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“Christmas is the Day that holds all Time Together”

Hello  my Foodie Friends!   

Christmas Eve is right around the corner. For many of us, the holidays generate some of our most vivid memories. It can be funny the interesting things that stick with us. It’s often not at all the presents or the eggnog. It could be a story of spying on “Santa” setting up the presents in the living room, or the first time you watched “It’s a Wonderful Life” starring Jimmy Stewart and watching it with a group of family or friends crammed on a couch. 

When I was a young boy, I shared a small bedroom with my two other brothers Danny and Billy. We had made a pact to finally catch Santa in the act. I was age five, my brother Danny was four and my other brother Billy was almost three. It was a huge undertaking for young boys because we were told that if we didn’t go right to sleep then Santa would not come. However, I needed proof of Santa’s existence. If you know me then you know if I say I’m going to do something, then by golly I’m going to give it my best shot. My father was very aware of his oldest son’s determination and made sure we were all tucked in as he read: “The night before Christmas” to his three conspirators. Now Billy being very young and not quite age three, was really not up to the task after my father’s story reading. He was out fast asleep and Danny was wavering with heavy eyelids. I was focused on my spy caper. I could not sleep and waited about 15 minutes before shaking Danny and saying “let’s go”! We checked on Mom and Dad’s room and made out two figures sleeping. We then turned to go downstairs to say “hello” to Santa. 

We were almost frozen with fear and Danny clung to me like we were attached. We took one squeaky step at a time and our eyes were as big as saucers so we could see in the dark. We made out a figure from the back in a red coat and a big red hat putting presents under the tree. We took another brave squeaky step to see him better and that did it! We then heard a booming low voice saying” WHO’S THERE”? Danny looked at me and tried to scream but nothing came out. We turned and ran back to our beds with so much fear and excitement that we had our proof that Santa really did exist. We repeated this story to our little playground friends for many years. It could not have been Mom and Dad because we were sure they were in their beds. Our parents never commented on the story and always just smiled. When my father passed in 2010 at the age of 88, we were cleaning out his things and I found a box with a Santa hat and a red coat hidden in the back of his closet. I never told my brothers because I wanted to keep the Christmas magic alive. 

What was your best gift ever? Or what were the “little things” that were done that made your holiday special and created that pure holiday magic for you? Make sure you have the must-have supplies you need to stir up your holiday feasts. 

Stop by Compliments to the Chef, your Neighborhood Kitchen and Cutlery store located at 33 Railroad Place in Saratoga Springs. Let us help you with the tools you need to make your food traditions and the gifts to help others create their own. Christmas time is a period of when our past, present and future come together in a magical experience. Our past blends together with our present as we hold dear the traditions set before while creating new memories and traditions in the present that will endure for the future. Remember my Foodie Friends; “Life Happens in the Kitchen.” Put a little holiday magic on your table

Take Care, John & Paula