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Child Care Survey: What Are the Needs of Working Families?

SARATOGA COUNTY — One industry, too-often sidelined but absolutely crucial in our modern-day economy, has been significantly impacted by COVID-19: child care. Child care programs provide a place for parents to send their children so they can participate in the workforce, provide for their families, and contribute to the economy. Additionally, child care programs are an integral part of the social and emotional development of our nation’s children. 

As more parents are returning to work compared to the onset of the pandemic months ago, a study released in October by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce shows childcare remains a barrier for parents who want to return to work.

The Saratoga County Prosperity Partnership, Saratoga County Employment & Training, Warren County Employment & Training, Brightside Up, and the Southern Adirondack Child Care Network are conducting a survey to assess the marketplace for future child care needs. 

To take part in the survey, go to: www.surveymonkey.com/r/GRLFBCQ. Data collected will be aggregated and your individual responses will remain confidential.