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Dake Foundation for Children Announces 2023 Board of Directors

SARATOGA SPRINGS — The Dake Foundation for Children has announced their 2023 Board of Directors slate, welcoming three new members to its ranks. Founded by Gary Dake, President of Stewart’s Shops, the Foundation has provided grants to local children with disabilities since 2009 with a focus on inclusion, independence, and fun.

The Dake Foundation’s Board, comprised of 15 community volunteers, will welcome Pam Fisher – Director of Community Relations for Hudson Headwaters Health Network, Linda Miller – pediatric Doctor of Physical Therapy, and JoAnne Starks – Director of Marketing for AAFCPAs.

“Having grown up with progressive hearing loss, the mission of the Foundation is personal to me,” said Fisher of her new role. “I know firsthand that equipment and technology exist that can provide people with greater access to fun. It’s heartbreaking to me that people may opt out of fun activities because they can’t access adaptive equipment. I look forward to connecting young people with these opportunities and furthering the mission of the Foundation.”

Miller joins as a full board member after serving on the Medical Advisory Panel for the past year – a group of specialists and medical professionals who help steer the grant giving process. Starks brings with her over 20 years of marketing experience, and loves to support projects that foster education, youth development, and diversity and inclusion.

“We are a very volunteer-driven organization, and we are incredibly blessed to have Pam, Linda, and JoAnne joining the team,” said executive director Sarah Burns. 

The full 2023 Board of Directors line up can be found at www.dakefoundation.org.