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A Positive Direction

At its fundamental core, politics is local and this election Saratogians have a clear choice to elect a local slate of candidates that are focused on local issues that will move Saratoga Springs forward in a positive direction. The Republican endorsed slate is the most dynamic, diverse and qualified slate of candidates this city has ever seen and includes an unprecedented four incredible women running for city council. We have a small business owner and political independent for Mayor, a certified public accountant for Finance, a Domestic Violence Advocate for Accounts, a no-nonsense name we can trust for Public Safety, a proven, well-regarded Commissioner of Public Works and compassionate and proven taxpayer watchdogs for County Supervisor. The overwhelming issue facing Saratoga Springs is safety and the notion of our city being a safe place to live and raise a family has been called into question as of late. If you value a safe and vibrant Saratoga, back our police and are tired of protesters blocking our streets and harassing patrons at restaurants, the team on Row B are your candidates. When casting your vote this election cycle, whether it be by absentee, early voting or on Election Day on November 2nd, Heidi Owen West for Mayor, JoAnne Kiernan for Finance, Samantha Guerra for Accounts, Tracey LaBelle for Public Safety, Skip Scirocco for Public Works and Matt Veitch and John Safford for County Supervisor (Vote for 2) are the candidates that have Saratogians’ best interests and safety at hand and will get the job done with integrity and civility.        

– Chris Obstarczyk, Chairman, Saratoga Springs Republican Committee 

A Commitment to Democracy

As a lifelong Democrat and former chair of the Saratoga Springs Democratic Committee, I am dismayed by the tactics being used by Democrats in this year’s city elections. In mailings and lawn signs Democratic candidates are suggesting falsely that democracy in Saratoga will be threatened if Republicans win city council seats. This tactic is offensive and divisive. Nearly half the registered voters in Saratoga Springs are Republicans. They are our neighbors and our friends. Many of the candidates have lived in Saratoga all their lives and have served the city in many capacities including elected office. The Democratic candidates should address the local issues where they may legitimately disagree with the Republicans. A commitment to democracy is not one of those.

– Jane Weihe, Saratoga Springs 

We Need Heidi West for Mayor

Let’s remember the real Ron Kim. When he was Commissioner of Public Safety, Ron Kim proposed spending millions to build a 30,000-square foot palace for the police.  Plus, he petulantly stomped out of an ongoing City Council meeting after our other city leaders refused to follow him down this needless and expensive hole. I know this is true: I was in the city hall conference room attending this meeting when this happened.We need someone who will actually provide steady leadership and can solve problems. We need Heidi West for Mayor.

– Bonnie Sellers, Saratoga Springs 

An Introduction to Toni Sturm

I’d like to introduce you to Toni Sturm, a candidate running for the Town Board in Wilton. 

I have had the pleasure of knowing Toni and her family since moving to Wilton in 1974. The Sturm’s have been our neighbors since then.

There are many things that set Toni apart from the other candidates running for the same position. Toni is determined to see multi-use paths finally become a reality in Wilton, is passionate about preserving Open Space from over development and would also like to explore having a dog park in Wilton. Toni favors more transparency and citizen inclusion in town government through a Citizens Advisory Board and, of course, favors NO TOWN TAX. 

There is no diversity in Wilton government having long been served by only one party. Without fresh ideas from a different perspective nothing new will be accomplished.  Toni comes with creativity and the vision it takes to get things done. Coming from a medical background, her decisions are evidence based. Please take the time to read her qualifications on Facebook @ Strum4Wilton and get out and cast your vote. Find her on the Public Servants and the Democratic lines on your ballot.

Thank you,  

– Joanne Klepetar

Heidi Owen West: Making A Better Place For Us to Live

Heidi Owen West ~ I am not writing this letter as a political person, but I am writing it as I know and love the character of Heidi!  I have been blessed by Heidi coming into my life through the loss of her mother, and my best friend.  I had known Heidi before her mother’s illness, and quite loved her kindness and joy for life and sincere interest in all that crossed her path.  I had not come to know the depth of Heidi’s goodness and grace at that point.  I watched Heidi’s unconditional love and care with awe.  She was by her mother’s side, advocating, researching, tenderly caring for all of her physical and emotional needs daily.  Such love in action is what made me fall in love with Heidi, a beautiful gift her mother had once more given to me.

