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Quitting Smoking Can Reduce Back Pain

Many people realize the damage that smoking can do to their lungs, with those who smoke being thirty times more prone to develop lung cancer or die from this disease than a non-smoker. But what is lesser known is the negative impact that cigarettes can have on the musculoskeletal system, giving you just one more reason to quit the habit. 

Smoking’s Impact on the Musculoskeletal System 

How does smoking hurt our muscles, bones, and other soft tissues? The answer lies, in part, in the way that it affects the circulatory system. 

Generally, tobacco and the components within tobacco smoke damage the small arteries in the body first, this is why it is so detrimental to the heart’s arteries. As it turns out, the spine’s smaller blood vessels are vulnerable to this damage as well, especially those that supply the endplates of the vertebra and tissue surrounding the disc.

This is why smoking and chronic pain in the spine often go hand in hand. A 2016 study of 34,525 American adults found that as exposure to smoking increased, so too did back pain. 

Smoking’s damage to the blood vessels and their surrounding areas is also why a tobacco user is more prone to problems after spinal surgery. In fact, many spine orthopedists won’t operate on someone until they quit smoking as the vast majority of complications and post-surgical infections are in tobacco users.

Smoking can also worsen inflammatory conditions, such as rheumatic diseases that affect the joints. Quitting is even one of the main lifestyle recommendations for people with neck pain, tension headaches, osteoarthritis in the knee and hip, and fibromyalgia.

How Important Is Quitting Smoking for Musculoskeletal Health? 

Many factors contribute to the health of the musculoskeletal system, some of which include getting regular exercise and eating a healthy diet. So, how much does quitting smoking contribute to this health? For smokers, the single most important thing they can do for their health, regardless of whether we are talking about lung health, heart health, or musculoskeletal health, is to stop smoking. This includes not just smokers but also people engaged in any kind of tobacco use, such as chewing or vaping.

Quitting smoking is helpful for people with both acute and chronic back pain. Acute back pain is pain that occurs suddenly and is generally short-lived while chronic back pain tends to come about slowly over time but is long lasting. In the case of acute back pain, smoking can make it harder to heal and may even contribute to the pain turning chronic. In short, if someone smokes, it is complicating their ability to get well and stay well. 

If You’re Ready to Kick the Smoking Habit 

Quitting smoking isn’t easy. This is evidenced by research that reports that out of the smokers in the U.S. who will try to kick the habit this year, only 7.5% will succeed. But this same research also stresses that the earlier a smoker quits, the better. Therefore, if you’re ready to take the next step and stop smoking for good, numerous resources can help. 

One option is to call the Quitline at 1-800-QuitNOW. The Quitline is a joint effort led by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Cancer Institute and aims to connect smokers with counselors, local smoking cessation programs, and even free medication to help them quit. 

Other resources include: 

Nicotine Anonymous: This nonprofit organization offers a 12-step program designed to help people quit all forms of tobacco and nicotine by attending local meetings with others who have the same goal. This provides support while quitting, also enabling you to learn from others who have been successful in stopping tobacco and nicotine use. 

American Cancer Society’s tips and tools: The American Cancer Society offers many valuable tips and tools for ceasing tobacco use. They include access to a “Guide to Quitting” which covers everything from making a plan to quit to dealing with the mental side of tobacco addiction, access to other smoking cessation resources, or even calling them directly at 800-227-2345 to discuss your particular challenges and which resources may help most. 

• American Heart Association’s quit smoking recommendations: Because smoking is harmful to the heart, the American Heart Association offers the five steps to quitting, which involves setting a quit day, choosing how you’ll quit, and making a plan for your “Quit Day” and to see if some type of medication can help. 

It’s also helpful to talk to your chiropractor about your desire to quit smoking. They can help identify your options, also serving as an ally in your fight to become smoke-free.