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Madigan, Candidate for Saratoga County Supervisor

I am privileged to be running for election as your next Saratoga County Supervisor, and, after serving as your Commissioner of Finance for ten years, I am once again humbly asking for your support.

My foremost priority is to build a better relationship between Saratoga County and the City of Saratoga Springs. Cooperation and communication between the county and the city are essential for the prosperity of our community. By fostering a strong and collaborative partnership, we can address shared challenges more efficiently, allocate resources more effectively, and ensure that both the county and the city are working towards common goals. This improved relationship will ultimately benefit all residents, leading to better services, increased opportunities, and a stronger sense of unity.

Additionally, I would like to stress the importance of bringing the city and the county closer together to tackle the issue of homelessness. By working together, we can establish comprehensive and sustainable solutions to address the root causes of homelessness, such as affordable housing, mental health services, and access to job opportunities. Let us demonstrate our compassion and responsibility by creating a community that ensures no one is left behind.

The implementation of a policy to close bars earlier is also crucial to better protect the public and to alleviate the strain on our emergency services, especially in the peak summer season. By setting an earlier closing time for bars, we can reduce the likelihood of alcohol-related incidents, such as drunk driving, fights, and other unfortunate occurrences that threaten the safety of our residents, visitors, and first responders. This measure will not only enhance public safety but also contribute to the overall quality of life in our city.

It is my hope that we can unite together to address these issues as a community, for the greater good of all residents.

I am honored to ask for your vote in the upcoming election. Election Day is Tuesday, November 7, and early voting begins on Saturday, October 28. You will find my name on the ballot on both the Democratic line and the One Saratoga line.

Thank you for your consideration.

– Michele Madigan, Candidate for Saratoga County Supervisor, City of Saratoga Springs

For more about Michele’s campaign, visit www.ElectMadigan.com