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Meet the Saratoga Springs Board of Education Candidates

SARATOGA SPRINGS — The Saratoga Springs City School District has seven candidates running for the Board of Education 2020 vacancies. 

Each year, there are three BOE vacancies, each for three-year terms. On June 1, the candidates will discuss issues in a virtual forum from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. hosted by the League of Women Voters of Saratoga County. The discussion will be hosted on Webex and a log-in will be available on the school’s website with the ability to sign in as an attendee. 

The seven candidates running are as followed: Marissa Altimar, Erika Borman, Anjeanette Emeka, Scott Jackson, Tony Krackeler, Casey Putnam and Matthew Taylor. 

On May 1, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced the 2020 school budget vote and BOE election will take place on June 9. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the executive order moved the vote to exclusively be done through absentee ballot. The following information is according to each candidate’s Facebook page.

“I have lived in Saratoga Springs for over 2 years now. Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, I started out as a single mother at age 22, and worked my way through college after my daughter was born so I could give her a better life, and serve as her role model. She now attends SSHS, and I couldn’t be happier that she is in such a remarkable school.”

“My goals:  
Improve our continuity of learning platform to reach all students during these challenging times. 
Support policies that address equity in education, mental health and overall safety of our students. 
Provide teachers with the resources they need to be successful. 
Protect our education and sports programs. Encourage engagement with our entire school community”

Anjeanette Emeka
“Neighbors, I am finishing the third year of my first term as a board trustee for the Saratoga Springs City School District. It has been hard work, incredibly rewarding and I love it! I hope to gain your support”

“I would be proud to serve and represent the SSCSD community if given the opportunity. It takes vision, effective communication skills and business and personnel experience to be a positive contributor to a school board. These are all skills that I use in both the USPS and the U.S. Army every day. All SSCSD students, families, and taxpayers deserve a unified school board that works together towards the future, with the goal of providing children the absolute best public school education and experience.”

“I think the coming few years are going to be uniquely challenging for our district as processes, procedures, and finances will change and be disrupted. I want to make sure we look out for the students, families, teachers, and staff who will be asked to do things differently in the years ahead but who will still need and deserve the levels of excellence and humanity that they are used to, and which our district continually strives to provide. I would very much like to use my long experience in both education and running a business in the service of an institution (American public education) that has given me and my children far more than I could ever repay.”

“It is clear that the months ahead will require creative solutions to unprecedented financial, instructional, and logistical problems. I would like to be part of addressing these challenges in a way that keeps students moving forward academically and perhaps enhances their capacity for empathy, their stores of patience, and their ability to be flexible. I believe we have already seen this is possible from our educators, our students, and our community.”

“I believe my perspective as a recent graduate is a great benefit and a voice that has never been but should be on the board. I look forward to listening to you and working hard to earn your vote on June 9 (via mail in ballot!).”