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Saratoga Springs “Slow Roll” Sunday Oct. 31

SARATOGA SPRINGS — It’s called the “Slow Roll,” and features a family-friendly Halloween guided bicycle ride around downtown Saratoga Springs on Sunday, Oct. 31. The ride will be guided by Bikeatoga looping through quiet and safe neighborhood streets. The pace will be suitable for families.

Stakeholders involved include:  Bikeatoga, Bicycle Benefits, Impressions of Saratoga, Palette Cafe, Pint Sized, Saratoga Paint & Sip, and The Dark Horse Mercantile, in a partnering with Skidmore College Political Ecology Class.

The “Slow Roll” will last approximately 1 to 1-1/2 half hours. Costumes (that are safe to bike in) are encouraged. Helmets are encouraged as well. People are asked to meet at Palette, located at 493 Broadway, at 11 a.m. and the ride will start at 11:15 a.m.. It will end back at Palette around 12:30 p.m. for an after-party. 

Beverages and snacks will be available for purchase at Palette before and after the bike ride. Plus, Pint Sized will be offering $1 off drafts after the ride for any participants 21 and over. 

Election Day 2021 Includes Five Ballot Proposals

Five statewide ballot proposals appear on the reverse side of this year’s ballot. For more information about the five proposals, go to: www.elections.ny.gov/2021BallotProposals.html 

Proposal One: Amending the Apportionment and Redistricting Process

Proposal Two: Right to Clean Air, Clean Water, and Healthful Environment

Proposal Three: Eliminating Ten-Day-Advance Voter Registration Requirement

Proposal Four: Authorizing No-Excuse Absentee Ballot Voting

Proposal Five: Increasing the Jurisdiction of the New York City Civil Court

Polling Places: Saratoga Springs

SARATOGA SPRINGS — Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 2. Polls are open 6 a.m. – 9 p.m. There are 100 Polling Sites and 196 total voting districts across Saratoga County. 

These are the districts and sites in the city of Saratoga Springs: 

1 & 2. Embury Apts Cafe, 133 Lawrence St.
3, 4, 8, 9 & 25. City Center, 522 Broadway.
5. St. Clements Parish Center, 231 Lake Ave.
6 & 10. Saratoga Springs Senior Center, 5 Williams St.
7, 11 & 21. Saratoga Springs High School Gym (West Ave. Entrance).
12. Presbyterian N.E. Church, 24 Circular St.
13. Canfield Casino, Congress Park.

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14. Rec Center, 15 Vanderbilt Ave.
15. Caroline St. School, 310 Caroline St.
16 & 20. Geyser Road School, 61 Geyser Rd.
17 & 22. Saratoga Spgs Methodist Church, 175 5th Ave.
18. Abundant Life Church, 2325 Rte 50/Hutchins Rd.
19. Division Street School, 220 Division St.
23. Interlaken Community Center, 75 Sarazen St.
24. Case Center, The Center, 2nd fl., Skidmore College.

• A note on deadlines for Absentee Ballots: Submit an absentee ballot application in-person by Nov. 1; Return your voted absentee ballot by mail: Postmarked by Nov. 2, and BOE must receive your ballot by Nov. 9; Return your voted absentee ballot in-person by Nov. 2 by close of polls at 9 p.m.

For locations of Polling Places in municipalities all across Saratoga County, go to: www.saratogacountyny.gov/wp/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/GE21-Pollsite-List.pdf 

City of Saratoga Springs Contested Races

SARATOGA SPRINGS ­— All five Saratoga Springs City Council seats, and two Supervisor seats are up for vote for two-year terms. They include one mayor and four commissioners. 

Current officeholders seeking re-election are marked by an asterisk. 

The order of Office listed below represents the order listed on Sample Ballot provided by the Saratoga County Board of Elections. That order is as follows: Democratic (Row A), Republican (Row B), Conservative (Row C), Working Families (Row D), Functional Party (Row E), Saratoga Stronger Together (Row F), Resilient Saratoga (Row G), Accountability Party (Row H). 


In addition to being the city’s official representative, the Mayor is the presiding officer of the City Council.  The Mayor appoints the City Attorneys as well as Members of the City Center Authority and the Land Use Boards, among others.

Ron Kim: Democratic, Resilient Saratoga

Heidi West: Republican, Conservative United Saratoga.

