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Live Online Talk May 4 with Artist Paul Akira Miyamoto

LAKE GEORGE — The Lake George Arts Project’s Courthouse Gallery presents GO HOME, a solo exhibition of work by Paul Akira Miyamoto. In place of an on-site gallery reception, LGAP will host a Live Online Talk with Paul Akira Miyamoto 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 4. A direct link to the discussion will be posted at www.lakegeorgearts.org on the day of the event.

Miyamoto’s grandparents came to the United States from Kumamoto, Japan, and worked as itinerant farmers throughout the central coast of California and the desert of the Imperial Valley. During WWII they, along with Paul’s parents and oldest sibling, were sent to Poston Camp in Arizona. The internment of naturalized citizens as well as Americans of Japanese descent, from 1941 to 1946, informs much of Paul’s work of late.  The figures in his paintings recall the Issei, a term used for first generation Japanese Americans who emigrated from Japan, but were not eligible for U.S. citizenship. The distilled forms of field workers, often placed in landscapes drawn from his own memory, portray the strength and endurance of past family members, but could easily represent present-day immigrant farmworkers. 

You can learn more about his work atpaulmiyamotoart.com.

The Courthouse Gallery is located at the side entrance of the Old County Courthouse, corner of Canada and Lower Amherst St, Lake George. Regular Gallery hours may change due to COVID-19 public health concerns and protocols. For updates call 518-323-5499 or  email laura@lakegeorgarts.org or visit www.lakegeorgearts.org.