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More Problematic Dillon Moran Issues

Saratoga Springs Commissioner of Accounts Dillon Moran never seizes to amaze.

  1. In his proposed 2025 department budget, Moran has included over $6,000.00 in on-call pay for his Deputy, Stacey Connors. One would think that the ongoing criminal investigation into him and his Deputy on this issue would have made him cautious. Instead, he seems to have just doubled down.
  2. Reliable sources tell me that he has generated another $12,000.00 in bills with his downstate attorney over the on-call scandal on top of the $60,000.00 plus approved by Jason Golub, Minita Sanghvi, and Moran (a clear conflict of interest). He has not submitted the new bills for payment yet. The city is currently enjoined from paying the original bill pending a decision by Judge Freestone. I assume he is waiting for her final decision before submitting this additional bill he has accrued to the Council.
  3. In the October 4, 2024, edition of the Saratogian, Dillon Moran is quoted making the following false statement about Public Safety Commissioner Tim Coll and particularly Mayor John Safford:

They (Mayor Safford and Commissioner Coll) don’t want to have the election,” Moran said following the meeting. “The mayor has told me, to my face, he does not want an election. Maybe he forgets, I don’t know, but literally I had conversations with him today that he completely either forgot or ignored or refuses to acknowledge.

This is false as anyone who followed what passed for a discussion at the Council table knows. In fact, earlier in the same article, the paper reports that Mayor Safford was for the election. It is grotesque but not out of character that he would try to slander the Mayor by inventing the alleged conversation.

It is hard to report on Dillon Moran without appearing shrill because his behavior is extraordinarily dishonest and manipulative, even by today’s dreadful standards of politics.

I used to speak to Moran, but over a year ago, I stopped. Routinely, he would promise to send me documents supporting his statements and then not do so. He frequently told me things that were clearly false. As anyone who has dealt with Moran on the phone knows, it is hard to politely end the conversation. I was forced to advise him that anything he wanted to say to me, he should put in writing. He has never sent me an email or responded to an emailed question since then.