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Tonko Pushes for Reversal of New ICE Student Deportation Policy

AMSTERDAM — Congressman Paul D. Tonko is joining several efforts in the House to pressure the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to withdraw the recently announced ICE policy that would strip visas from international students who take only online courses at U.S. colleges and universities this coming academic year. 

“Our international students are integral to our nation’s colleges and universities. This push by ICE to deport students in the middle of their education makes no sense and serves no legitimate purpose. If their real intent here is to force schools to go back to in-person instruction before it’s safe or reasonable to do so, they are trading away the health and safety of every student and faculty member in the process,” Congressman Tonko said in a statement. “I urge ICE to reverse these visa changes now before it is allowed to harm the people we are sworn to serve.”

Tonko has added his name to several letters from Members of Congress calling for ICE to reverse its visa revocation plan, including: House letter led by Reps. Debbie Dingell (D-MI) and Mark Pocan (D-WI) with 109 members, House letter led by Rep. Jimmy Panetta (CA-20) with 136 members and Bicameral letter led by Reps. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), Zoe Lofgren (D-CA.), Pramila Jayapal (D-WA.), Joe Neguse (D-CO), Katherine Clark (D-MA), and Seth Moulton (D-MA), along with Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Edward J. Markey (D-MA), Jeff Merkley (D-OR), and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) with 99 members.

The New Saratoga Music Hall

SARATOGA SPRINGS — City Hall, which has been closed and under renovation since sustaining substantial water damage in the wake of an August 2018 lightning strike, is showing signs of reopening this month. The interior offices, courthouse(s) and music hall – which stands on the building’s upper floor – have all undergone extensive construction. 

No Matter How You Dice the Ice, Record High Temps = Ice Shortages

And you think it’s hot, last week Stewart’s Shops sold over one million pounds of ice and they still ran out. That’s enough ice to provide every person in the Stewart’s market area with fifteen ice cubes to cool them down on a hot summer day. 

When temperatures reach 80 degrees, ice sales increase dramatically and when temperatures exceed 90 degrees, ice can be hard to find. In a typical week, Stewart’s would receive deliveries from Maplewood Ice every three days to each shop, but with the unusually long hot spell, the company had to think outside the (ice) box.

To beat the heat, Stewart’s set up ice trailers at busy shops and is using their drivers and trucks to deliver ice to their busiest shops. Despite all these additional efforts, Stewart’s Shops is sorry to say that they did run out of ice in some areas. 

Stewart’s Shop’s hauling supervisor Joe Barton said, “A well-stocked ice truck is the coolest place to be on a 90 degree day. Delivering the ice, well, that is another story.”

Ice wasn’t the only item in demand on July 4, the company sold an astounding 4,500 bags of firewood. That’s enough firewood to supply each campfire at every single NYS campground with three logs to fuel their memory-making campfires.

A Cautious Start

SARATOGA SPRINGS — The bugler blows the Call To The Post. If there are no spectators inside the racecourse to hear it, does it make a sound? 

In this unusual summer of a most unusual year, the racing season nonetheless got underway as scheduled on July 16, and is slated to run through Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 7. This year, a lot will be different. Perhaps the biggest is staging the races – or at least the start of the summer meet – without fans in the stands, in compliance with New York State guidelines. 

Forty-eight hours prior to the start of the Saratoga meet, NYRA officials and members the city’s Public Safety department staged a joint press conference at the racecourse to discuss additional changes for the start of the summer meet. 

“The critical part of this meet is we celebrate racing – but, we celebrate at home. This city cannot have people come to the track and try to watch the races,” said city Public Safety Commissioner Robin Dalton. 

The city requested and NYRA complied with the installation of  a temporary “privacy fencing” along exterior boundaries of the race course on Union and Nelson Avenues where it is feared fans may congregate on the sidewalk in close quarters to catch glimpses of the action inside. 

“The COVID pandemic has really changed the way we do things – both personally and professionally,” said assistant city Police Chief John Catone, who along with Public Safety Commissioner Dalton, was joined by city Fire Department Battalion Chief Aaron Dyer at the press gathering on July 14.

Catone discussed the importance of having a “fluid safety plan” which can flex as COVID-related restrictions are either increased,  or loosened – in the latter case enabling the potentiality of limited spectator attendance or horse owners at some point during the summer. 

“We were trying to figure every potential scenario: no fans to partial fans to everybody’s going to be back to normal,” said Catone, adding that discussions between city officials and NYRA officials were initiated in April. “The safety and operation plan is very fluid,” Catone said, “and it’s also going to be based on what we see the next week or so, in terms of people who want to show up and try to catch live racing – and we’re going to deal with it accordingly.  We want NYRA to have a successful meet but we also do not want to put ourselves in a position like some other states right now – where they opened too early, they didn’t control the pandemic and their numbers have risen dramatically.” 

There will still be “a few” officers assigned to the track and its surroundings, including an officer with a bomb-sniffing dog, and others to deal with potential traffic and pedestrian issues. 


