shoulders, our bicyclists, pedestrians, and children are endangered. A tragic pedestrian fatality on Maple Avenue this spring serves as a stark reminder of these perils.

A recent study by the Governors Highway Safety Association highlighted an alarming increase in pedestrian deaths in 2022, the highest since 1981. Fatalities among bicyclists are also on the rise. Each of these deaths marks a call to action, urging us to revisit and transform our road safety.

A promising solution for Wilton lies in developing a multi-use path network: imagine pathways connecting our neighborhoods for those on bikes or foot while simultaneously boosting property values and traffic to local businesses. Local proponents like “The Walk and Bike Wilton Project” have garnered significant community support, and a recent citizen proposal to the Town Board to establish a multi-use path connecting Wilton Mall to Gavin Park demonstrates the community’s readiness for change.

However, despite clear benefits and years of citizen advocacy, the Town Board has failed to prioritize multi-use paths. Rather than viewing logistical challenges as permanent roadblocks, the Board should recognize that Wilton’s division by the Northway and into three school districts only heightens the urgency of multi-use path network development. 

To realize this vision, Wilton needs public officials who prioritize safety and connectivity. Dr. Toni Sturm, a candidate for Town Supervisor, is precisely that visionary. She aims to create a cohesive Wilton, connecting neighborhoods to schools, Gavin Park, and Saratoga Springs. While deeply understanding Wilton’s heritage, Dr. Toni is attuned to our evolving needs, ensuring our town’s progress without losing its essence. On November 7th, I’m endorsing this vision of a safer Wilton by voting for Dr. Toni. Join me in championing a unified, vibrant future for our town.

– Connor Roohan, Wilton

A Word from the Chair of One Saratoga

My name is Courtney DeLeonardis, and I am the Chair of One Saratoga. For those of you who are unfamiliar with us, we are a non-partisan coalition that wants the best-qualified people governing Saratoga Springs. Our watchword is, “city before party.” Our focus is on uniting our community, averting partisan rancor and extremism, and selecting candidates that will bring the right character and motivation to city office. Candidate traits include dedication to public service, honesty, civility, and working productively with others.

We have carefully selected four candidates that we feel exemplify these traits; they are Christian Mathiesen for Mayor, Timothy Coll for Commissioner of Public Safety, and Michele Madigan and Matthew Veitch for County Supervisors.

In addition to selecting amazing candidates, One Saratoga has a ballot line on this November’s ballot. This means that Saratoga Voters can vote for our entire line of candidates. 

One Saratoga is located on Row E of the ballot. I encourage Saratogians to vote on our line.

– Courtney DeLeonardis