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It’s In The Cargo

Hello my Foodie Friends!

During these winter days, many individuals try to take a break to different parts of the country or world especially to the “warmer” sections of the globe. Although Saratoga is not considered “tropical” it does draw many travelers throughout the year. We enjoy talking to many of our culinary guests and hearing about what can be eventful travels from afar. Most recently, a couple from New Zealand shared a story about their son that brought back memories of a family vacation we had to Disney. 

Back in 2004, going through security at the airport had become a planned task to anticipate when beginning your travels.  My son was 12 and my daughter was 9 at the time.  I was bound to a wheel chair having just had surgery on my foot.  Security had chosen our family randomly to do a full security check. We all moved to the side and cooperated with the officers who held wands in their hands to check us.  My wife, daughter, and I all went through quickly. However, as I glanced to find my son – he was being held by one of the security officers.  We stood watching as the officer placed his wand and tapped on my son’s pocket of his cargo pants.  My son reached into his pocket and pulled out a bag of candy.  The guard then moved to the other pocket of my son’s pants and tapped on the pocket.  My son pulled out another bag of candy.  At this point my wife and I looked at each other wondering why my son packed all of this candy – since he never ate it and we rarely had it in the house. The security check was not quite over. The security officer continued to tap all of the pockets in my son’s cargo pants.  As you may know – cargo pants have many pockets.  My wife and I stood with our mouths open and were laughing each time my son reached into his pockets and pulled out more and more candy!! We could not believe what we saw. The security officer tried not to laugh as we kept proclaiming amazement of what we saw.  Once we made it past airport security – our vacation was incredible with many wonderful memories to add to our candy cargo stop. 

My son was able to keep all of the candy he had stashed away like a squirrel.  To this day – we are not quite sure why he had that much candy on him since he was and is still not a big candy eater. 

So how does this story tie into the culinary world? Chefs both professional and for those who just enjoy cooking find that storing and carrying their knives to cooking events or various locations can be a task and must be properly done. Chefs love their knives. They carry them everywhere in knife rolls, which are bags designed to house a whole bunch of very sharp knives in the safest and most discreet way possible.

You may not think you need to carry around knives and other kitchen tools. But if you’re planning a blowout barbecue at your summer rental house, or a camping trip that will involve fireside cooking, you should consider getting a knife roll.  For many, bringing knives and culinary tools with them to where they are traveling or cooking is considered precious cargo. Consider a knife bag as a way of assisting with those travels. 

We welcome our many visitors to Saratoga Springs, New York and look forward to hearing more of the fun stories that exist in traveling. Stop by Compliments to the Chef, your Neighborhood Kitchen and Cutlery store to assist with your culinary needs.  We carry “cool tools” for the chef on the go.  Remember: “Life Happens in the Kitchen.”

 Take Care,
John & PaulaREARDON BeefStroganoff