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HEROES: 2 HS Seniors Save A Life

SARATOGA SPRINGS — City Mayor John Safford on April 16 proclaimed Hayden Shields and Sophie O’Donnell Day, and honored the Saratoga Springs High School seniors with the keys to the city for saving a life of a car accident victim one year ago in Saratoga Springs.

On the afternoon of April 13, 2023, Shields and O’Donnell were driving south on West Avenue when another car traveling in the opposite direction suddenly swerved into their path and crashed into a utility pole. 

“Fortunately Mr. Shields and Ms. O’Donnell suffered no injuries, and they might have chosen at that moment to drive on just as many other nearby vehicles were doing. They chose instead to do something very different,” reads the proclamation. “They parked their vehicle, dialed 911 to immediately report the accident, and then rushed to the scene of the accident to see if there was anything they could do to help.” 

Following the reading of the proclamation, Shields and O’Donnell received a standing ovation at City Hall.