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No Matter How You Dice the Ice, Record High Temps = Ice Shortages

And you think it’s hot, last week Stewart’s Shops sold over one million pounds of ice and they still ran out. That’s enough ice to provide every person in the Stewart’s market area with fifteen ice cubes to cool them down on a hot summer day. 

When temperatures reach 80 degrees, ice sales increase dramatically and when temperatures exceed 90 degrees, ice can be hard to find. In a typical week, Stewart’s would receive deliveries from Maplewood Ice every three days to each shop, but with the unusually long hot spell, the company had to think outside the (ice) box.

To beat the heat, Stewart’s set up ice trailers at busy shops and is using their drivers and trucks to deliver ice to their busiest shops. Despite all these additional efforts, Stewart’s Shops is sorry to say that they did run out of ice in some areas. 

Stewart’s Shop’s hauling supervisor Joe Barton said, “A well-stocked ice truck is the coolest place to be on a 90 degree day. Delivering the ice, well, that is another story.”

Ice wasn’t the only item in demand on July 4, the company sold an astounding 4,500 bags of firewood. That’s enough firewood to supply each campfire at every single NYS campground with three logs to fuel their memory-making campfires.