Maxwell Rosenbaum: Working Families.

Robin Dalton: Saratoga Stronger Together. 

*Current Commissioner of Public Safety.


The Commissioner of Finance is the Chief Fiscal Officer of the City of Saratoga Springs. Duties include: first substitute for the Mayor, City Tax Collector, Custodian of City Monies, and Budget Chairperson.

Minita Sanghvi: Democratic, Resilient Saratoga.

Joanne Kiernan: Republican, Conservative United Saratoga.

Sierra Hunt: Working Families.

Adam Israel: Saratoga Stronger Together.


The Commissioner of Public Works is responsible for the oversight of street and highway maintenance including snowplowing, leaf pickup and sanding and salting, as well as the maintenance and beautification of the City’s Buildings and Grounds, and Congress Park and its facilities.

Domenique Yermolayev: Democratic, Functional Party.

Anthony “Skip” Scirocco: Republican, Conservative United Saratoga. *Current Commissioner of Public Works. 

Donald Reeder: Working Families. 


The Commissioner of Public Safety is responsible for the overall operation of the Police Department, the Fire Department, Code Administration, Animal Control, and Parking Enforcement.

James Montagnino: Democratic, Resilient Saratoga.

Tracey LaBelle: Republican, Conservative United Saratoga.

David Labate: Working Families. 

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The Commissioner of Accounts is the Department Head of the Accounts Department. The Commissioner serves as: City Assessor, City Clerk, Insurance Officer, Purchasing Agent, Records Management Officer, Registrar of Vital Records.

Dillon Moran: Democratic, Resilient Saratoga

Samantha Guerra: Republican, Conservative  United Saratoga, Working Families. 

Angela Rella: Accountability Party.


The city of Saratoga Springs has two elected supervisors who represent the city of Saratoga Springs at the county level. They are part of the 23-member Saratoga County Board of Supervisors. 

Tara Gaston: Democratic. *Current Supervisor.

Shaun Wiggins: Democratic, Resilient Saratoga.

Matthew Veitch: Republican, Conservative UnitedSaratoga. *Current Supervisor.

John Safford: Republican, Conservative United Saratoga. 

Gabriel O’Brien: Working Families. 

Bruce Altimar: Working Families. 

Ballston Spa Mayor Suddenly Resigns, Cites ‘Unproductive Relationship with the Board’

BALLSTON SPA — Nearing the conclusion of a meeting of the Ballston Spa Board of Trustees Oct. 25, village Mayor Larry Woolbright read for the better part of 20 minutes from a prepared statement that announced his resignation as mayor, effective Oct. 29. 

“To be honest, lately it’s been a constant battle just to be able to do my job,” he said. “I apologize for not fulfilling my entire four-year term, but I find my current situation untenable, and I must step down.” 

Woolbright was elected in March 2019 and became the village’s first new mayor in nearly a quarter-century, succeeding John Romano who had held the office since 1995.   

“My unproductive relationship with the Board of Trustees is the sole reason for this decision,” Woolbright explained. “The relationship has become more strained and adversarial. The trustees block me at every turn, and their attitude toward community members and village staff is not always consistent with my idea of how the village and friends should operate.” 

Since taking office, Woolbright said he navigated the village from a $300,000 deficit to a $2.5 million surplus, building a fund balance which he said should be spent on things like the maintenance and replacement of aging village equipment and its infrastructure. The board, he said, is more focused on “important but not urgent” needs. “How will we pay for these essential needs if we spend our surplus on trees and invasive weeds… I’m sorry, but to fritter it away on niceties when we still lack necessities is the height of irresponsibility.” Following the meeting, village attorney Stephanie Ferradino also announced she will be resigning her position.

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Village government is headed by the mayor and four trustees, who together form Ballston Spa’s local legislative body. Each member serves a four-year term. 

Woolbright clarified that his “negative comments” do not apply to Christine Fitzpatrick, whom he called “a model trustee.” Fitzpatrick also serves as village deputy mayor. The four-member trustee board has the power to temporarily fill the mayoral vacancy by majority vote, or to allow the deputy mayor to temporarily fill that vacancy. Should the deputy mayor/trustee ascend to that position, they then would singularly be charged with appointing a member for their vacated trustee seat. Either way, a Special Election would need to take place in 2022.        

