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Core Strength to Prevent Low Back Pain

One of the best things you can do for your low back to help prevent pain and injury is to strengthen your core muscles.

When most people think about their core they think about the abdominal muscles but it actually includes groups of muscles found in your back, buttocks, sides and pelvis. These muscles all play key roles in providing stability for your low back.  If these muscles are weak, your body will rely more on surrounding passive structures for stability such as ligaments and the spinal column itself which can lead to injuries such as sprains and injuries of the intervertebral discs.

Strengthening your core muscles will help reduce the strain on your back and provide stability for the spine which will reduce or prevent pain. Strong core muscles can also lead to better balance and help prevent falls. It is important, however, to strengthen all aspects of the core and not just focus on the abs.  Imbalances in core strength can also lead to injuries such as muscle strains. Below are some recommended exercises that will help strengthen all of the core muscles:

FT CoreStrengthExercises