In 2019, $2.1 billion was wagered on 2,000 races at Saratoga, Aqueduct and Belmont, according to the New York Racing Association. The Saratoga meet delivered the largest return of gambled money – $147 million wagered at the track, and a $705 million all-source handle – meaning many more dollars were spent on Saratoga races at off-track betting sites across the globe, than were at the actual track. Other 2019 betting dollars: Belmont Spring & Summer – 48 days, $525 million all-source handle; Belmont Fall – 37 days, $275 million; Aqueduct – 25 days Fall, $205 million. 

This year, on July 13, NYRA announced that the Belmont Park spring/summer meet generated $15,466,198 in average daily handle from all sources, a 42 percent increase over the daily handle during 2019 spring/summer meet. And despite running 23 fewer days than in 2019, all sources handle during the spring/summer meet totaled $386,654,955.

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Financially, the city of Saratoga Springs is estimated to suffer a $14 to $16 million revenue loss this calendar year, or a quarter of the city’s $48.7 million budget due to the onset of the COVID-19 epidemic. The city receives no money from wagering, said Finance Commissioner Michele Madigan. It normally receives funds via an admission tax; those funds go to Saratoga County and are then shared with the city of Saratoga Springs. However, with no fans in the stands as it looks right now, there will be no paid admissions and subsequently no funds to come the city’s way.    


Two days prior to opening day, NYRA announced a number of updated health and safety protocols that includes closing the track to out-of-town jockeys riding at other racetracks, and requiring all personnel working at Saratoga Race Course in any capacity to produce a negative COVID-19 test in order to access the property. That policy is inclusive of jockeys, valets, NYRA employees, trainers and their staff, outside vendors and credentialed media. A NYRA spokesman Tuesday said that a partnership with Saratoga Hospital was secured for a consistent stream of testing. 

The 2020 Saratoga Summer Condition Book currently lists 22 active jockeys and three apprentice riders. This group is to be considered the regular NYRA jockey colony.

Any jockey who rides at a racetrack outside of Saratoga from opening day forward will be considered an out-of-town jockey and will not be permitted at Saratoga Race Course. Out-of-town jockeys not currently riding at another racetrack may be considered for inclusion in the regular NYRA jockey colony provided the jockey does not ride at another racetrack.

In addition to race day safety protocols including standard health screening and temperature check, NYRA says the jockey quarters at Saratoga Race Course have been substantially altered to provide maximum social distancing and reduce density. All areas accessed by jockeys during the regular course of a race day are closed to all outside personnel, including credentialed media, and are cleaned and disinfected throughout the day.

Jockeys and valets are not permitted access to the barn area. In order to work a horse in the morning, the jockey must meet the horse in the paddock and can then proceed to the main track.

 Steeplechase jockeys must produce a negative COVID-19 test in order to access the property and will be completely isolated from the regular NYRA jockey colony in a physically separate location. Following that day’s steeplechase race, which will be carded as race one, the steeplechase jockeys will depart the property.

 NYRA will follow current Centers for Disease Control (C.D.C.) and New York State Health Department guidance when determining the return of a jockey who has tested positive for COVID-19. This process will include a period of quarantine determined by the severity of the individual case followed by a series of diagnostic tests to rule out ongoing infection. 

Following the four-day opening weekend at Saratoga, live racing will be conducted five days a week, Wednesdays through Sundays.

Congress Park Vandalized

SARATOGA SPRINGS — A bronze sculpture of a Civil War soldier dedicated in September 1875 in Congress Park was found to be vandalized early Thursday morning. A plaque adjoining the soldier – a mustached figure wearing a cap and a knee-length coat – reads: The 77th Regiment New York Volunteers, Bemis Heights Battalion.

Earlier this week, graffiti marred the pedestrian steps on the south side of the park. 

“We will not tolerate this kind of vandalism and destruction in the city – between the (graffiti marred) Katrina Trask steps and now the statue in Congress Park, we’re going to find out who did this and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law,” said Public Safety Commissioner Robin Dalton. 

It is not known whether surveillance cameras in Congress Park had captured any of the activity. Anyone with information regarding the incident is asked to contact the Saratoga Springs Police Department at 518-584-1800. 

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GO ☞ Pick Up Your Copy: Saratoga Springs Limited Monopoly Board Released

SARATOGA SPRINGS — The official First Edition City of Saratoga Springs Monopoly game was released this week, featuring beloved businesses, destinations and attractions that make the area unique. 

The Hasbro-produced classic Monopoly game is completely customized to celebrate the City of Saratoga Springs. Created by the Adirondack Trust Company Community Fund (ATCCF), 100% of the proceeds from game sales will go directly to ATCCF’s Lend-A-Hand Grant program. The program puts dollars in the hands of nonprofits that impact the communities in Saratoga, Warren and Washington counties.

Leah Ferrone, Marketing Operations and Outreach manager at ATC, says everyone who has grown up, lived, moved or studied in Saratoga can relate to this customized board. 

“The whole board is completely customized, from the tokens to different real estate properties and the photographs that are on the board. But I think one of the things that make it so special and unique are the ‘Community Chest’ and ‘Chance’ cards. For our board, we reference something unique in Saratoga on every card,” Ferrone said. “Whether you come to Saratoga for what you love—the track,  SPAC, the healing aspects of the waters—there is something in those cards that everyone can relate to that will bring up a really fun memory of Saratoga.”

