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Lombardo Opens New Saratoga Springs Law Office, Puts Family First

SARATOGA SPRINGS — Jacqualine C. Lombardo opened Lombardo Law in May, a law practice with a focus on family law and criminal defense matters. 

After four-and-a-half years as Executive Director of Support Ministries, Inc., an Albany based supportive housing program for homeless individuals with chronic health conditions, Lombardo says her passion for advocacy in the courtroom became so apparent that opening her own practice was the best and right next step. 

“My opinion on being a lawyer is that it is one of the most important professions one can practice. As an attorney, we hold people’s life-outcomes in our hands,” Lombardo said, in a statement. “We can change the trajectory of the future of communities, states and government. We are the fighters of justice and so our responsibility is just that.” 

Lombardo graduated Western Michigan University, Cooley Law School in 2013. While a student attorney with the Access to Justice Clinic, she provided two terms of legal representation to indigent persons in family law matters, externship with ACLU Hawaii in its legislative intern program and completed two legal research papers addressing the Violence Against Women’s Act and its application to immigrants and the Constitutional implications of the 4th, 5th, 6th and 14th Amendment on those involved in child abuse and neglect proceedings. She currently sits on the Attorney for Children Panel in Saratoga County. 

Lombardo Law is located at 100 West Ave., Saratoga Springs. For more information, email jclombardoesq@gmail.com or call 518-505-6998.