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It’s in the Cargo

Hello  my Foodie Friends!   

Today is our son John IV birthday. To celebrate his birthday, I would like to share a story about traveling with John. I often tell this story each year with our foodie friends – especially during a time when many of us have been traveling to escape the colder temperatures. 

Back in 2004, going through security at the airport had become a planned task to anticipate when beginning your travels.  My son was age twelve and my daughter was nine at the time.  I was bound to a wheel chair having just had surgery on my foot.  Security had chosen our family randomly to do a full security check. We all moved to the side and cooperated with the officers who held wands in their hands to check us.  My wife, daughter, and I all went through quickly. However, as I glanced to find my son – he was being held by one of the security officers.  We stood watching as the officer placed his wand and tapped on my son’s pocket of his cargo pants.  My son reached into his pocket and pulled out a bag of candy.  The guard then moved to the other pocket of my son’s pants and tapped on the pocket.  My son pulled out another bag of candy.  At this point my wife and I looked at each other wondering why our son packed all of this candy – since he never ate it and we rarely had it in the house. The security check was not quite over. The security officer continued to tap all of the pockets in my son’s cargo pants.  As you may know – cargo pants have many pockets.  My wife and I stood with our mouths open and were laughing each time our son reached into his pockets and pulled out more and more candy!! We could not believe what we saw. The security officer tried not to laugh as we kept proclaiming amazement of what we saw.  Once we made it past airport security – our vacation was incredible with many wonderful memories to add to our candy cargo stop.  He was able to keep all of the candy he had stashed away like a squirrel.  To this day – we are not quite sure why he had that much candy on him, especially now as an adult with his own career and lives out in San Diego – he is not a big candy eater. 

At Compliments to the Chef, your Neighborhood Kitchen and Cutlery store located at 33 Railroad Place, we carry an assortment of culinary tools. For those traveling, bring a special gift for your foodie that may be either back home or who you will be visiting. There is always something someone needs in their culinary arsenal.  Visit our cool tool gadget wall, beautiful cutting boards, baking supplies, knives, maybe that non-stick pan that someone needs, or something simple like a wooden spoon, pepper or salt mills, instant read thermometer, or visit our wine and cocktail accessory section. Traveling can be quite an event.

Have fun in your travels and adventures especially when you are bringing children with you. Make magical memories and remember to laugh. To our son John IV; we are so proud of the person you are. You still make us smile and laugh. Happy Birthday. Remember my Foodie Friends; “Life Happens in the Kitchen.” 

Take Care, John & Paula