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Cell Phone Policy Discussed at Saratoga School Board Meeting

SARATOGA SPRINGS — At the May 9 Saratoga Springs City School District Board of Education meeting, resident John Miller encouraged the district to consider prohibiting cell phones in high schools and middle schools.

“That’s something that I’m interested in, and that a number of other parents that I’ve talked to are interested in,” Miller said during a public comment period.

Board member Dr. John Brueggemann later echoed Mr. Miller’s idea. “I would like to formally request that the administration look into the possibilities of taking more aggressive steps on this front,” he said.

Board President Tony Krackeler said he could take a straw poll at the next meeting to see how board members feel about the issue.

States across the country – including Florida, Oklahoma, Vermont, and Kansas – have recently introduced legislation designed to curtail cell phone use in schools.