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Heidi Owen West: Making A Better Place For Us to Live

Heidi Owen West ~ I am not writing this letter as a political person, but I am writing it as I know and love the character of Heidi!  I have been blessed by Heidi coming into my life through the loss of her mother, and my best friend.  I had known Heidi before her mother’s illness, and quite loved her kindness and joy for life and sincere interest in all that crossed her path.  I had not come to know the depth of Heidi’s goodness and grace at that point.  I watched Heidi’s unconditional love and care with awe.  She was by her mother’s side, advocating, researching, tenderly caring for all of her physical and emotional needs daily.  Such love in action is what made me fall in love with Heidi, a beautiful gift her mother had once more given to me.

Since Heidi’s Mom passing, I have continued to be blessed by Heidi and her love for me and my family.  She is such a beautiful part of our lives and I am so grateful that I know the Heidi West that cares constantly about other’s needs.  She gives and gives and gives, all the while trying to never let anyone know it is her behind the thoughtful deeds.  She loves from a pure heart, never from selfish conceit.  My sister suddenly passed away in New Orleans a few years ago.  Heidi never asked what I needed, Heidi quietly flew there to be with me and quietly waited with arms open wide for everyone to fall in to be loved compassionately.  I don’t think people see the kindness she shows the needy on the street, she calls them by name and listens to them without judgement.   She tirelessly shares her talents, her resources, her mind and body and her heart to make a better place for us to live.

I feel so proud and happy to say Heidi is now a beautiful member of our family, loved and adored by each one of us, and I am so grateful for the joy she has added to our lives.  i wish everyone knew the Heidi I know and how  I thank you Heidi Owen West, for interrupting your life to make ours better!!! I dearly love you!!!

– XO, Ninki Carroll