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City Center Parking Structure Still on Track for Fall 2020

SARATOGA SPRINGS — Work continues on the development of a multi-story parking garage that will connect conference attendees and others with the Saratoga Springs City Center. 

Plans call for the lower level of the structure to be completed and available for use during the summer, with all levels of the structure completed by the fall. 

“The goal is as soon as possible,” City Center Executive Director Ryan McMahon said this week, as a 400 ton crane tended to the business at hand atop the lot where the structure is being developed.

The COVID-19 pandemic slightly affected the progress of the development. 

“We’ll probably open now in early November instead of early October,” McMahon said. 

The City Center itself, like most all other venues across the country where large groups of people gather, has canceled events during the pandemic – although the good news is that most of those events have been rescheduled to take place at a later time, McMahon said. A handful of previously scheduled events slated to take place during the summer are still being held in the hopeful anticipation that they may be able to take place. 

The greater Capital Region –a multi-county area that includes Saratoga – this week entered the third phase of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s four-phase reopening plan. Should infection, hospitalization and death rates due to COVID-19 remain low, the region is slated to enter Phase 4 on July 1. Phase 4 includes arts, entertainment, and recreation.