Since Heidi’s Mom passing, I have continued to be blessed by Heidi and her love for me and my family.  She is such a beautiful part of our lives and I am so grateful that I know the Heidi West that cares constantly about other’s needs.  She gives and gives and gives, all the while trying to never let anyone know it is her behind the thoughtful deeds.  She loves from a pure heart, never from selfish conceit.  My sister suddenly passed away in New Orleans a few years ago.  Heidi never asked what I needed, Heidi quietly flew there to be with me and quietly waited with arms open wide for everyone to fall in to be loved compassionately.  I don’t think people see the kindness she shows the needy on the street, she calls them by name and listens to them without judgement.   She tirelessly shares her talents, her resources, her mind and body and her heart to make a better place for us to live.

I feel so proud and happy to say Heidi is now a beautiful member of our family, loved and adored by each one of us, and I am so grateful for the joy she has added to our lives.  i wish everyone knew the Heidi I know and how  I thank you Heidi Owen West, for interrupting your life to make ours better!!! I dearly love you!!!

– XO, Ninki Carroll

The Next Commissioner of Finance

Hi Saratogians!

I’m Minita Sanghvi’s neighbor and I’m voting for her as the next Commissioner of Finance. 

We met Minita and her wife Megan when they moved onto our street in 2014. Welcoming and friendly, we enjoyed discussing gardening and landscaping, domestic and international politics, and occasionally the stock market. But mostly the conversations revolved around their son and family. 

Like most immigrant citizens I know, Minita is proud of her U.S. citizenship. And as she has noted, it’s not where you’re from that’s important, but it’s where you settle and choose to live. Her commitment to give back to her Saratoga Springs community is evidenced in her high level of engagement in local organizations and politics, including as finance director of our public library board.

As Minita would be the first to say, Saratoga Springs needs to do more and better in the drive to become a carbon neutral city, we need more year-around tourism, we need real focus and effort on bike lanes/paths circling the city center with access particularly from the west side, we need smart and sustainable investment to rebuild the City’s post-pandemic finances, we need to not only build, but also fund the staffing of the East Side fire station/public safety facility. And maybe most importantly, we need City leaders who are committed to open dialogue with all constituents, while implementing a strategy to increase diversity that will foster growth for the forseeable future.

While Minita’s education, experience and skill set make her qualified to execute the duties of the position, it’s her enthusiasm, energy, heart, and commitment that motivated me to write this endorsement of Minita Sanghvi for Commissioner of Finance. Please vote on Nov. 2.

– Bruce Klion

John Safford: An Introduction

I was 15 when John Kennedy said, “ask not what your country can do for you but ask what you can do for your country.” I was 18 when he died. I knew nothing about politics in HS and College except that a Catholic had been elected President. His words were what I thought it meant to be a good citizen and I very much wanted to serve my country. Vietnam changed all that.

Through the ROTC program at Canisius College, I signed up for the infantry and after graduating and attending Infantry Officer training at Fort Benning, GA, I was assigned to a then top-secret intelligence course at Fort Devens, MA, followed by a special TS+C course at Fort Holabird, MD. My job was to become the commander of a first line of defense field operation detecting and identifying nuclear detonations anywhere in the world but, for my command, specifically in Russia and China. This, together with the death of a number of my fellow officers and friends in Vietnam and the popular firestorm in the USA denigrating them and all of us who were serving, was my introduction to real politics.

I grew up (age 15 to 25) in the 1960’s. By the time I left active service in 1970 I had absolutely no interest in anything to do with government or service or even country. I was in bad shape for about six months until I decided to learn about this new thing called a computer and I trained to program them at a school in Syracuse, NY. I have done okay since then, but the purpose of this introduction is to try to explain to you and myself why I decided to run for elected office at the age of 69, how I found out that I was a conservative and why I haven’t given up trying to win an election. In a nutshell, I believed what John Kennedy said and I still do. 

As a veteran, I want to honor and encourage every soldier who has or will serve. As a businessman and conservative, I want to provide the basis and incentive for every citizen to grow both personally and economically. As a considerate Christian, I want to be involved in caring for anyone in need of food or shelter.

