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Little Free Puzzles

SARATOGA SPRINGS — There may be over 100,000 “Little Free Libraries” in the world but Saratoga Springs may be the very first to host a “Jigsaw Puzzle Exchange Box.”

Located on North Street, the “Puzzle Exchange Box” houses puzzles on two shelves that keep them protected from the elements and accessible to neighbors. This one-of-a-kind creation was erected by local resident Lauren Granahan.

 “There are no real rules” says Lauren. “You can take a puzzle and leave a puzzle or just take a puzzle or drop one off.” 

So far there has been great turnaround and the puzzle box has stayed consistently stocked with a variety of puzzles for all levels of puzzle enthusiasts. Neighbors have been getting quite a kick out of it. Granahan is also known for putting up the dog treat and waste bag box for area puppies and their owners. 

Little Free Library is a nonprofit organization that inspires a love of reading, builds community, and sparks creativity by fostering neighborhood book exchanges around the world.

Through Little Free Library book exchanges, millions of books are exchanged each year, profoundly increasing access to books for readers of all ages and backgrounds. Their website can be reached at littlefreelibrary.org.