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City Eyes $54 Million Budget in 2022

SARATOGA SPRINGS — Finance Commissioner Michele Madigan presented the first public glimpse of the city’s proposed 2022 budget this week. 

“The 2022 Comprehensive Budget is driven by an economic recovery that shows improvement, as well as continued unpredictability,” Madigan explained of projected $54 million in revenue in 2022. 

“We will have a new economy, new outlook, new ideas – and a new administration,” said Madigan who is not running for re-election in November. At least four of the five positions up for vote in November will have newly positioned council members. “The budget is key to the city’s continued economic restoration and a visionary rebuild from the pandemic economy of 2020-2021.” 

The 2022 proposed General Operating budget totals $54 million, compared to 2021 ($46.2 million with mid-year 2021 adopted amendments of $49.7M), $48.7 million in 2020, and $47.1 million in 2019. Revenue projections supporting the increase include: VLT Aid, State Aid, Federal American Rescue Act, Sales Tax, Mortgage Tax, Ambulance Transport Charges, and Building Permits, Planning Board and Zoning Board fees.

Sales Tax projections are $14.9 million – a $5.4 million increase over the adopted 2021 estimates. There will be no increase in property tax. 

Costs in 2022 will include a substantial increase in staffing – “numerous replacements and replenishments that were cut or delayed due to the pandemic,” Madigan said.  The funding will lead the way for the hire of three new full-time police officers, four new full-time firefighters, a new assistant building inspector and a sufficiently staffed city IT department, among others. 

Moving forward, budget workshops will be scheduled at various times to accommodate department and taxpayer participation, with a Public Comment period at each workshop. Two public hearings will also be held – the first at 6:45 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 19, prior to the next scheduled meeting of the City Council. 

The 2022 Comprehensive Budget proposal and materials may be viewed on the city’s website at www.saratoga-springs.org