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National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame’s Rodion Cantacuzene Scholarship Awarded to Saratoga Springs High School Senior Corwin Freedman

SARATOGA SPRINGS — Corwin Freedman, a senior at Saratoga Springs High School, has been awarded the National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame’s 2020 Rodion Cantacuzene Scholarship. Freedman, who will attend the University of New Hampshire in the fall and study classics and biology, has been awarded $1,000 toward his college costs.   

The Rodion Cantacuzene Scholarship was established in the spring of 2015 in honor of Mr. Cantacuzene’s 30 years of service to the National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame’s Board of Trustees. The scholarship is intended to foster like-minded leaders, philanthropists, and volunteers throughout our communities. It is awarded annually to a deserving high school senior from Saratoga County. The recipient will have demonstrated a record of academic excellence, an interest in history and/or the arts, and exemplary service to the community.

Freedman aspires to be a teacher after graduating from college. He is a dedicated member of the Saratoga Springs community and was a leader of three volunteer-based clubs at Saratoga Springs High School, including the school’s eco-garden, which provides fresh food for the school cafeteria, and the Saratoga Naturalist Club, which cleans the school and leads recycling initiatives. He also volunteers with the Saratoga Therapeutic Equine Program, which provides equine-assisted therapy to special needs children, stroke victims, and veterans suffering from PTSD.

“The National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame is proud to present Corwin with the 2020 Rodion Cantacuzene Scholarship,” said Lindsay Doyle, the Museum’s educator. “The Museum staff is very impressed with Corwin’s activism and passion. He is an ideal candidate for this scholarship. We wish him all the best at New Hampshire.”

For more information about the Museum, including special events and program offerings, please call 518-584-0400 or visit our website at www.racingmuseum.org.