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Exhibition Features Work of Artist Embraced by The Giving Circle

An exhibition of the work of Fred Tusubira takes place Nov. 11 at Saratoga Arts Center.

SARATOGA SPRINGS ­­— An afternoon of conversation and fun centered around the painting of Fred Tusubira is slated to take place 1 to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 11 at Saratoga Arts Center on Broadway. 

Tusubira – or Tsubi, as he is known to his Giving Circle family – grew up in a broken home with a violent and abusive father. Without adequate food, he was always hungry. When his mother was unable to care for him any longer, Tsubi and a younger sister were abandoned before they reached school-age. 

Tsubi and his sister were embraced by The Giving Circle – a Saratoga-based charity – which provided housing and meals at its orphanage in Jinja. The organization also linked him with a sponsor family from Saratoga Springs, which offered support while he attended The Giving Circle’s Busoga School, setting the foundation for his academic and artistic journey.

With support from The Giving Circle, Tsubi enrolled in the Michelangelo College of Creative Arts, where he honed his talent. Through his painting and drawing, Tusbi, now 24, aspires to create more opportunities for himself and his little sister and dreams of making a positive impact in the lives of others, especially those in need, by using his artistic abilities to communicate powerful messages of hope, love and resilience.

Saturday’s exhibition at Saratoga Arts will also include 16 photos by Giving Circle leader Carl Korn. Admission is free, and light snacks will be served.

For more information about the organization and the art show, go to: www.thegivingcircle.org.