All of these goals can be realized as your next Supervisor for Saratoga Springs. 

– John Safford

Heidi Owen West for Mayor

On November 2, I will be casting my ballot for Heidi Owen West for Mayor of Saratoga Springs, and I think your readers should too. My reasons for supporting Heidi are simple. First, I value private sector experience in a politician. Heidi runs three successful, mainstay, businesses on Broadway. Balancing a budget (including paying your taxes), managing payroll, and understanding the impact of government action on small business make Heidi uniquely qualified to take on the role of Mayor. Second, Heidi is not registered to a political party. In these times, this is especially rare, but Saratoga Springs has the opportunity to put politics aside and elect a natural leader into office.  Even the local democratic party sought to endorse Heidi when searching for a candidate to run on their line. Third, Heidi listens to the community. Whether through her numerous volunteer roles in the community, to her customers, neighbors, or employees, Heidi is a true advocate for our City, our residents, and our visitors. In sum, Heidi has the experience and dedication to lead our City into the future as we rebound from the COVID-19 pandemic. She has my vote, and I think she should have yours too.

– Mike Brandi

City Elections: Ron Kim’s Race For Mayor

Track season is over and electioneering for seats on the Saratoga Springs City Council is in full swing. The good news is come January 1, 2022 we’ll have a new City Council.

However, some things never change. Already, we see the Republican candidate for Mayor claiming her political “independence,” while at the same time taking money, thousands of dollars, from the State Republican Party organization as well as city real-estate developers and land use attorneys doing business with City Hall.

I have witnessed firsthand the failures of both City Hall officials and developers’ disinterest in responding to a neighborhood’s complaint being totally ignored in the planning process. 

For a commitment to positive change in the way Saratoga Springs City government operates, vote for two candidates who will bring much needed balance and qualified experience to City Hall, beginning with Ron Kim for Mayor and Minita Sanghvi for Commissioner of Finance. 

– Marcy Taylor, Saratoga Springs

JoAnne Kiernan: Candidate for Commissioner of Finance

I am JoAnne Kiernan, candidate for Commissioner of Finance for Saratoga Springs. I have lived in Saratoga Springs for 18 years with my husband, Todd and my two sons. I have served as Treasurer of Watersedge/Woodlands HOA; Caroline Street School PTSO and, as a Board Member and race organizer for Kelly’s Angels. Recently, I finished serving nine years on the Saratoga Springs City School District Board of Education and served on the finance committee for all nine years, as well as other various committees. 

As a CPA for over 26 years, I have worked with large and small businesses creating and managing budgets as well as providing financial advice and accounting services. With my practical experience and knowledge I will be able to help Saratoga Springs recover from the pandemic stronger than ever. I will work toward establishing a plan for future unexpected emergencies. Our city must always be as properly prepared as possible. It is my commitment to the taxpayers of this beautiful city, to keep our taxes low without cutting services to residents. I will look to reduce  expenses across every department. I will advocate for the city at the county, state, and federal levels.

From my work on the school board I have learned we have more in common than differences when it comes to good governance and finances. I want to work with the citizens of Saratoga and continue to build on all that we have in common. So much can be accomplished with respectful dialogue and active listening. We must always stay focused on the issues and come together for the better of our community, instead of focusing on who is right or wrong. We must meet people where they are and work towards solutions for all residents. 

Small businesses are the cornerstone of our vibrant downtown. I will work with business owners, community leaders and all stakeholders to ensure we stay economically strong and continue to grow, while also taking steps to preserve and protect our beautiful Saratoga greenbelt. There has been great work done by the Climate Smart Task Force and I would continue to support and advance this work. 

When elected, I will be engaged, serve with integrity and work to keep the city strong, healthy, successful and safe. I am the only candidate with the qualifications, competency and experience to get our beautiful city through these difficult times. If I am fortunate enough to serve as our next Commissioner of Finance, I will always put our city’s best interests above politics. We should always have leaders who are willing to work with others. We need to accomplish much so that Saratoga Springs can continue to thrive.  We are presented with some challenging times ahead of us and we all must do what is best for Saratoga Springs. That is the truest definition of being a Public Servant—Service Before Self, and that is how I will lead as your Commissioner of Finance. Contact – joanne@joannekiernanforfinance.com