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Homes for Orphaned Pets Volunteer Spotlight: Azlyn Belisle

Q: Why did you become a H.O.P.E. volunteer? 
A: I wanted to be more involved with the community, and since I like animals, I thought volunteering with an animal rescue would be fun. I honestly don’t remember how I found H.O.P.E. 

Q: What do you do for H.O.P.E.? 
A: I help at H.O.P.E.’s Pet Adoption Center – anything from cleaning to playing with the cats to greeting visitors. I also help with H.O.P.E.’s Instagram Accounts. And I help gather photos of H.O.P.E. pets, volunteers and supporters to use in the slide shows they use for their Annual Gala and other events. 

Q: What is your favorite part about volunteering? 
A: I think it is super fun to see animals find a new home and to see the look on the adopters faces when they get that new pet. 

Q: Do you have a favorite adoption story? 
A: A Pit Bull Mix named Simba. He was so charming, at first I didn’t understand why he hadn’t been adopted. I found out his one fault was that he couldn’t live with cats, so he was with H.O.P.E. for a long time. Just when I least expected it, the perfect home was found for him. 

Q: What would you say to someone thinking about volunteering with H.O.P.E.? 
A: Definitely reach out and contact us. There are so many ways you can help us.