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City Elections: Ron Kim’s Race For Mayor

Track season is over and electioneering for seats on the Saratoga Springs City Council is in full swing. The good news is come January 1, 2022 we’ll have a new City Council.

However, some things never change. Already, we see the Republican candidate for Mayor claiming her political “independence,” while at the same time taking money, thousands of dollars, from the State Republican Party organization as well as city real-estate developers and land use attorneys doing business with City Hall.

I have witnessed firsthand the failures of both City Hall officials and developers’ disinterest in responding to a neighborhood’s complaint being totally ignored in the planning process. 

For a commitment to positive change in the way Saratoga Springs City government operates, vote for two candidates who will bring much needed balance and qualified experience to City Hall, beginning with Ron Kim for Mayor and Minita Sanghvi for Commissioner of Finance. 

– Marcy Taylor, Saratoga Springs