“Even though the next scheduled election is in 2023, there would have to be a Special Election next year for the unexpired portion of the term for the mayor who just resigned – even if the board appoints someone to fill the vacancy now or in the near future,” explained Peter Baynes, Executive Director and CEO at the New York State Conference of Mayors, or NYCOM. 

“It has been an honor to serve as your mayor. I believe I am leaving the village in better shape than I found it,” Woolbright concluded. 

The announcement seemed to take the members of the board of trustees by surprise. Following Woolbright’s 20-minute reading of his statement, trustees on the board individually thanked the mayor for his service.

City Moves to Name Southside Recreation Center for Former Mayor

SARATOGA SPRINGS — After serving as a temporary emergency center where officials conducted the city’s business, the gleaming floors inside the Saratoga Springs Recreational Center once again reflect the passion of childhood games, and the Vanderbilt Avenue center itself will soon be granted a name.     

Following up on a city Recreation Commission recommendation made last year, city Finance Commissioner Michele Madigan last week brought a resolution to the council table, which was unanimously approved, to name the southside facility the Scott T. Johnson Recreation Center.

Johnson, who served three two-year terms as Saratoga Springs mayor from 2007-2013, is largely credited for helping make the long-talked-about recreation facility a reality.   

“After 16 years of feasibility studies, it’s finally built,” then-Mayor Johnson announced on a July 2010 day when the near-34,000 square foot building opened. It boasted a court capable of four simultaneous full-court basketball games, and separate rooms reserved for meetings as well as games of racquetball and squash.     

The $6.5 million facility had been more than a decade in the making. It faced legal hurdles, City Council debates, outspoken community protests and a series of legal challenges prior to its public unveiling in the summer of 2010. The entire project had been bonded for $6.5 million by previous administrations and was completed for about $6 million. Shortly after he was elected to office in January 2008, Johnson advocated moving the project from the city’s east side to the south side – a location that would provide city youth with easier walking access to the facility, Johnson said at the time. 

Madigan read a communication from Johnson that reported he was humbled and honored by the recognition, and thanked members of his former staff, the recreation department and former city council members for helping get the job done. “You all shared in the achievement of finally making it happen and obviously, it was the right thing to do.” 

Current Accounts Commissioner John Franck, who also held a seat at the council table during Johnson’s administration, said the location of the center has been beneficial to city businesses in funneling people downtown.

“Scott and I are from different parties, but I give him a lot of credit for his vision, for putting it (in a place) where kids can ride their bikes and go to, because the big push was to put it out on Weibel, next to the ice-skating rink,” Franck said. “Being the third vote (in favor), I took a lot of pounding from my own party on this. I was the only Democrat to vote for this, it was a 3-2 vote and there were a lot of lawsuits,” Franck said. 

The city turned to the center as an emergency location to site operations in 2018, after City Hall had been rendered inoperable due to a lightning strike and flood damage. 

“That building was a real life-saver for the city,” said current Mayor Meg Kelly. “It allowed the city to function and was a great emergency center for us as a City Hall.”

Celebrate Community Partnership

BALLSTON SPA — The Ballston Spa Lions Club, the Ballston Spa Rotary, and the Village of Ballston Spa are partnering on several projects aimed at updating and beautifying areas of the Village. The purpose of this joint effort is to make the community more inviting and eye-catching to residents and visitors. Both the Lions Club and Rotary have always been committed to improving the Ballston community. The Lions Club International is promoting this type of joint service projects in their “Celebrate Community” program as proclaimed by Lions International President Douglas X. Alexander. 

The Village Administrator of Ballston Spa has identified several areas of the village that need updating, painting, and other maintenance. The monuments in Veterans Park, the picnic tables, the Bollards and the Pool House in Kelly Park, and the Community Bulletin Board are all in need of repair and/or painting. This will be an ongoing working relationship between the two clubs well into the future.

Caring citizens of the community met recently at the Bulletin Board to begin collaborating and planning work projects focused on the areas needing care. Representing the Village of Ballston Spa: Trustee Liz Kormos and Trustee Christine Fitzpatrick. Representing the Rotary: Kathi Leigh (President), Jere Blackwelder, and Doug Ford (Vice President of Curtis Lumber). Representing the Lions: Frank Blair (President), Ed Hersh (Past President), Ed Moore, Mike Yates, Megan Guilmette, and Louis Laquidara. 