Each board costs $50 and references Congress Park, the Saratoga County Fair, being a Blue Streak, and even attending Skidmore. This isn’t the first time Saratoga was featured on a Monopoly game board. In the early 1980’s, a custom game board called Saratogaopoly was created. Photos reveal the collectors box saying “a portion of the proceeds to benefit the Saratoga Hospital Foundation.”

The creation of the new game board started in February and was created with help from the Saratoga County Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the Cooley Group in Rochester, NY. 

“When we heard about all of the success the game could have, we knew it would be a lot of work, but it would be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,” Ferrone said.

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ATCCF Chair Brian Straughter said in a release: “at a time when local nonprofits need our support more than ever, we are thrilled to introduce the City of Saratoga Springs Monopoly game as a way to not only create memories with your loved ones, but to also give back to the community. This game has been made possible through the support of local community members, many of which are featured on the game board. We are proud to share this project with all Saratoga Springs enthusiasts.” 

There is only a limited quantity of games, and sales will last until they are sold out. However, Ferrone said they have the ability to order a second edition depending on demand. 

“We wanted to announce the game though a big launch party, but the world had different plans. While it’s not how we envisioned it, this is a really special time to be putting this out there. The game celebrates the community and brings us together…this is something that will bring joy to people,” Ferrone said.

The local retailers who will be selling the game includes: Allerdice Building Supplies, Cudney’s Cleaners, Dark Horse Mercantile, Hampton Inn & Suites Saratoga Springs, Homewood Suites by Hilton Saratoga Springs, Impressions of Saratoga, Northshire Bookstore Saratoga Springs, PJ’s BBQSA, Putnam Market, Saratoga Hospital, Spoken Boutique, and all Adirondack Trust Company convenient branch locations. Games also may be purchased online at SaratogaSpringsMonopoly.org. 

ATCCF’s website is ATCCF.org and is located at 31 Church Street. They can be reached at 518-584-5844.

Three States Added to N.Y. Travel Advisory

ALBANY — Delaware, Kansas and Oklahoma have been added to New York’s travel advisory requiring a 14-day quarantine for incoming travelers, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced July 7. 

The travel advisory: if a person has traveled from within one of the designated states with significant community spread, they must quarantine when entering New York for 14 days from the last travel within such designated state. 

The states listed on the travel advisory are based upon a seven-day rolling average, of positive tests in excess of 10%, or number of positive cases exceeding 10 per 100,000 residents.

The list of states is: Alabama; Arkansas; Arizona; California; Delaware; Florida; Georgia; Iowa; Idaho; Kansas; Louisiana; Mississippi; North Carolina; Nevada; Oklahoma; South Carolina; Tennessee; Texas and Utah.

For general inquires contact the call the Hotline: 1-888-364-3065. To file a report of an individual failing to adhere to the quarantine pursuant to the travel advisory go online at: mylicense.custhelp.com/app/ask, or call 1-833-789-0470.

New Grant Helps Local Farm Support Food Pantries

SARATOGA SPRINGS —Around the country, food banks are seeing an unprecedented increase in the need for food while also experiencing a decline in donations. A new grant from Adirondack North Country Association (ANCA) will help support the mission of Pitney Meadows Community Farm to supply fresh local food to the area food pantries.

The farm will use the grants funds to purchase seeds and plant starts and hire additional staff in order to increase the farm’s production. The project will allows the community farm to increase donations to local food pantries to at least 15,000 lbs.

“COVID-19 has hurt people in many ways, but the food supply chain has been hit especially hard,” said Pitney board member Kim London. “We greatly appreciate this grant that will allow us to continue supporting our community through the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.”

Eight North Country farm and food businesses were awarded a total of $100,000 in grant funding, mad possible by anonymous donors, for the effort that bolster food and farm security in the region. Pitney Meadows Community Farm is located at 223 West Ave in Saratoga Springs. They can be reached by phone at 518-290-0008 or email pitneymeadowscommunityfarm.org/contact.

2020 Saratoga Showcase of Homes “LIVE TOUR” Cancelled

SARATOGA SPRINGS — We are sad to announce that due to public health and safety concerns from the COVID pandemic, this year’s Showcase of Homes “live” tour event has unfortunately been cancelled. We will however be bringing you special alternative programming this fall in several forms (online, virtual, TV) to celebrate our builder’s homes and developments plus provide a way for you to contribute to our two important local charities which normally benefit from ticket sales. The Showcase Committee is working on the details, so please stay tuned for more information coming this August. 

We are thankful for all the generous support of this annual event over the years and look forward to presenting the 2021 Saratoga Showcase of Homes next year as we celebrate our twenty-fifth anniversary.

The Saratoga Showcase of Homes is the area’s premiere new home tour. This annual community tradition has contributed over $1.3 million dollars to our local charities. A total of $51,000 was donated last year to Rebuilding Together Saratoga County and Habitat for Humanity of Southern Saratoga, Warren & Washington Counties. For more information, please visit www.saratogashowcaseofhomes.com. Follow us on our blog and facebook for all the updates.