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Making Better Decisions: Local Brokers Assist Seniors in Navigating Medicare

In our work as health insurance brokers, we have countless times run across prospects who are on Medicare health plans that are wildly inappropriate for their personal needs. When we see this, we sometimes ask the prospect how they wound up on that plan and the answer is often, “I just called some phone number on TV,” or “I just signed up for something online.” In this article, we would like to discuss the importance of working with a trusted local broker in making better Medicare decisions. 

One of the defining characteristics of working with a local broker is impartiality. With so many health plans available, a local broker with access to numerous insurers can help you cut through the noise to match you with the Medicare plan that best suits your needs. The key, however, is finding a broker that has contracts with many insurers in the marketplace and can offer access to the greatest number of options. Additionally, a good broker seeks to build relationships with clients and guides them when updating plans for changing needs. 

Clients who wish to obtain a higher level of service may also consider consulting a local health insurance broker. We not only help you find competitive pricing but are also personal advisors and advocates. We ensure that you are adequately covered and advocate for you if there is a billing or claim concern. Many people detest the impersonal experience of dialing a national 1-800 number as their only resort when they have a question or concern. However, we can assist with most inquires as a part of our ongoing relationship, offering you a higher level of service and additional layer of support. Best of all, our services are no charge to you; there are no fees for using a broker.

Given the health and financial implications of making Medicare decisions, we believe that everyone should have access to a trusted local broker who is impartial, service-oriented and supportive of your needs. To see if consulting a local health insurance broker can assist you in making better Medicare decisions, please call Bruce or Logan at Blue Chip in Saratoga at 518-584-8057 or visit our website at www.1bluechip.com.