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“Nothing’s better than a Picnic” – Zooey Deschanel

Hello my Foodie Friends! 

This is Memorial Day weekend! Hopefully, the weather will cooperate so we can have our outdoor picnics to celebrate the holiday. I am so happy to see the sun and the warmer temperatures. The season between Memorial Day and Labor Day brings the opportunity to host many outside events. Having a picnic with family and friends on a beautiful day can be a time that creates those unforgettable moments and memories that last a lifetime. 

Having or attending a picnic remains one of my favorite things to do during the summer. This stems back to my childhood. As I have mentioned in past articles, I am one of five children. Having two sisters and two brothers always meant that the house was crazy, and my mother would do what she could to keep us outdoors. Picnic time was a word that would stir up excitement and anticipation of having our favorite potato and egg salads, hamburgers, hot dogs, and other fabulous items that our family and friends would bring to the picnic. In fact, insects are so common when dining outdoors, that there are even clichés about ants showing up at a picnic or flies getting stuck in the potato salad. It goes without saying, that you need to come up with ways to protect your food from these unwanted invaders.

One way to do just that is by using mesh screen food cover tents. As you might guess, these are dome-shaped screens that fit over dishes of food on the table. These unique food covers offer quite a few advantages. For one thing, they do a great job of keeping insects away. The holes in the mesh are small enough that they keep even the tiniest bugs from getting through. When you use these covers, you don’t have to worry about shooing insects away from the food table. Instead, you can rest easy knowing that all of your food is safe and secure. At the same time, the covers make it easy for guests to access the food. They are lightweight and easy to move. Grabbing food from un-derneath them is as simple as lifting up the cover and dishing up the food onto a plate. When the guest is done, they can simply replace the cover to protect the dish again. The whole process is incredibly easy.

At Compliments to the Chef, your Neighborhood Kitchen and Cutlery store, we carry various sizes of food tents. Stop by this weekend to pick up the essentials you will need to assist with your gatherings. 

We would like to thank all who have either served or are currently serving our country for your service. My father served in WWII fighting on the beaches of Normandy under General George Patton; my father-in-law served 22 years in the army, training and commanding young recruits in Korea and beyond. Our parents come from a period that is called “the greatest generation.” The stories that both my father and father-in-law have given over the years about their time in the war or in the service, and the stories both my mother and mother-in-law have told, reflect an incredible period of our history. 

Just before you’re ready to eat, stop and raise a glass to reflect and cheer all those who have given so much for us. Have a nice weekend and remember my Foodie Friends: “Life Happens in the Kitchen!”

 Take Care,
John & Paula

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