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Hello from Amanda Ellithorpe, BOE Candidate


Hello fellow Saratogians. I’m running for the Board of Education on May 18 and want to take an opportunity to introduce myself.

I’ve been a resident of Saratoga Springs for over 10 years. A native of the Boston area, I’ve lived all over the country and was excited when I had the opportunity to relocate to Saratoga for work. I instantly fell in love with Saratoga’s unique combination of history, nature, and the arts and was grateful to settle here and start my family.

I’m a single mother and mompreneur. I have two young daughters who are enrolled at Caroline Street Elementary School. I’m a literacy advocate working with a children’s publisher on both a local and national level. Previously, I worked in the non-profit arts sector. I’ve been an active member of the Caroline Street PTA for three years and serve as a Girl Scout Troop Leader.

Raised by two educators, one of whom was a public school English teacher for over 30 years, I’ve always had a passion for education. However, after the past year, I feel even more committed to ensuring our community’s children have a safe and healthy environment in which to learn and that all students have equal access to educational opportunities. The events of 2020 shined a light on the importance of a healthy family unit, the unique and pivotal role our schools play in children’s lives on many levels, and the need for balanced conversations among parents, educators and administration.

Thank you for taking some time to learn more about me! I’d love to hear from you and what matters to you in regards to our school district. Please feel free to email me at ReadingMamaUBAM@gmail.com. I look forward to hearing from you!   

– Amanda Ellithorpe