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Michelle Ostrelich will Advocate for Saratoga Schools, Teachers, and Students as State Senator

Dear Editor, Michelle Ostrelich seeks to represent District 44 in the NY State Senate. As Schenectady County Legislator, Michelle shows that quality education, access, support, and safety will be top of mind for Saratoga’s dedicated, talented teachers, administrators, and all the students they serve. Michelle will

• Work to reform the state budget process so every school district receives full and fair funding annually. Expand access to affordable, high-quality childcare. Implement universal pre-K, and bring full-day kindergarten to the Shenendehowa district.

• Advocate for NYSUT as they strive to improve the lives and health of their members.

• Continue to support common sense gun laws, such as higher age for assault-type rifle ownership and expanding Red Flag laws for high-risk individuals. 

Michelle really cares about her constituents and gets an A+ on these issues. Know your candidates. See why Michelle Ostrelich is right for Saratoga. www.michelleforstatesenate.com 

– Stacey Farber