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Celebrated Film Director to Stage Book Release Event at Northshire in March

Writer, director John Sayles will celebrate the release of his new book “Jamie MacGillivray: A Renegade’s Journey,” in Saratoga Springs in March.

SARATOGA SPRINGS — John Sayles has directed more than 18 films – “Matewan,” and “Eight Men Out,” among them, written screenplays for iconic ‘80s horror movies “The Howling,” and “Alligator,” and directed a trio of Bruce Springsteen’s most famed music videos – for the songs “Born in the USA,” “Glory Days,” and “I’m on Fire.” 

As an author, Sayles has written numerous novels and short stories since 1975. 

“In a two-hour movie I don’t tell the audience here’s a character, okay, here’s another one, now see the world the way they see it. In a book you can do that,” Sayles explained, in an interview published by Creative Screenwriting in 2016.  

Sayles will celebrate the release of his new book, “Jamie MacGillivray: A Renegade’s Journey,” with an appearance at Northshire Bookstore Saratoga in March.    

“Jamie MacGillivray: A Renegade’s Journey,” will be published by Melville House (736 pages, $32) in late February. The story is set in 18th Century Scotland and America and begins in the heat of a vicious war. At the Battle of Culloden, in Scotland in 1746, Jamie MacGillivray narrowly escapes a roadside execution only to be recaptured and sentenced to indentured servitude in colonial America “for the term of his natural life.” 

Sayles is slated to celebrate the book’s release at Northshire Bookstore on Broadway in Saratoga Springs, in late March.