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Fine Arts Photographer Show Honoring Veterans at Ballston in November

BALLSTON — Sue Clark will be the featured artists for the month of November at the town of Ballston Library Community Room Art Gallery. 

The exhibition titled “Some Gave All – Honoring All Veterans Photography Show,” features Navajo Code Talkers portraits, Southwest photography, a WWII panoramic photo barn find, local veterans information, books and memorabilia.

On Tuesday, Nov. 15, a Meet and Greet/Show and Tell/Veteran, Family, Community Sit and Reminisce Social Hour takes place 3 p.m. and from 5- 6 p.m. Grant Cottage staff speaker and actor Ben Kemp offers the presentation “A Veteran Speaks: Oscar Kemp of the 115th and the Grand Army, Healing after the War.”

The town of Ballston Community Library is located at 2 Lawmar Lane, Burnt Hills.