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Free Yourself from the Food Fight

“Using force, overriding intuition, undervaluing heart consciousness, berating myself into submission, or changing because I think it’s going to prove my worth, are no longer options for me. Living under those belief systems has created such negative consequences in my life that whenever I can, I try for the most loving, gentle, and allowing path. The path of least resistance.” – from “Mindfulness – An Introduction,” an eBook by personal trainer and wellness coach Allison Petroski.

As if this year wasn’t already stressful enough, now are the holiday feasts and for many of us, the months when battling the bulge becomes a daily tug-of-war. 

“I would love to allow people to let themselves off the hook a little. To tell them they don’t have to radically transform their lives at this time, to take the pressure off,” said Allison Petroski.

For almost a decade, Allison struggled with eating disorders. Anorexic and bulimic in her teens and early twenties, by her mid-20’s she’d stopped exercising and gained 50 lbs.

It was a low point that led her to an out-of-the-box diet plan – a system of making healthier food choices by first calming the nervous system through emotional, mental, physical, spiritual care, mindful living, and self-love. 

“Soothing the nervous system is the key to shifting how you experience your entire life.”

Allison’s experience as a personal trainer and wellness coach, as well as a group fitness instructor at the Saratoga Springs Branch of the Saratoga Regional YMCA, combined with the advice from international motivational speakers including Louise Hay, Pema Condron, and Abraham Hicks, has informed her unique relationship to food and exercise – a system where you love the body to transform it.

“Stress, anxiety and depression are huge contributors to anxiety, depression, and mental unrest. There are all these emotions around self-acceptance, the negative self-talk, and why we use food as a coping mechanism, that there’s often such a disconnect between our mind and our body that we don’t tune in to our own hunger and fullness cues. It seems like a very simple act to know when we’re hungry, but it actually takes an immense amount of wisdom and connection,” said Allison. 

Allison has helped many of her clients lose 50 to 100 lbs. but the weight-loss is really a side-effect of the healthier mindset she teaches them how to develop.

“What people are most excited about is that they achieve a level of freedom from the obsessive quality that food and weight have on our brains and that they can bring into our lives,” she said.

If you want help identifying your own unhealthy patterns and a personalized plan, Allison offers weight-loss coaching sessions over the phone and by email. For personal training exercise routines, she conducts in-home visits or Zoom calls.

To find out more and to get a copy of her mindfulness eBook, find her on Facebook or go to www.loveittotransformit.com