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‘Let Our Residents Enjoy Saratoga Lake’: Town of Malta Buys Former Mangino’s Property, Plans To Build Public Park

The former Mangino’s Ristorante. Photo by Dylan McGlynn.

MALTA — The Town of Malta has purchased the property of the former Mangino’s Ristorante, and the town has plans to turn the location into public lake access and more.

Mangino’s, a restaurant run by the Mangino family for 72 years, closed in 2018. Town of Malta Supervisor Mark Hammond said plans for the town to purchase the property were “long-awaited.” The town purchased the property for $1.9 million, Hammond said.

“This has been something that was on my radar nearly two years ago, when I was deputy supervisor,” said Hammond. “I really thought that property was something, that it would be a benefit to the town residents to obtain that and solidify and firm up any lake access we would ever have on behalf of our town to the lake.”

Hammond said he “breathed a huge sigh of relief” when the sale was finalized, emphasizing the importance of the town having public lake access. 

“Really happy that we’re at this point,” Hammond said. “It’s step one. …The major step is the first one, and that was getting the property.”

Hammond said he hopes to create office space and boat slips/launches for the Saratoga Lake Protection and Improvement District (SLIPID), the Malta Ridge Volunteer Fire Company, and the Saratoga County Sheriff’s Office Marine Patrol. 

Hammond said there are also goals to build a park for residents, and mentioned picnic spaces, a non-motorized launch, and a fishing pier as possibilities. Hammond said the goal is to allow the town’s residents to “enjoy the lake.”

“That’s our goal. Let our residents enjoy Saratoga Lake,” said Hammond. “It’s our way of affording them access to that body of water that a lot of people enjoy. But from the Town of Malta standpoint, we had nothing until now that guaranteed our residents access to that lake.”

Hammond said he envisions the park holding picnic areas, grill setups, and more, allowing a space where residents can relax by the water and “enjoy the serenity of the lake.”

“Basically, just relax, and enjoy one of the beauties that we have right in our backyard,” Hammond said. “It really, truly, is a gem.”

Hammond also said it would be beneficial for SLIPID, Malta Ridge, and the County Sheriff’s Marine Unit to have a presence on the lake. He said SLIPID “are the true stewards” of Saratoga Lake.

“I want them to have their own bonafide office space, where they can show the residents, and have a presence at this location, to show, ‘Hey, this is what we’re doing to keep this lake healthy, and keep it safe,’” said Hammond. “I’d like to have those three entities have a means to say, ‘OK, this is where we can launch to and from, or slip,’ and also provide what small office space they may need to facilitate their operations daily.”

The property is roughly 2.65 acres in total, said Bonnie Mangino, daughter-in-law of former Mangino’s owners Richard and Pauline Mangino and a former employee of the restaurant. She said the family is “so grateful” to Hammond and the town for their purchase.

“We are so grateful to Mark Hammond. It’s really his vision to make that happen, and to make sure that property didn’t go to some sort of private development,” said Mangino. “He worked hard, and over a long period of time, to make that happen.”

Mangino said the family is glad the property will become a resource for local residents.

“Gratitude is the absolute feeling of the week, and the month, and the year,” Mangino said. “Toward a lot of people, but Mark is at the top of that list, for sure. …Years from now, people won’t remember our name or his name, but they’ll know that park and they’ll love it.”

Hammond said the town is hoping to move quickly, attempting to maintain “forward momentum” with the project.

“Once we get pointed into a direction of what we should do, I’m going to move as quickly as I can,” said Hammond. “Not because I want to do it out of haste, but because I don’t want this opportunity to lose its steam. I want this to move forward, and I want it to be available for people sooner than later.”