Schuylerville Marks the 244th Anniversary of the Battles of Saratoga

SCHUYLERVILLE — Local students, teachers, historians, and reenactors marked the 244th anniversary of the Battles of Saratoga surrender with cannons, patriotic speeches, wreath-laying, reenactments, and the traditional “13 toasts.” 

The event was held at the historic site, located at Fort Hardy Park in the village of Schuylerville.  Saratoga County Historian Lauren Roberts served as keynote speaker. 

2nd Annual Fall Festivities October 23-24 & October 30-31

SARATOGA SPRINGS —The Saratoga Springs Downtown Business Association’s Fall Festivities will take place over TWO weekends this year: Oct. 23-24 & 30-31. The event is free and open to the public.

 The Fall Festivities weekends are a celebration of autumn and Halloween. Downtown store windows will be decorated with festive themes and a variety of restaurants will be participating in a receipt raffle.  In addition, families can take part in a self-guided Great Saratoga Pumpkin Hunt and search a variety of downtown shops for pumpkins decorated with scenes of historic Saratoga landmarks, painted by local artist, Cathi Anne Cameron. If you find all 10 pumpkins (which will be visible from the outdoors) and identify the store where you find each, you will be eligible to win a prize! Participation forms are available in downtown shops and businesses as well as online at saratogaspringsdowntown.com. Forms must be dropped off by 5 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 31 at either Impressions of Saratoga or Kilwins Saratoga to be entered to win one of two Downtown Saratoga Springs Gift Baskets valued at $200 each. Winners will be notified Nov. 1.

Fall Festivities kicks off with a festive costume-friendly Fun Run co-presented with iRun Local. Participants are invited to meet at iRun Local, 425 Broadway, at 9 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 23 to begin the Great Saratoga Pumpkin Hunt Scavenger Run for your chance to win prizes! Participants are invited to dress in costume! 

Bring the kids for Paint Your Own Pumpkins at Scallions, 44 Lake Av., on Oct. 23, 24 and 30. Each child will receive a pumpkin and materials to paint their own pumpkin to bring home for the family. Pre-registration is required. Participants are asked to pre-register by calling Scallions at 518-584-0192 during restaurant hours. Masks are required for this activity.

Coral & Blue Children’s Stationery will be at PaperDolls of Saratoga offering a Gratitude Cards and Crafts Table where children can get creative while expressing their appreciation for teachers, coaches, family and friends as we head into the holiday season.

Two nights of virtual ghostly stories focused on Saratoga’s past will be hosted by author of Haunted Saratoga, Joe Haedrich. Joe will be Live on Facebook on Saturday, Oct. 23 at 6:30 p.m., with “A Haunted Adelphi Hotel.” On Saturday, Oct. 30 at 6:30 p.m., he will tell “Ghostly Tales of Hattie’s.”

Don’t miss the performers who will be traveling throughout downtown Saratoga on Broadway, including Mr. Twisty, Crazy Christine Balloons, Sparkles the Juggler, Sean “The Prankster” Magician and others!  Visit www.saratogaspringsdowntown.com/fallfestivities to see a full list of performers and performance times. There will be a costume contest for all ages at the Spa City Motor Lodge parking lot where On The Spot Photos will be set up all four days of the event for picture-taking. All entries will be entered to win a $100 DBA Gift Certificate.

Downtown restaurants will also be participating in the two-weekend event. Dine at any participating restaurant, turn in your receipt with your name and phone number on it, and be entered to win a $100 DBA Gift Certificate. This Restaurant Receipt Raffle continues Oct. 23-31. See a list of participating restaurants on the Saratoga Springs Downtown Business Association website www.saratogaspringsdowntown.com 

This unique Halloween Celebration encourages families to have safe, leisurely weekend fun together, enjoying the hospitality of the Saratoga Springs businesses and the great spirit of the community.  A full list of events is available on the Saratoga Springs Downtown Business Association website at www.saratogaspringsdowntown.com as well as on Facebook.

Fall Festivities weekends is presented by the Saratoga Springs Downtown Business Association and supported by the generosity of Saratoga Springs Downtown Business Association Member Businesses. For more visit www.saratogaspringsdowntown.com